Monday, July 28, 2008

More economic issues

Obama visiting doctor to treat sore hip...

FDIC takes over 2 more banks, closing 28 branches...

No angry lines of customers...

Guarantee Healthcare for All

By Malinda Markowitz

The United States spends more than twice as much per person on healthcare as most other industrialized countries — but it has plunged to last among those nations in preventing deaths through timely and effective medical care. Continue

We’re a Nation of Lemmings

Screw The Climate! We Want Our Cheap Gas!

By Dave Lindorff

What the hell happened to any sense of shared responsibility, not just for society, but for our own offspring? Continue

US markets drop after triple blow: US markets have dropped by more than two per cent after yet another fall in US home sales, a rise in jobless claims and record losses posted by the second-biggest car maker in the country.

US home foreclosures jump 14% in 2nd quarter: survey: On an annual basis, home foreclosure filings soared 121 percent from the same period in 2007, RealtyTrac said in releasing a survey of the country's 100 largest metropolitan areas.

US Natl Debt Limit Raised For Gigantic Bailout

Uninsured WaMu Depositors Asking For Trouble!

Putting The 'Federal' Back In Federal Reserve

US Housing Still Overvalued By 20%

US Foreclosures Double As House Prices Decline

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