Sunday, February 17, 2019


America is not free and it never has been, we just have the illusion of freedom, but in reality we can only do what the government says we can and nothing else.

Both democrats and republicans are being controlled by the same people, ones that want to keep the American people divided. They will continue to do that until the American people wake up and start being Americans again, not democrats or republicans.

Trump's new gun export rules could aid terrorists, tyrants and criminals

The people who are spreading hatred and fear are just helping the real masters of this country keep the American people divided, so we won't come after them.

Republicans warned the left would gut the Constitution. Trump did it instead

Why doesn't America have high speed rail yet, we are so far behind the rest of the world.

U.S. budget deficit running over 40 percent higher than last year

Tax Refund Fiasco Is Political Payback For Republicans

The ONLY reason for war is so the military Industrial complex can line it's pockets more. In this age there is NO other reason.

The Air Force's 'rods from god' could hit with the force of a nuclear weapon — with no fallout

In Trump’s World, He Never Loses

Hurd says 1,000 Texas farmers could have land seized to build Trump's border wal

Former Trump Officials Are Supposed to Avoid Lobbying. Except 33 Haven’t.

Drain the Swamp!

Trump policies unite allies against him at European security forum

All of the problems now, are just seeds we have sewn in the past just sprouting and comping back to haunt us.

Why are we destroying our planet? It is the only home we have. For Money? How short sighted we have become.

Jared Kushner Likely Caused 'Significant Security Breach' Of U.S. Gov't


  The Trump Administration Wants USAID on the Blockchain China is testing experimental 'dogfighting' satellites in space, US general...