Monday, January 30, 2023


Iran says drone attack targets defense facility in Isfahan 

Facebook secretly killed users batteries, worker claims in lawsuit

Drone attack on Iranian weapons factory was phenomenal success - sources

Republicans are afraid of books.
Democrats have guns, too. We just don’t jerk off with them in public.
In 2020, 55 Fortune 500 companies paid $0 in federal taxes on $40 billion in profit. President Biden is putting an end to this with 15% minimum tax on billion dollar corporations.
The next time you hear Republicans in Congress complaining about the debt ceiling, remember that approximately 25% of the total national debt was incurred during the Trump administration. The notion that Republicans care about the debt is one of the biggest lies in politics.

Books banned from Florida county schools include biography of Rosa Parks, book about Japanese internment camps

Asteroids sudden flyby shows blind spot in planetary threat detection

Yellen warns of debt ceiling 'catastrophe'...

Republican bitter divide; No clear path forward...

Pivot Away From Big Tech Antitrust Crackdown...

How Oligarch May Have Recruited FBI Agent Who Investigated Him...

Why Do Conservatives Get Such a Kick Out of Destroying the Natural World?

Ron DeSantis ban forces Florida teachers to remove books from classrooms


  DHS Scraps Ban on Surveillance Based on Sexual Orientation the_news_america 2h Most educated states in America: 1. Massachusetts: 🔵 2. Ve...