In this Blog I will discuss Life the Universe and Everything, and maybe even Prairie Home Companion.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
America's Cities, A ForeWarning of The Coming Martial Law
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Friday, November 28, 2008
The Dollar and the Great De-Leveraging
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The Dollar and the Great De-Leveraging
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Zombie Bankers Feast On U.S. Economy
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Orwell Lives - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
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Can Obama's Stimulus Plan Spur Green Jobs in the U.S.?
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Why Nobody Wants to Bail Out Automakers, Except Bureaucrats
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3 Hedge Funds Say NO To Clients Who Want To Withdraw Money
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Thursday, November 27, 2008
Robert Scheer: Obama Chooses Wall Street Over Main Street
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The man who should be Treasury Secretary
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Thomas Friedman: Citigroup Failed Every Step of the Way
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Wednesday, November 26, 2008
ABC News: Financial Bailout Balloons to the Trillions
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More economic troubles.
Rush to Refinance...
Soveriegn wealth funds flee the West...
Federal deficit could hit $1 trillion this year...
FDIC adds 54 more banks to its 'problem list'...
Oil Drops Below $51...
Reporter threatened with arrest for seeking interview with former LEHMAN CEO...
Cash-Strapped NYC Goes On Ticket Blitz, Deploys 200 Additional Traffic Agents...
Russian Analyst Predicts Decline and Breakup of U.S.
Dissatisfaction is growing, and at the moment it is only being held back by the elections and the hope that Obama can work miracles. But by spring, it will be clear that there are no miracles." Continue
Colossal Financial Collapse
The Truth behind the Citigroup Bank "Nationalization"
By F. William Engdahl
On Friday November 21, the world came within a hair’s breadth of the most colossal financial collapse in history according to bankers on the inside of events with whom we have contact. The trigger was the bank which only two years ago was America’s largest, Citigroup. The size of the US Government de facto nationalization of the $2 trillion banking institution is an indication of shocks yet to come in other major US and perhaps European banks thought to be ‘too big to fail.’ Continue
Rebuilding the Nation on a Foundations of Sand
By Jim Kirwan
IF Obama were serious: Then he would condemn those who have led this nation to the brink of self-annihilation as a people. Those people responsible must be excoriated: literally purged. Continue
Left Out of the Bailout: The Poor
By Mark Kukis
"Recent data show poverty is already rising quite substantially," says Robert Greenstein, the executive director of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. "There is a strong potential for more hardship and destitution than we have seen in this country in a number of decades." Continue
A Frenzy Over Free Food
By Allison Sherry
In a sign of bad economic times. An estimated 40,000 people came to a Weld County farm Saturday to collect free potatoes, carrots and leeks. Continue
“A People’s History of Poverty in America”
By Democracy Now! - Audio
Census Bureau figures from 2007 show that 12.5% of the population, or over 37 million people, live below the poverty line. The Center warns hat number could increase to up to 47 million. Continue
“What Next?
The Elections, the Economy, and the World”
By Noam Chomsky
Question is what is a democracy supposed to be? - The ignorant and meddlesome outsiders have a function and namely to watch what’s going on. And to push a lever every once in a while and then go home. Continue
Bush Labor Department misled Congress in effort to privatize jobs: President George W. Bush's Labor Department misled Congress in an effort to prove outsourcing jobs to private companies was more efficient than assigning the jobs to government employees, according to a Government Accountability Office report released Monday.
German Weimar Republic in the early 1920s and the U.S. - Troubling similarities
US Fed announces $800bn "stimulus": About $600bn will be used to buy up mortgage-backed securities while $200bn is being targeted at unfreezing the consumer credit market.
Data shows sharper US contraction: The US Commerce Department said the downward revision was due to the biggest fall in US consumer spending in 28 years
Home prices in record plunge: - Prices of single-family homes plunged a record 17.4 percent in September from a year earlier, according to a key S&P index released on Tuesday.
New Fed $800B Gambit 'Spitting In The Wind'?
Massive New US 'Bailout' Programs Announced
Americans Rally Against The Corrupt Fed
US Economy Fall Worse Than Expected
UK To Suffer 'Severe' Recession
World's Economies Take Radical Steps
World Bank Cuts China Growth Forecast
UK Middle Class Tax Hikes Fund Bailouts
Fed Throws More Money At Financial System
US Home Prices Continue To Dive
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Fed Commits $800 Billion More to Unfreeze Lending
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WTF: Fed to buy ANOTHER $600 billion in bad mortgage assets
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Federal Reserve Announces New Mortgage-support Program
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Another Crisis, Another Guarantee. Citicorp Bail-Out 2/3?
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More economic issues
PAPER: Is Britain going bankrupt?
Fed steps in to save CITI...
Prince Alwaleed: 'Full Confidence'...
Bush defends rescue...
FEAR: Other banks will expect similar aid...
Mounting cost not a worry -- now...
How Many CITI Shares Will Buy a Thanksgiving Turkey?
Struggling Banks Paid Clinton $2.1 million for Speeches; CITI, GOLDMAN, LEHMAN, MERRILL...
Where was Geithner in turmoil?
Obama Economic Advisor Responsible for Citibank Failure
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Does Bank of America get the next bailout?
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Citigroup Saw No Red Flags Even as It Made Bolder Bets
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The real bailout cost? $7.4 trillion
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More economic issues
Fed steps in to save CITI...
Prince Alwaleed: 'Full Confidence'...
Bush defends rescue...
FEAR: Other banks will expect similar aid...
Mounting cost not a worry -- now...
How Many CITI Shares Will Buy a Thanksgiving Turkey?
Stocks Post Biggest Two-Day Rally in 20 Years...
Iceland boiling mad at credit crunch; Near-riot, parliament besieged...
London, Midtown Manhattan, Tokyo Office Rents Post First Drop Since 2002...
Congress Will Send Stimulus Bill 'on Inauguration Day'...
Another $700 billion? hike for the rich may be delayed
7.7 Trillion Dollars And Counting
The Cost Of "Rescuing" The US Financial System
By Hamilton Nolan
US government has pledged more than $7.7 trillion of our tax dollars to "rescue" the financial system. How much is 7.7 trillion? Continue
You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet
"The problems we face today cannot be solved by the minds that created them" Albert Einstein
By Mike Whitney
It is vital to realize that markets are never under some obligation to stop falling merely because they have already fallen by an ungodly amount. It also is vital to explore how bad the worst-case scenario can get and to think about how you would respond if it comes to pass. Continue
Citibank Flips The Bird To American Taxpayers
By The New York Crank
Last week, while Congress was engineering a bailout package of the taxpayers’ money to rescue Citibank and save the economy, Citibank was sending out notices to its cardholders of a new and usurious policy — a policy that could drown consumers and help sink the economy. Continue
Citizens’ Economic Stimulus Plan
Stop Paying Credit Card Debt
By Richard C. Cook
Almost nothing has been done to help the consumers within the producing economy who have lost trillions of dollars in the stock market crash, seen the value of their homes fall in many cases below what they owe on their mortgages, and lost jobs or health benefits through the escalating recession. Continue
Obama may delay tax-cut rollback for wealthy: - President-elect Barack Obama may consider delaying a campaign promise - to roll back tax cuts on high-income Americans - as part of his economic recovery strategy, two aides said on Sunday.
Citigroup Gets U.S. Rescue From Losses, Cash Infusion : The $20 billion of new cash comes on top of a $25 billion infusion the bank received last month under the Troubled Asset Relief Program, passed by Congress to shore up the financial industry.
All US Financials Will be Nationalized in a Year: Manager: It's not preferable, but all major U.S. financial companies will eventually be under government control because the alternative is so much worse, Hugh Hendry, chief investment officer at hedge fund Eclectica Asset Management, said Friday.
US October home price drop is new record: Today’s figures compare with the 4.86 million level reached in June, the lowest in a decade and 33 percent below the record reached in September 2005. Resales have fluctuated around a 4.96 million rate this year.
FED Rescues Citi w/$20B - But Citi Is $2T Exposed!
Dow Up 400 After Citi Bailout News
Citizens' Stimulus Plan - Stop Paying CC Debt
Citigroup Bailout Agreement Reached
Iceland Boiling Mad At Credit Crunch
UK Banks Need $220B MORE For Lending
UK Biggest Growth Forecast Cut Ever
UK 45% Tax On Rich To Fund Bailout
You Can Print Money - But Not Confidence
NWO As Financial Matrix Self Destructs
Brown BKs UK To Win 2009 Election
Precious Metals Price Discovery
Insider Admits PPT Manipulates Stock Market
Monday, November 24, 2008
Bush says Citigroup deal needed to protect system
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Obama Eyes $500 Billion in Stimulus
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Government reportedly involved in Citi deal
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Democrats to Push for Massive Stimulus Plan
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WTF?! Fed Pledges Exceed $7.4 Trillion to Ease Frozen Credit
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IMF chief: Worst yet to come for global financial crisis
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IMF chief: Worst yet to come for global financial crisis
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BREAKING: U.S. Provides Massive Bailout to Citigroup
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More economic issues
Congress Will Send Obama Stimulus Bill 'on Inauguration Day'...
...Hint of hold on taxes
Needed: TV Network bailout?; Bad economy slows ad sales...
Bernanke says he erred in gauging mortgage fallout...
Worst of financial crisis yet to come: IMF chief economist...
“Let Detroit Go Broke”
GM, the NY Times & Marxism 101
By Shamus Cooke
Whereas the giant Wall Street banks received over 1 trillion dollars – so far— without barely having to ask, an industry that actually produces something has to beg for a handout. Why the difference? Continue
The Republican War on Welfare
By Huda Alnasir
It was such an easy sell, and so rewarding at the polls. All they had to do was convince working- and middle-class families that while they were slaving away and paying taxes, there were shiftless minorities and poor whites having babies, using drugs, and watching television on their dime. Continue
In case you missed it
Death Of The Dollar
Aljazeera Video
Paul Craig Roberts and others talks about the ill health and possible demise of the dollar. Continue
Russia acknowledges financial crisis has hit hard: "It is clear that Russia will be much worse affected by the crisis than other major economies and will be affected for much longer."
US will guarantee up to $1.4T in bank debt: The first preliminary approval went to Ford Group Bank, whose owners include Hilltop Holdings, Inc., an investment vehicle for Texas billionaire Gerald J. Ford.
Citigroup talking to U.S. government: Citigroup Inc has begun talks with the U.S. government as its plummeting share price raises doubts about the bank's ability to survive, a person familiar with the matter said.
Bank Regulators Shut Down 3 Banks: Bank regulators in two states shut down three institutions Friday -- one in Georgia and two in California. They are the 20th, 21st and 22nd federally-insured operations to be closed this year.
Obama Said to Pick Geithner as Treasury Secretary : Geithner helped lead the U.S. response to the deepest financial crisis in seven decades, including the takeover of American International Group Inc. and Bear Stearns Cos. rescue, and decision to let Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. fail.
Why Washington Cannot Prevent Depression: The dire reality: Washington is not God. It cannot save the world. It cannot prevent the next depression. Hard to believe? Here’s the proof:
Dennis Kucinich "Racketeering On A Scale This Country Has Never Seen Before!!!" 4 Minute video
Citigroup May Get Government Rescue, Investors Say: Citigroup Inc. will probably get rescued by the U.S. government after a crisis in confidence erased half its stock-market value in three days, investors and analysts said.
In case you missed it: Professor Ngaire Woods: The death of the dollar?: We are living in economic chaos. Banks, homes, jobs, and businesses are at risk.
GM May Have Weeks, Not Months, Without Aid, York Says: Chief Executive Officer Rick Wagoner ``all but said'' at congressional hearings in the past two days that GM can't continue to operate until a new U.S. administration takes over in January, York said in a Bloomberg Television interview today.
White House to extend unemployment benefits: With weekly jobless claims benefits at a 16-year high, the White House said Thursday that President George W. Bush would sign quickly legislation pending in Congress to provide further unemployment benefits.
Insider Admits PPT Manipulates Stock Market
Sources - Feds Working On Citi Rescue
JCPenney OPENS More Stores, Doing Just Fine
Bailout - Paulson Threatened Reps w/Martial Law
This Is Not A Normal Recession
GM Board Weighs Bankruptcy Option
Citi Dying - Shares Dive 20%, Break Up Considered
Billions More Wiped Off Citigroup Shares
Only Drastic Action Will Save Us - Brown
Rich Buying Up Farm Land In Poor Nations
Friday, November 21, 2008
How The Elite Control Politics
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Wall Street sinks, S&P falls to lowest level since 1997
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Congressional Leadership Rejects Proposed Auto Bailout Deal
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China Buys 4000 Tons of Gold
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More economic issues
CITIGROUP Move Below $5 Could Trigger Major Selling...
Shares sink despite Saudi prince's investment...
Merry, Merry: FANNIE, FREDDIE Suspend Foreclosures Through Holidays...
FORD, GM: Bankruptcy Filing Not an Option..
Obama stays out of car wars on the Hill...
San Francisco plans to be electric car capital...
Pope Had 'Prophecy' of Market Collapse in 1985...
Treasury Yields Drop to Record Lows as Investors Seek Safety...
This Is Not A Normal Recession
By Mike Whitney
The global economy is being sucked into a black hole and most Americans have no idea why. The whole problem can be narrowed down to two words; "structured finance". Continue
Obama and the Great Depression
By Mickey Z.
No, I don’t mean that Great Depression. I’m talking about the inevitable moment—maybe next week, maybe next year—when the Kool Aid wears off and the Obamatrons wake up to realize their hero offers nothing even approximating hope or change. Continue
US seeks 300 billion dlrs from Gulf states: report: The United States has asked four oil-rich Gulf states for close to 300 billion dollars to help it curb the global financial meltdown, Kuwait's daily Al-Seyassah reported Thursday.
Jobless claims jump unexpectedly to 16-year high: The four-week average of claims, which smooths out fluctuations, was even worse: it rose to 506,500, the highest in more than 25 years.
GM Tumbles to Lowest Since '30s, Ford Falls as Aid Plan Falters: General Motors Corp. fell toward its lowest since the 1930s after U.S. lawmakers deadlocked on an auto-industry bailout, raising the prospect it could run out of cash before a new Congress can come to the rescue next year. Ford Motor Co. tumbled to a 28-year low.
Chinese Automakers may buy GM and Chrysler: Chinese carmakers SAIC and Dongfeng have plans to acquire GM and Chrysler, China’s 21st Century Business Herald reports
Treasury Yields Drop to Record Lows: Treasury yields declined to record lows, with two-year notes dropping below 1 percent for the first time, as global stocks slumped and a deepening recession drove investors to the safest assets.
Deleveraging Monster Will Only Get Hungrier
US Markets Plunge To 11 Yr Low
Brazil, China Emerge As Models Of Stability
Iran Feels Pain Of Plunging Oil Prices
Gulf States Prepare For Oil Revenue Losses
Fitts - What The G20 Summit REALLY Says
Fannie/Freddie Suspend Foreclosure Sales
End The Fed - End Wall St Bankster Rule
Oil Drops To 3 Yr Lows - Gas Less Than $2
Oil Falls To Near $50 As Fuel Use Dives
Thursday, November 20, 2008
More economic issues
Financial Crisis Tab Already $4,28 TRILLION
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Billions for the Bankers - Debts for the People
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Dow Jones industrial average falls below 8,000; S&P down 6%
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Auto Makers Running Out Of Time
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Goldman, GE, GM Invite Us to Play a Rigged Game
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GMAC Seeks Bailout Money as Holding Company
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Demand for gold hits an all-time high
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Romney: Let the Auto Industry Go Bankrupt
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Robert Reich:Congress needs to take bailout back.
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CEOs fly in luxury to beg for 25 billion in public funds
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Consumer prices drop most in 61 years
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Financial Controlled Demolition just like 911
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More economic issues
CITIGROUP stock drops to 13-year low, fear grows...
Finger-pointing begins as Senate nixes auto vote...
FORD, GM: Bankruptcy Filing Not an Option..
CEOs Flew Private Jets to Plead for Public Funds...
ROMNEY: 'Let Detroit Go Bankrupt'...
E-commerce companies slashing prices in frantic holiday season...
Japan Economists Call For 'Obama Bonds'
By Kosuke Takahashi
"The US will be forced to issue foreign currency-denominated US Treasures in its hour of need," said Mizuno. "The US cannot finance its deficit by itself. The US financial system cannot survive without foreign investors. We will see 'Obama Bonds' in the future." Continue
Paulson resists Democrats' call to rescue homeowners: Having committed about half of the existing $700-billion rescue fund to ease Wall Street's credit crunch, Paulson said he had no plans to spend the rest, even on the root cause of the crisis -- soaring mortgage foreclosures
October consumer prices and home starts plummet: Consumer prices dropped at the fastest rate on record in October. - The Commerce Department said new-home starts fell 4.5 percent last month to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 791,000 units and building permits -- which signal future building intentions -- dropped 12 percent to 708,000.
Home Prices Tumble in 80 Percent of U.S. Cities : The median price of a U.S. home declined 9 percent from a year earlier and sales of properties with mortgages in default accounted for at least a third of all transactions, the Chicago- based National Association of Realtors said today
U.S. MBA’s Mortgage Applications Index Decreased 6.2% Last Week: Mortgage applications in the U.S. dropped last week as demand for home-purchase financing slumped to an almost eight-year low.
Detroit Chiefs Plead for Aid: Senate Democratic leaders said they had not been able to muster the support for legislation that would provide $25 billion to the troubled auto industry from the Treasury Department’s $700 billion economic rescue fund.
Senate Republicans drafting alternative $25 billion aid: The Bush Administration has sent language to Capitol Hill for an alternative auto aid package that would drop the fuel-efficiency requirements for the $25 billion retooling program for automakers.
GM to invest 1 bln dollars in Brazil: The investment was part of a U.S. bailout package and would be used to upgrade car production lines before 2012, said Djame Adila, a GM's official in charge of the markets in Brazil and other member-countries of the South American Common Market which also groups Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela.
Cash-starved Ford sells Mazda stake: Struggling US car manufacturer Ford is to sell its controlling stake in Japanese firm Mazda in a bid to raise cash and stay afloat. Ford is to sell about two-thirds of its 33.4 per cent stake for around $538m to Mazda and more than 20 undisclosed Mazda business partners.
China Passes Japan as Biggest U.S. Treasuries Holder: China led all foreign official investors in September by posting a net increase in U.S. Treasuries for the sixth month in the past seven, bringing its total ownership close to $600 billion. Japan was a net seller of Treasuries for the fourth month in the past six.
China Plans To Buy GM And Chrysler!
Worldwide Rout Hit Asian Markets
Fitts - What The G20 Summit REALLY Says
The Six Biggest Myths About Gold
Why Gold Is Down But Not Available
G20 Fails To Achieve Anything Of Substance
Asian Shares Fall As Recession Sets In
UK Manufacturing Confidence At 30 Yr Low
Recession And The Coming Crime Wave
30 Reasons For Great Depression By 2011
85 Companies Defefaulted On Debt In 08
Bailout Tab Is Really $4.28 Trillion
Stop Bailout As Congress Targets Auto Dinos
Euro, Asia Stocks Decline, Led By Banks
Oct Producer Prices Fall Record 2.8 Percent
Paulson, Bernanke Defend '$700B' Bailout
Volcker Blames 'Alchemists' & Bloated Bonuses
Volcker Issues Dire Warning On Slump
G-20 Must Admit Own Errors If Crisis To End
Ford Sells Mazda Stake For $540 Million
What Will Happen If GM Fails - Vid
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Ron Paul questions Ben Bernanke about World Currency
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Bush in Race against Time to Wreck Country - Borowitz Report
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$2 Trillion Handed out by Paulson/Bernanke, But Who Got It?
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Ron Paul on a Possible Global Currency to Replace Dollar
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The Fed is collapsing
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The Fed is collapsing
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11/18 Fiat Dollar Reserve System Dead New World reserve curr
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Ron Paul "My exchanges with Fed Chairmen"
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Goldman is acting against its clients,A $171 billion drop
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More economic issues
Clashes With Congress...
Financial Crisis Tab Already In The Trillions
By |
CNBC, has been keeping a running tally of actual spending as well as the commitments involved. Try $4.28 trillion dollars. That's $4,284,500,000,000 and more than what was spent on WW II, if adjusted for inflation, based on our computations from a variety of estimates and sources. Continue
Ecuador auditor urges debt default: The official overseeing an audit of Ecuador's foreign debt said his committee found evidence of abuses and irregularities tied to almost all of the country's bonds and will recommend a default on $10.3 billion in national debt.
Lawmakers, Treasury lock horns on foreclosures: The U.S. Treasury Secretary and members of Congress locked horns on Tuesday over a $700 billion financial bailout fund, with lawmakers demanding money to stem foreclosures and Henry Paulson arguing it was meant for investing in financial companies.
Depression 2009: What would it look like?: By looking at what we know about how society and commerce would slow down, and how people respond, it's possible to envision what we might face.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
How Corporations Have 'Downsized' American Consumers
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Ron Paul Answers Your Questions: Part One
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What You Can Do to End the Tyranny of the Federal Reserve
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Bailout tally: $3.8 trillion and counting - CNBC
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GOP Sen says Paulson may have given bailout $ to his friends
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More economic issues
GM asks German government for credit guarantee...
New, old Congress cross paths in lame duck session...
Financial Crisis Tab Already In The Trillions...
US's Road to Recovery Runs Through Beijing
By Francesco Sisci and David P Goldman
For the past decade, poor people in the developing world have financed the consumption of rich people in America. America has borrowed nearly $1 trillion a year, mostly from the developing world, and used these funds to import consumer goods and buy homes at low interest rates. The result is a solvency crisis of the American household, which shows up as a solvency crisis for financial institutions. Continue
The G-20 Washout
By Mike Whitney
The financial crisis is being used by Wall Street big-wigs to restructure the economy and create a permanent class of working poor. Continue
The G-20 Economic Summit Won’t Change the "Financial Crime Scene"
By Richard C. Cook
I worked in the U.S. Treasury Department for 21 years and learned first-hand the history and operations of public finance in the U.S. I have seen the disastrous results of the debt-based financial system and how it has driven our nation, government, and people into bankruptcy. I have also seen how these simple measures of monetary reform would be easy to implement and would begin to turn the situation around within weeks or months. Continue
States want their own federal financial bailout: Led by California with a $28 billion hole in its budget, 41 states are in financial trouble, and many of their leaders are looking to Congress to bail them out.
White House rejects auto bailout: Funds from the $700bn US government bailout package for the financial system should not be used to aid America's troubled auto industry, the White House says.
State of Denial: America in Recession: Policymakers Fear 'R-Word': Over the past 72 hours, Japan and the Eurozone have owned up to what U.K. policymakers previously admitted: Those economies are in recession.
US banking giant cuts 50,000 jobs: Citigroup, one of America's largest financial institutions, is to cut about 50,000 jobs as the bank struggles with heavy losses stemming from the current financial crisis.
The Six Unknowns That Are Roiling the Stock Market: The stock market's behavior is downright strange lately. Professionals with decades of market experience scratch their heads as the market falls to its lowest point of the year, then surges almost 7% in an afternoon—all for no apparent reason.
Florida pension fund plummets: The State Board of Administration, which manages many of Florida's public investments, has seen its assets plummet by $62-billion, a third of their value, in the last 13 months.
Foreclosures up 25 percent: RealtyTrac: That means one in every 452 U.S. housing units received a foreclosure filing in October, the firm said in its report released on Thursday.
What Will Happen If GM Fails - Vid
Citi To Chop Another 53,000 Jobs
Worse Than The Great Depression?
G-20 Politicians Blame Investors For Crisis
Paulson Blunders As Debt Market Remains Frozen
G20 Won't Change Financial Crime Scene
G-20 Secret Credit Crash Debt Solution
Japan Falls Into Recession As Exports Dive
China's Huge Poverty Gag Slowing Growth
China Hints At Aircraft Carrier Project
China Sets Sights On US Telecoms
50,000 UK Realtors Gone In Next 9 Months
Pakistan Asks IMF For $7 Billion
First Class Ideas For A Peoples Bank
G20 Agrees On Tax And Interest Rate Cuts
Second G20 Summit Planned For London
West Must Accept East Shift Of Financial Power
US Carmaker Crash Would Lose 3M Jobs
G20 - 'New Global Order' Financial Structure
G20 Put Off Major Decisions Until Next Year
G20 Pledge To Stabilize The Economy
110 US Banks Ask For $170B From Bailout
Freddie Says It Is Worth Less Than Zero
Lehman Administrators Paid More Than Bankers
Monday, November 17, 2008
Big Government Under the Bush Administration
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Next meltdown issue might be credit-card debt
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Citigroup to cut 50,000 jobs
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Exposing $350 billion bailout for Foreign Speculators
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Who is Neil Barofsky, And Can We Trust Him To Watch $700B?
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The future belongs to libertarians
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GE, AmEx, GM--Bailout USA
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World Leaders Are Now Openly Talking Of A New World Order
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Banks to Receive Billions in Tax Breaks
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Ron Paul Taxpayer Alert: Say NO to the U.S. Auto Bailout
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Exposing $350 billion bailout for Foreign Speculators
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DOGE Has Deployed Its GSAi Custom Chatbot for 1,500 Federal Workers Where's the Epstein, 9/11, and JFK Assassination Files we were pro...

"Multiple indications of vote fraud are beginning to pop up regarding the New Hampshire primary elections. Roughly 80% of New Hampshire...
Here Are 4 Facts From Democratic Memo That Destroy Trump’s FBI Conspiracy Democratic Memo Missouri governor to be investigated by a spec...