Sunday, March 24, 2019


If he says the report completely clears him, why won;t he release the report

This just another deflection from the truth, he says he is not implicated, but he won't release the report, just like his taxes.

Air pollution causes 800,000 extra deaths a year in Europe and 8.8 million worldwide

Why is the FED hiding gold from countries?

America has been bought and paid for by the elites, and that won't change until we repeal "Citizens United", or completely revolt.

Corporations are not people.

If there is nothing to see in the Mueller report, why does Trump not want it released? The same reason he does not want his tax return released? Because there IS something there?

Sunday, March 17, 2019


The American people are falling hook line and sinker for the elites plan to divide the American people and destroy America as we know it. And it about to come to a head and America as we know it will have been destroyed.

Wanna be "Patriots" are going to the ones to push us over the edge into the dictatorship the elites are pushing for.

America has already been bought by the elite, and they are destroying it in front of our eyes. The next thing they will try to do is start another unnecessary war so they can line their pockets even more.

The only thing WAR is for any more is to line the elites pockets with lots more money.

 Facebook Hit By 'Explosive' New Allegations As Criminal Prosecutions Loom

The NZ shooting was brought to you by the same people who brought you 9/11 and many other terrorist attacks, trying to start a war between Muslims and Christians. If you don't know who it really was, because our government is in bed with them, it is the Mossad.

Israel and the American Government belong together because they are both EVIL.

Why is name calling ok? Why is bullying ok?

The fifth suspect of Christchurch shootings has defected to Israel

Why are all illegals "crooks and rapists", except the ones Trump hires at his golf courses? Does he personally "vet" them?

This Guy Gets Paid to Edit the Wikipedia Pages of Thin-Skinned Journalists

Americans are dying because they can’t afford their insulin. That’s now a 2020 campaign issue

It Wasn’t Just Khashoggi: A Saudi Prince’s Brutal Drive to Crush Dissent


War Is a Racket

U.S. sees steady rise in violence by white supremacists

Sunday, March 10, 2019


What he did not do:
1. Show his tax return
2. Throw Hilary in jail
3. Drain the swamp instead he filled it up with his "Friends"
4. Lower the trade deficit
5. Not make cut to social security/ medicaid/ medicare
6. Infrastructure repair
7. Stop the violence in Chicago
8. Lower Taxes for working people

Venezuela to sell gold reserves to UAE without Russia’s help – report

Kleptocrats Looted Ukraine’s Biggest Bank. Was Ukrainian, Syrian, Iraqi and Libyan Gold Stolen, Too?

Trump White House Reportedly Discussing Middle East Peace Plan With Evangelical Leaders

Zuckerberg’s new privacy essay shows why Facebook needs to be broken up

"Some people's idea of free speech is they are free to say anything they want, but whenever anyone says anything back, that's outrage" --- Winston Churchill

Why is telling the truth about Israel banned now?

It is the people who are spewing HATE, just like the elites want are the people destroying America.

Free speech is gone in America.

How do I spread love in the world when there is so much hate?


Why is it ok for our "President" to force not one but two of his porn start mistresses to get abortions after having unprotected sex?

A Florida Massage Parlor Owner Has Been Selling Chinese Execs Access to Trump at Mar-a-Lago

Norway is starting the world's biggest divestment in oil and gas

Syria Accuses US Stole 40+ Tons of Its Gold

Sunday, March 03, 2019


Kim — Not Trump — Was Right About Summit Snag, Says State Department

Saudis Join With US to Kill EU Effort to Create Dirty Money Blacklist

US Army Takes 50 Tons Of Gold From Syria In Alleged Deal With ISIS

Age of Surveillance Capitalism: “We Thought We Were Searching Google, But Google Was Searching Us” STORYMARCH 01, 2019Watch iconWatch Full Show

11 Million Taxpayers Losing $323 Billion In Deductions In Trump Tax Hit

Why is our government in bed with Saudi Arabia?

They want your money all of it. And they will take it anyway they can.

Americans think they are free, but they are not. The government is always telling them what they can and cannot do. Free men do not need to be told what they can and cannot do. We have NEVER been Free , and never will until they wake up to what is happening to them.

Trump complains ‘my generals don’t understand business’: report

Why are we letting Israel doing the same thing to the palestinians that the US did to the American Indians? Defeated them, Destroyed them,stole their land, and put them in reservations. Then Israelis emulated the Americans well.The USA: the most bloodthirsty nation ever, founded on genocide, built on slavery, maintained by permanent wars of aggression, the only nation to use nuclear weapons and having an empire based on accumulation of wealth by a few to the cost of the planet's future.

As Trump and Kim Met, North Korean Hackers Hit Over 100 Targets in U.S. and Ally Nations


  The Trump Administration Wants USAID on the Blockchain China is testing experimental 'dogfighting' satellites in space, US general...