Sunday, September 28, 2008

more economic troubles.

Dems seek Wall Street tax in bailout plan...



WACHOVIA shares plunge as investors question fate...

...early merger talks with CITIBANK
JPMORGAN to take over WASHINGTON MUTUAL deposits...

FDIC seizure...

...largest US bank failure

SOLD: $2 for LEHMAN BROTHERS European unit...

Trouble in Banktopia

The financial system is blowing up. Don't listen to the experts; just look at the numbers.

By Mike Whitney

The carnage from Greenspan's low interest rate, "easy money" binge is now visible everywhere. Inflated home and stock values are crashing as the gas continues to escape from the massive equity bubble. The FDIC will have to be recapitalized--perhaps, $500 billion--to account for the anticipated loss of deposits from failing banks caught in the cross-hairs of asset-deflation and steadily contracting credit. Continue

$700 billion or Armageddon? Sounds like sci-fi

Put $700 billion in the bag and no one gets hurt.

By Ken Kam

The more I hear about Henry Paulson's plan, the less convinced I am it's worth $2,000 from every American. The predictions of financial Armageddon without it don't ring true. Continue

The End of Voodoo Economics

By Ian Williams

No one can say that current events are a one-off. The get-government-out-of-business brigade, the masters of the universe, have in their three decades of unbridled power produced the savings and loan bail-out, the Mexican bond bail-out, the Asian currency crisis, the Enron and other related scandals, the tech bubble, the Long-Term Capital Management collapse and rescue, a wage freeze for working Americans and now this. Continue

Tragedy in the Making in Washington and on Wall Street:

The Canadian Solution

By Rodrigue Tremblay

This is something that the Bush administration and the U.S. Congress might want to consider if they hope to get out of the ideological and political deadlock they have talked themselves into. Continue

Keating 5 Ring a Bell?

McCain's past collides with the present Wall Street debacle.

By Rosa Brooks

Once upon a time, a politician took campaign contributions and favors from a friendly constituent who happened to run a savings and loan association. The contributions were generous: They came to about $200,000 in today's dollars, and on top of that there were several free vacations for the politician and his family, along with private jet trips and other perks. Continue

Frank Expects Bailout Agreement By Sunday: "I'm convinced that by Sunday we will have an agreement that people can understand on this bill," predicted Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank, a key Democrat in eight days of up-and-down talks designed to stave off an economic crisis.

Economics Expert: Fiscal Cracks Extend Beyond U.S.: Johnson says the presidential candidates both avoided questions about the bailout in their Friday debate. The U.S. has to look outside itself — "This is a global problem," he says, and it's worrisome that other nations haven't wanted to step up and help find a solution.

ROYAL Bank of Scotland will get 'billions' in US bail-out: The bank's share of the bail-out will enable RBS to offload billions of dollars of questionable assets.

Wall St Execs Scored $3 Billion Before The Crash

Paulson's Watch Runs On Illuminati Time

Should US Bail Out Zionist Jewish Bankers?

Bailout Means Full Faith And Credit

Bailout II, III, Etc - Think Zimbabwe's Collapse

Roberts - Has Deregulation Sired Fascism?

Great Depression May Last The Next Decade

Markets Face Major Crash If Bailout Fails

UK, Too, Is In Center Of Financial Storm

Bailout - Congress Will Stay In Session Until...

Wachovia Does The WaMu Suitor Shuffle

Bloomberg Analyst - $700B Bailout Could Go To $5T

US Banking Collapse - A Controlled Demolition

Corruption, Whispers & Receivership

Wachovia In Huge Mtge Mess

Paulson Plan Destroys Constitution - Legitimizes Fraud

Take Back America From Wall Street

US Taxpayers Being Put In Chain Gang

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