Wednesday, March 19, 2008

More economic issues

Stocks Surge After Fed Move...

Dollar Wobbles...

America Was Conned - Who Will Pay?

By Larry Elliott, economics editor

The crisis will only end when house prices stop falling and banks stop racking up huge losses on their loans. Doing that, however, will require the US government to intervene directly in the real estate market to end the wave of foreclosures. Ideologically, it is ill-equipped to take that step and, as a result, property prices will fall and the financial meltdown will go on and on. Continue

Mankind at the Turning Point

A Planned World Economy

By Brent Jessop

Not satisfied with the control of resource prices the report also stresses the need for a planned redistribution of industry throughout the world, especially to South Asia. Continued

Putin calls for rouble vigilance as dollar plummets: - Russian President Vladimir Putin urged his government and Central Bank on Monday to keep a close eye on rouble appreciation as the dollar continues to plummet against world currencies.

Is Britain heading for a Great Depression?: The financial crisis plunged to a new low today as £51 billion was wiped off the value of Britain’s top companies.

A financial crisis unmatched since the Great Depression, say analysts: Students of the markets say the only recent parallel with the current turmoil is Japan in the 1990s, but other than that they have had to study the 1930s, when 9,000 banks failed, 1907 when JP Morgan told Wall Street enough was enough after a 50% drop in shares, and even to the series of economic and financial upheavals during the final quarter of the 19th century.

Europe idle as US battles meltdown: The US Federal Reserve has resorted to the nuclear option in its ever-more depleted arsenal, invoking a Depression-era clause to shoulder the risk of losses stemming from the collapse of Bear Stearns, and to lend money directly to broker dealers.

Fears mount over US economy : The dollar on Friday fell below the Swiss franc for the first time ever and George Bush, US president, conceded that the country was "going through a tough time".

Paulson admits US economy is in decline : US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson today said the economy is in "sharp decline," the closest he has come yet to conceding that a recession has already set in.

ANALYSIS: U.S. economy in crisis as it pays price for greed : The stock market usually runs on 90 percent economics and 10 percent psychology. On Monday the proportions were reversed. Fear rules, the future looks threatening and uncertain, and the biggest fear is the collapse of the U.S. financial system.

'Ontario residents only' at Tent City: Large, often confused, crowds formed ragged lines behind police barricades where officers handed out color-coded wristbands. Blue meant they were from Ontario and could remain.

Morgan Eats Bear, Now Has $77 Trillion In Derivatives

Here Comes Worldwide Currency Debasement

What You're Not Told About The Financial Crisis

Morgan Eats Bear, Now Has $77 Trillion In Derivatives

Billionaire Moves To Stop JP Morgan Bear Takeover

Here Comes Worldwide Currency Debasement

What You're Not Told About The Financial Crisis

Bernanke's Latest Scheme No Remedy

Lenders Stop All But Lowest Risk Loans

UK Mtge, Commercial Banks Devastated By Bear Bust

CNBC: Jim Rogers - 'Abolish Federal Reserve' - Vid

UK Faces Worst Financial Crisis In Decades

Will More Fed Action Be Enough?

Gold Screams Past 1000

Lehman Shares Dive - Lowest Profit Since 2003

Cramer Tries To Dig Out Of Bear Collapse - Vid

Jim Cramer Advised Investors Not To Sell Bear - Vid

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