Friday, October 27, 2017

The opiod crisis

Just say no did not work in the 80's and it will not work now if the real cause is not addressed. And the real cause is congress and the Pharmaceutical companies all wanting to make a buck. Everyone has their hand in the cookie jar even Trump. So there will be no change in policy that will upset everybody's making a buck.

Thursday, October 26, 2017


The United States has not fought a war for freedom since WWII. Every war since then has been for money or Oil.

The FBI and the LV police are lying to people. Acoustic analysis  proves there were at least 2 shooters in at least 2 different locations and possibly as many a 4 shooters.
Also looking at the death pictures of the shooter, there were shots fired after he was dead.
There are also many more inconsistencies. This has all of the marking of an intelligence operation. Was is our Intelligence operation or someone elses?

All of the JFK files  to be released by Trump will be sanitized. The American people will never know the truth!

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

How do democracies become dictatorships? History suggests 10 steps:

How do democracies become dictatorships? History suggests 10 steps:
1. First, destroy labor unions, so people have no way to bargain for higher wages and less capacity for political organization.
2. Crack down on college students, so they won’t oppose you (hint: burden them with so much student debt and make it so hard for them to find good jobs that they won’t dare rock the boat).
3. Undermine public education, so people are less able to think critically for themselves.
4. Cut deals with rich business executives and billionaires that if they back you you’ll reduce their taxes, slash government spending on the poor, and eliminate regulations that impinge on their profits. (Better yet, be a billionaire yourself.)
5. Make most people economically anxious, frustrated, angry, and insecure.
6. Convince them their problems stem from “them” – foreigners, immigrants, racial or ethnic or religious minorities, intellectuals.
7. Make them cynical about democracy.
8. Convince them all they need is a strongman who will fix everything.
9. Fill the airwaves with your big lies.
10. Get elected, and then take over.
What do you think?

While we were being distracted with geoengineering and false flag shootings, this happened...

While we were being distracted with geoengineering and false flag shootings, this happened...
The following bills have been introduced as of last week:
1. HR 861 - Terminate the Environmental Protection Agency
2. HR 610 - Vouchers for Public Education
3. HR 899 - Terminate the Department of Education
4. HJR 69 - Repeal Rules Protecting Wildlife
5. HR 370 - ANOTHER attempt to Repeal Affordable Care Act
6. HR 354 - Defund Planned Parenthood
7. HR 785 - National Right to Work (this one is devastating to the working class ... it ALSO applies to Union members)
8. HR 83 - Mobilizing Against Sanctuary Cities Bill
9. HR 147 - Criminalizing Abortion (“Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act”)
10. HR 808 - Sanctions against Iran
Call your House Representative and ask them to not only vote "NO" but to speak up for our rights, health & safety, and our beautiful country!

Monday, October 09, 2017

The Military Industrial Complex is gearing the American people up for War.

The Military Industrial Complex is gearing the American people up for War. You can tell by the new season of Television shows this year. Shows about terrorists and militarizing our police forces. They are pushing the war mentality on us. Soon they will push Marshal law on us. They are already setting the stage for it. And soon nobody will care.
They are also trying to divide us, by any means possible. Left and or Conservative and Liberal. We need to see this for what it really is, the powers that be dividing the people so we won't rise against them.

Sunday, October 08, 2017

It is starting

It is happening, the Trump administration is trying to divide American people.

Friday, October 06, 2017

We will be at war soon.

First North Korea, then Iran and then Venezuela. Then comes the mandatory draft.

America is being divided.

America is being divided by ????. But it is now happening very quickly and will be in open civil war.

The Storm is coming

Get ready for WW3. Things are starting to happen. Trump is going to attack Iran or North Korea. Soon.


John Bolton blasts Trump officials for using Signal to conduct government business   IBM to slash nearly 9,000 jobs in US Since 1950, Black ...