Saturday, June 23, 2018


And Now There Are 5 (Corporations That Own The Media)

The Military Drinking-Water Crisis the White House Tried to Hide

Trump keeps making it harder for people to seek asylum legally

Every person in America besides Native Americans is here illegally because America was taken from the Native Americans illegally!

Paul Manafort's attorneys ask judge to bar any mentions of his ties to Trump

Trump Signed Tax Returns with False Information Under Penalty of Perjury at Least 4 Times: Report

As Donald Trump Launches a Trade War, Here Are All the U.S. Products Europe Hit With Tariffs

America's Military Drops A Bomb Every 12 Minutes, And No One Is Talking About It

How we know Jesus wasn’t a white evangelical Republican:
•Jesus fed hungry multitudes/free food
•Jesus healed the sick/free healthcare
•Jesus sat with little children/free daycare
•Jesus taught his disciples/free education
•Jesus forgave a dying thief/“soft on crime”

Trump administration rule could stop public reporting of hospital infections despite death toll

(AP Photo/Molly Riley) National House Republicans running for Senate vote to slash food for poor kids

'We Don't Know... How Bad It Is': 31-Car Oil Train Derails Into Iowa Floodwaters

Trump is making deal with our enemies(Russia.china,Israel ) to help him become dictator of  America.

Pompeo cancels Senate briefing on North Korea deal

Every phone conversation in the world is recorded.

Monday, June 18, 2018

New Ramplings

These are biblical end times. Revelations is upon us.

They are all listening to all of us.

Everybody has their own agenda!

Why is our president pitting Americans against Americans , we should stand together.

The world has been taken over by kleptocrats

Saturday, June 16, 2018


US government finds new malware from North Korea

With Operation Popeye, the U.S. government made weather an instrument of war

When is the North Korean Trump tower going to be announced?

The AP just released a bombshell report about Trump and Cambridge Analytica’s 2020 election meddling plans

How long has Puerto Rico been without full power?

Trump campaign advisors who have been raided by the FBI, indicted OR sent to jail:
— Paul Manafort
— Michael Flynn
— Rick Gates
— Papadopoulos
— Michael Cohen

Nobody with a criminal conviction should be allowed in government!

More Americans side with Justin Trudeau than Donald Trump in trade spat: Ipsos poll

China threatens tariffs on US lobsters as business booms

‘Crimea is ours, Trump is ours!’ Russian state TV celebrates president standing up for Putin at G7

Red States Defend Free Speech – With Laws Punishing Campus Protest

Leaked intel report undermines Trump’s claims about North Korea deal

Fox News Warns: Criticizing Kim Jong-Un Is Disloyal To Trump

The US Should Pay Attention to Foreign Cambridge Analytica Probes

Paul Manafort = Evidence of Collusion

Donald Trump and his team left “stunned” by how badly today is going for them

North Korean defector criticizes Trump's praise of Kim Jong Un

Des Moines Register front page warns Iowa could lose up to $624M from Chinese tariffs

Top Republicans flat-out lie about court case to explain Trump's brutal family separation policy

Cardinal Dolan hits Sessions's use of the Bible to defend family separation: There's 'no Bible passage' that would justify it

I want to be sure I am on the right said when history judges this period, and history will judge it harshly.

Trump Again Refuses to Recognize LGBT Pride Month, But State Department Is Celebrating It

National Guard soldiers Trump sent to border are shoveling manure, changing flat tires: report

Sunday, June 10, 2018


Chili’s hit by malware, payment card data stolen

Is Trump Becoming a Dictator? He's Already Showing 7 of 10 Notable Signs

Let me get this straight: Trump agreed to the G7 communique before leaving the summit and then reversed his position on the plane to Singapore. Where he is trying to convince Kim Jong Un that his word on a security assurance is his bond.

Why American Businesses Should Be 'Terrified' After President Trump's Comments on Trade

Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats: Russia is Attempting to Influence US Midterms, Divide Transatlantic Alliance

By Law, Trump Must Discuss Human Rights with Kim

Trump calls children’s health care ‘wasteful’ as GOP votes to slash it

Chinese Theft of US Navy’s Secrets Reveals DoD’s Lackadaisical Security

No Russian research center planned for Facebook

Your Recycling Gets Recycled, Right? Maybe, or Maybe Not

Consumer bureau drops $109M fine against NJ lender accused of kickback scheme

Why is Trump pissing our allies off and pushing Russia at the G7?

Axing coverage for pre-existing conditions could worsen suicide crisis

World War III is on the way.

Trump believes the North Korea summit is all about him. But Kim has a plan, too

Fox & Friends host slips: Trump’s North Korea summit is a ‘historic meeting between two dictators’

Trump said he would rein in prescription drug prices, but instead prices have more than tripled.

Kim Jong Un and Trump both need press wins in their respective countries

It is going to be a good week for TRump, he will get all of the positive press his ego needs.

Trump won't agree to and interview, but Hilary did.

The end of net neutrality is here

AP FACT CHECK: Trump’s bottom-line stats on trade are wrong

The NSA has had the capabilities to record every phone conversion since the 1990's

Saturday, June 02, 2018


GOP congressman who ran on ‘fiscal sanity’ faces financial ethics probe

Trump White House Reached Out to Former Obama and Clinton Staff for Policy Support

Trump is juggling multiple crises — and he created almost all of them

EPA’s Pruitt spent $1,560 on 12 customized fountain pens from Washington jewelry store

Tech firm busts Russian operatives for setting up new website to interfere with midterm elections: report

The 4 Biggest Consequences of Trump's Disastrous Tariff Plan

Trump’s jobs report tweet violates federal rules — and may have manipulated markets

Trump’s legal memo to Robert Mueller is a recipe for tyranny

America's poor becoming more destitute under Trump: U.N. expert

Former Intelligence Chiefs Explain How President Trump Sows Distrust to His Advantage

The Constitutional Crisis Is Already Underway

After one attempted shoe bomber, every body need to take their shoes off for examination before board a flight, After one bomb with fertilizer , fertilizer is made very hard to get, but after how many shootings no change in gun laws have happened, WTF America?

Did he drain the swamp? Did he show his taxes?

So when republicans say something its ok, but when anybody else says the exact same thing there is an outrage,

Unfortunately  Jullian Assange has an Agenda, what it is nobody knows.


  February 28, 2025: Donald Trump, again, takes classified documents to Mar-A-Lago. US Senator Mike Lee, Elon Musk calls for United States t...