Monday, December 31, 2018


Maria Butina Agrees to Cooperate With U.S.

Stuxnet has been laying dormant on hundreds of outdated controllers for years. Stuxnet has the ability to call for updates per:
“4.5.1. Updating via Internet
Stuxnet updates itself via Internet by establishing a HTTP connection to 2 malformed websites:

www. mypremierfutbol. com
www. todaysfutbol. com
It sends an encrypted data like that:
http://www. mypremierfutbol .com/index.php?data=data_to_send
This data contains the IP, the Adaptor name and description and some other data related to the infected machine and stuxnet. After that it receives the newer version of stuxnet (in an encrypted form) begins by the imagebase then a flag and at the last the Executable Image”
It gets interesting:
These URL’s are currently for sale and were last updated in 2018-09-25
They URL’s are both currently hosted on the same IP address with 350+ other URL’s.
My theory is there now a URL per controller type. An update was made to the 2 primary URL’s. Wherever Stuxnet still existed it pulled down new code on its update checkin. The new code contained a database or CSV to associate controller types to a URL. This allows for control of specific targets.
I suspect the outages are part of a sales tactic to show buyers the capabilities of Stuxnet.

Why did it take civilian sleuths to reveal there were multiple shooters in Las Vegas? What is the FBI and the government hiding?  

Advertising is the root of all Evil!

The only REAL outcry against Trump's witrhdraw from Syria is from the MIC(Military Industrial Complex). They want their money!

Federal workers union sues Trump admin over government shutdown

Sunday, December 30, 2018


Scientists can now bottle solar energy, turn it into liquid fuel

In Death, Khashoggi Exposes the Corruption of Kushner and Trump

FBI collected fake green cards that Trump’s managers gave to undocumented immigrants working at his golf club: report

Conservative health care experiment leads to thousands losing coverage

How Monopoly was invented to demonstrate the evils of Capitalism

Electronics-Recycling Innovator Going to Prison for Extending Computers’ Lives

Workers at Trump’s Las Vegas hotel struggle to get by with low pay and little benefits

House GOP quietly ends probe into FBI’s 2016 decisions

China imports zero U.S. soybeans in November for first time since trade war started

A few reason tRump cultists give for wanting tRump's wall. 1) Immigrants are taking all our jobs. FALSE 2) Immigrants are coming her & living off the government. FALSE 3) Immigrants are bringing diseases with them. FALSE 4) The wall will stop drug smuggling. FALSE


New Jersey AG has obtained evidence of possible crimes at Trump's golf club — and Mueller, FBI are involved in probe

Retail sales in Texas, RGV trend upward

Trump makes federal pay freeze official for 2019

Will bad bankers ever be punished?

The Crisis on the Border You Didn’t Learn About in School

Did Email Providers Suppress Republicans in the 2018 Election?

Sacha Baron Cohen Says He Turned Over Disturbing “Who Is America?” Footage to the F.B.I.


Taxpayers Dish Out $54,000 For Mar-a-Lago Party Tents For New Year’s Eve

Tuesday, December 25, 2018


Veterans haven't received GI Bill benefits for months due to ongoing IT issues at VA

Ex-Mossad Head: Russia Decided Trump Was Their Best Candidate, and Ran Him for President

Former NATO commander: Allies are wondering if Trump was 'blackmailed' to pull out of Syria

Where has science gone in our country? Why are China and Russia beating us?

Science has been forsaken.

Media is so jaded

I could get tyhrough the proposed was in  undet 5 minutes if I wanted to,and nobody would know. due to the fact there are no sensors!!

Saturday, December 22, 2018


Glee in Russia Over Trump’s Foreign Policy Largess

Looks like Donald Trump has found somebody new to fire

Says a Russian columnist: “Trump is God’s gift that keeps on giving...undermining the US-led world order, US alliances, US credibility as a partner and an ally. Russia can just relax and watch and root for Trump, which Putin does at every TV appearance.”

 Lindsey Graham on Shutdown: If Trump Doesn’t ‘Break’ Democrats Now, ‘It’s Going to Be a Terrible 2019’ 

Someone is trying to take entire countries offline and cybersecurity experts say 'it's a matter of time because it's really easy' 

Taliban greets Pentagon's withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan with cries of victory 

It's now official. Trump and the GOP, in full control of Congress, have shut down the US government for the 3rd time in less than 2 years. 
- while stock market crashes 
- while Trump gives Syria to Russia and burns our allies 
- while tariffs choke economy 
- while deficit doubles

Monday, December 17, 2018


US Commits To "Indefinite" Occupation Of Syria; Controls Region The Size Of Croatia

GOP is the party of Bullying , name calling, voter suppression, stealing from the working class, lining their own pockets at everybody else's expense, destroying the earth for a profit.

Sunday, December 02, 2018


1. America is not Free, and it has not been for several decades.
2. America has not fought a war for it's freedon since WWII.
3. Why are American companies getting welfare from the US government? This is theft from the U.S. people.
4. Especially since the same companies are paying wages so low american workers cannot survive.

I give it a week before Trump is in jail or Trump has taken over America.


Drug prices in America are among the highest in the world. Who is pulling the levers on drug pricing?

Goldman Sachs asks in biotech research report: 'Is curing patients a sustainable business model?'

QAnon is a PsyOp designed to mislead Trump supporters and divide alternative news readers

US Defense Contractor Posts Job Offering For "Classified Contingency Operations" In Ukraine

Amid Fraud Allegations, State Election Board Won't Certify North Carolina House Race

Mattis: Russia tried to interfere in 2018 midterms

Warner says he believes Republicans would 'like to have known' Trump was dealing with Russia in 2016

Three Weeks Later, Still No FEMA Trailers Available for Camp Fire Survivors

Here’s Evidence of Collusion: Trump’s Lawyer Discussed Business Deal With Putin’s Office

We dug deep to give a voice and a face to Jeffrey’s Epstein’s victims Read more here:

Our deficits may finally be coming home to roost


As Trump Panic-Tweets, Putin Cracks His Whip and Shows Him Who’s Boss

Trump aides caught in web of deception over Russia contacts

6 White House officials found in violation of the Hatch Act

Donald Trump gets confused at G20, blankly wanders off stage during event, staffer has to chase after him

Trump’s Secret Service has just set a spending Record for Presidential Golf Carts $77 Million. I wonder how many homeless Veterans could have been housed, fed and had their medical needs taken care of with that money ? 

When the Manafort Plea Deal Blew Up, It Was Good News for Oligarchs 

Michael Cohen says Donald Trump knew all about plans to build a skyscraper in Moscow 

Cohen claims 'close and regular contact' with Trump team while preparing to lie to Congress 

Monday, November 26, 2018


He doesn't believe in science, he doesn't believe in the rule of law, he doesn't believe in the free press, he does not believe in the constitution, he does not believe in the bible, he does not believe in democracy, the only thing he believes in in money for himself.

Has Trump EVER said something was his fault? Real leaders take the blame when things are their fault!

Apparently we have become Rome!

Trump is kowtowing to anybody who makes him money! Russians, Saudi's That is why we have laws we do.

Do you,understand what war is all about?

A Journalist Was Killed in Mexico. Then His Colleagues Were Hacked.

As Zuckerberg Refuses to Testify, UK Seizes Thousands of 'Potentially Explosive' Documents Facebook Has Tried to Keep Secret

G.M. to Idle Plants and Cut Thousands of Jobs as Sales Slow

GM warned Trump that his China tariffs would hurt jobs. He now complains that it's happening.

Farm bankruptcies on the rise in Upper Midwest

GM Is Laying Off 14,000 Workers As it Looks to Cut Costs Amid Restructuring

Trump suggests US could slap 10% tariffs on iPhones and laptops imported from China

The NRA Just Reported Losing $55 Million in Income

Sunday, November 25, 2018


How to Convert Climate-Changing Carbon Dioxide into Plastics and Other Products

Black man killed by cop during Alabama mall shooting had gun permit: father

House Intelligence Panel Hiring Money-Laundering Sleuths

Mexico’s incoming government denies deal with Trump on asylum seekers

Russia 'fires at Ukraine ships and captures three vessels' amid rising tensions off Crimea

It is begining!

The US Has Fired Tear Gas And Closed The Largest Border Crossing With Mexico After Migrants Marched To Border

Ex-Trump Aide Heads to Jail After Judge Rejects Bid for Delay

Donald Trump has now attacked the Constitution, the free press, the FBI, the special counsel, the military, the Congress and the Supreme Court. He is the most anti-American president in history and yet the GOP still supports him. 

Macron: "Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism. Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism by saying our interests first, who cares about the others, we erase what a nation holds dearest, what gives it life, what gives it grace. And what is essential— its moral values."

Allies Of Vladimir Putin Funneled Money To Senior Republicans 

Former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos has been ordered to go to jail on Monday 



  The Trump Administration Wants USAID on the Blockchain China is testing experimental 'dogfighting' satellites in space, US general...