Sunday, July 29, 2018


No Matter How Bad You Thought Big-Pharma Was, This Is Worse

The Trump Administration Says Poverty Is Over. They’re Lying.

Our Socialist President

Trump Celebrates ‘Record’ Sales of Nonexistent Health Insurance Policies

"Trickle-down economics" is more like a trickle-up kleptocracy

Trump Says He ‘Opened Up Europe’ for Farmers. Europeans Disagree.

Robert Fisk: "I Traced Al-Qaeda Missile Casings In Syria Back To Their Original Sellers"

Why is Al-Qaeda  firing Raytheon missiles?

Jimmy Carter: The US has 'lost its place' as a leader in human rights

Trump is either going to be arrested for Treason or Crowned Dictator of the United States, depending on how smart his handlers are.

Do you know someone who lies about everything? Blames everybody else for his mistakes?

What happened to Equifax after the security breach that exposed every Americans data? Fucking NOTHING

There will be no election this year, Trump will find a way to shut it down.

Self-described Nazis and white supremacists are running as Republicans across the country. The GOP is terrified.

CREW gets Trump family business Secret Service spending documents

There are two types of Trump supporters , Billionaires or Idiots?

Saturday, July 28, 2018


Trump admin has no central strategy for election security, and no one's in charge

Trump Repays Media Allies Who Report Positive News, By Promoting Their Books

Grand Junction billboard replaces ‘O' in ‘GOP' with hammer and sickle

How Trump's cronies profit from Trump:
1. Trump Tells his cronies he is going to bash company A.
2. Trump's cronies short stock of company A.
3. Trump badmouths company A
4.  Stock for company A falls
5. Trump's cronies sell shorted stock and make millions

Evidence Shows Hackers Changed Votes in the 2016 Election But No One Will Admit It [Updated]

Russian Hackers Reach U.S. Utility Control Rooms, Homeland Security Officials Say

Fox News’ Judge Napolitano: Trump-Cohen Tapes Indicate Fraud, Not Protected By Attorney-Client Privilege

How to make sure no one is spying on your computer

AP FACT CHECK: Trump falsely claims historic turnaround

Trump's own tweets will be what finally gets him thrown in jail, as they are "Official Government communications".

Republicans Are Now Conceding Their Core Values

Currently I give Trump a 50/50 chance of going to jail or becoming a dictator! And if his handlers have anything to say about it, he will be dictator, it will happen before the next election!

Trump & Cohen Were ‘Concerned About a Pregnancy’, Paid Off ‘Multiple Other Women Prior to Election’ – Per Michael Avenatti

In Mississippi, closed bridges and crumbling infrastructure threaten lives and livelihoods

She warned America that Russia hacked our voting rolls. Why is she in jail?

Profit margins are not what it is all about!

Sunday, July 22, 2018


FBI believed Trump campaign aide Carter Page was recruited by Russians

Russian diplomats keep dying unexpectedly

The cost of Trump's Endangered Species Act proposal

Trump administration’s new gun policy: Let’s arm more bad guys around the world

White House: U.S. Can’t Afford Veterans’ Health Care Without Cuts

Schiff: Surveillance warrant docs show that Nunes memo 'misrepresented and distorted these applications'

Carter Page FISA Warrant Released — Discredits Devin Nunes’ Narrative

I truly believe that if wasn’t making so much money being President, he’d resign.

Trump Says Cohen Tape Proves ‘Your Favorite President’ Did Nothing Wrong

Vermont nurses are on strike demanding their hospital put patients over profits

Alabama-based League of the South launches Russian-language page to promote 'Southern nationalism'

Voter purge frenzy after federal protections lifted, new report says

The first casualties of the trade war are Trump supporters

Cut Food Stamps Because We Already Won The War On Poverty, White House Says

Trump's immigration policies were supposed to make the border safer. Experts say the opposite is happening.

Not Having It: An Unknown Patty Reports Minnesota Boy’s Hot Dog Stand But The City Took His Side & Helped Him Get A Permit!

Trump is a distraction so the GOP can rob everything they can from the American people and then blame it all on Trump.

The Russians hacked our election, the Chinese hacked our election. the Israeli's hacked our election, the North Koreans hacked our election, and the GOP blocked funding for election security, what the FUCK???  It sounds like Bengazi all over again.

People should not misspeak, presidents should NEVER misspeak!

Why do we have no allies except Israel? Because that is what Trump was slated to do, by the Israeli  government

Saturday, July 21, 2018


1 House Republican's chilling warning on Trump and Russia

White supremacists’ disturbing outreach to ‘Russian friends’ shows why Trump’s fondness for Putin is even darker than it seems

Nunes used political dollars for $15K in Celtics tickets, winery tours and Vegas trips Read more here:

Court rejects new Trump attempt to halt kids' climate lawsuit

Trump Is Being Manipulated by Putin. What Should We Do?

White House: U.S. Can’t Afford Veterans’ Health Care Without Cuts

The NRA Has Deep Ties to Accused Russian Spy Maria Butina

The NRA Is Awfully Quiet About Maria Butina

Rand Paul uses donor cash for European trips, while little goes to candidates Read more here:

Trump Nominee for CFPB Admits in Hearing She Has No Background in Consumer Protection or Financial Regulation

Bad Debts, Fraud Claims Trail Boyfriend of Alleged Russian Agent

BUSTED: High End Russian Hooker Ring Run From Miami Trump Property

Donald Trump Is No Patriot

Home Depot fires 60-year-old black man after Trump supporter screams racist abuse at him (Updated)

News Trump’s Team Appears To Have Leaked Existence of The Cohen Tape to The Media

The cost of Trump's Endangered Species Act proposal

Who are the 12 Russians indicted by Robert Mueller?

Wall Street Journal pummels ‘out of touch’ Trump economic adviser Navarro for trashing the US economy

Russian operatives blasted 18,000 tweets ahead of a huge news day during the 2016 presidential campaign. Did they know what was coming?

The Trump administration asked 70 babies who can’t talk to make their case in immigration court

Russia’s Lavrov insists on Butina’s soonest release in talk with Pompeo More:

Big Data Could Set Insurance Premiums. Minorities Could Pay the Price.

Ted Nugent points to Pulse massacre as reason not to allow firearms at his Virginia show

Trump created the strong dollar he is now skewering the Fed about

The entire Republican Party is becoming a Russian asset

U.S. Jerusalem Embassy to Cost 100 Times More Than Trump Claimed

How the Right Wing Convinces Itself That Liberals Are Evil

A top CIA official warns America has a new Cold War going on… with China

Breaking: Assange Departure from Ecuador Embassy is Imminent

Trump Shifted Campaign Strategy After DNC Analytics Were Stolen By Russia

Putin Says Trump Gave Up Crimea And Other Parts Of Ukraine During Private Summit

Most politicians know how much they can get away with and scale it back some, Trump thinks he can do what he wants and nobody will call him on it.

Sunday, July 15, 2018


Ben Carson Wants to Force the Elderly & Disabled to Work For Rent Subsidies

McConnell knew the Russians were helping Trump and that's why he held the SCOTUS seat open.

US intelligence chief: 'The warning lights are blinking red again' on cyberattacks

Do You Care About the Rule of Law? Then Act Like It

Devin Nunes protects witnesses who might have committed perjury

The Way Trump and the GOP Deal with Russian Attacks is ‘Textbook Treason’

Trump lies are out of control: Analysis shows they’ve doubled in 2018

Trump lost millions at golf courses in Scotland. U.S. voters weren’t told that. Read more here:

Donald Trump is an illegitimate president — and here is why

Monumental Discoveries

Ex-CIA director: Mueller investigation will have 'a widening circle' of indictments

Pence family left a $21+ million environmental disaster in Indiana

McConnell stopped Obama from calling out Russians

GOP Said The CDC Could Research Gun Violence, But Won’t Give Them Money To Do It

A congressional candidate requested the help of Russian intelligence agents during 2016 election

New Hampshire Governor Signs Law That Voting Groups Call De-Facto Poll Tax

Trump Says Europe When Asked to Name His 'Biggest Foe Globally'

McConnell Covered Up CIA Reports That Russian Hacks Were Aimed At Electing Trump

White House declares War on Poverty is 'largely over and a success'

FEMA's Hurricane Maria Response Was A Complete Disaster & The Agency Finally Acknowledged It

Audio Recording Proves Trump is Lying about The Sun Interview Tapes

Trump calls European Union a worse ‘foe’ than China and Russia

Saturday, July 14, 2018


The is a coup currently happening in America, that will reveal itself shortly.

Maryland told its voter registration vendor financed by Russian oligarch

The Mueller investigation will be stopped and all indictments will be canceled and everyone already charged will be pardoned. Then there will be a false flag terror attack so Trump can consolidate his power and declare marshal law. Then America is finished.

The 7 GOP senators in Moscow on July 4th were discussing our terms of surrender.

5 revelations from Mueller's indictment of Russians in DNC hack

Tracking the Russia investigations

Imprisoned double murderer is on Minnesota ballot vying for Klobuchar's Senate seat

More than 130,000 injured vets due big tax refunds because of computer glitch

Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are launching daily cyber strikes on the computer networks of federal, state and local government agencies, U.S. corporations, and academic institutions.

And we have no cyber security chief.

FBI Expert: Republicans Have Been Turned Into Russian Pawns

What Did Russian Military Intel Do With Stolen Info Of 500,000 Voters?

‘Warning Lights Are Blinking Red,’ Top Intelligence Officer Says of Russian Attacks

Trump’s Foreign Policy Carnage Is an Impeachable Offense

Where Did Donald Trump Get Two Hundred Million Dollars to Buy His Money-Losing Scottish Golf Club?

Farmers say China has already started to cancel orders due to Trump tariffs

“An Amateur Boxer Up Against Muhammad Ali”: Washington Fears Trump Will Be No Match for Putin in Helsinki

White House cybersecurity coordinator position eliminated

The Way Trump and the GOP Deal with Russian Attacks is ‘Textbook Treason’

 Trump is tearing down the Western alliance. And conservatives are cheering him on.

Now we know why so many Republicans in Congress aren’t even bothering to run for reelection

I was a real Republican, before the 'wingnuts' took over my party

Black Memphis Farmers Were Deliberately Sold Bad Seed In Scheme to Put Them Out of Business

Saturday, July 07, 2018


New York AG Seeks To Dissolve Illegally Operated Donald J. Trump Foundation

HHS Blames Delay in Reuniting Separated Migrant Families on Congressional Visits to Child Detention Centers

Immigrant PhD candidate rocked by sudden US Army discharge

North Korea issues negative response following Pompeo talks

‘Super Polluting’ Trucks Receive Loophole on Pruitt’s Last Day

Trump Starts a Trade War, but the Path to Success Remains Unclear

Fearmongering, Bad mouthing, name calling, lying, Why is this now acceptable?

How the ‘Biggest Trade War in Economic History’ Is Playing Out

Trump forcing only FOX news

Mike Pompeo called US-North Korea talks “productive.” Hours later, North Korea says they were “regrettable.”

Why is ethics no longer important?

Difference Between Nationalism and Patriotism

Awkward: Giuliani Implies that Mueller Has 'Uncovered Something' that Proves Trump is Guilty

BREAKING! China’s Military Says They Are Already At War With US

Devin Nunes calling for a ‘task force’ to investigate officials and activists who exposed Russian election meddling

The russians meddled in our election, the chinese meddled in our elsection, the isreali's meddles in our elsection, the north Koreans meddled in our elsection, and our intelligence agencies documented it, why is nothing being done about it?

A giant float at this German carnival didn't hold back in mocking Trump's Russia problem


  The Trump Administration Wants USAID on the Blockchain China is testing experimental 'dogfighting' satellites in space, US general...