Saturday, March 31, 2018


Trump declares April National Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Republicans block state net neutrality bill

Scrubbed clean: why a certain kind of sex is vanishing from the internet

Is Facebook Listening through Your Smartphone Microphone? Whistleblower Says Yes

Trump is as much a christian as Obama is a Muslim.

No One Is Safe From the Data Breach Epidemic (Infographic)

McCabe has emails proving Republicans lied about him misleading Comey: report

The Facts Behind Trump’s Tweet on Amazon, Taxes and the Postal Service

We now have the first clear evidence cell phone radiation can cause cancer in rats

How would you know how those kids felt after getting shot at, since you covered your self in shit to get out of Vietnam, so you would not get shot at.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Why is it ok ....

Why is it ok for people on the no-fly list to buy guns?
Why is it ok for people on the terrorist watch list to buy guns?
Why is it ok for people with active restraining orders to buy guns?
Why is it ok for people on mood stabalising medications to buy guns?

Why is it illegal in some states for people on medical Marijuana to own guns?

Below is what would happen if they treated guns like cars:
Why don't people who own guns need to get safety and operation training?
Why don't people who own guns need to get certification to own a gun?
And need to re-certify every few years?
Why don't gun owners need liability insurance for every gun they own?
Why don't people who own guns need to get their guns certified?
And need to re-certify every few years?


US Congress just passed HR 1865, "FOSTA", seeking to subject websites to criminal and civil liability when third parties (users) misuse online personals unlawfully.
Any tool or service can be misused. We can't take such risk without jeopardizing all our other services, so we are regretfully taking craigslist personals offline. Hopefully we can bring them back some day.
To the millions of spouses, partners, and couples who met through craigslist, we wish you every happiness!

Trump fully aligns with the bloodthirsty neocons - prepare for another devastating war

World's Largest Animal Study on Cell Tower Radiation Confirms Cancer Link

President Trump signs omnibus spending bill, putting the CLOUD Act on the books in big shift for cloud data

Anti-War Trump Voters Just Officially Ran Out Of Reasons To Support This President

How to download a copy of everything Facebook knows about you

Congress Enacts Garbage Surveillance Legislation By Attaching it to Must-Pass Budget Bill The CLOUD Act is highly unpopular, but it passed, because Congress is dysfunctional.

This Brilliant New Plan May Finally Stop The NSA’s Spying

The New Military-Industrial Complex of Big Data Psy-Ops

 Facebook hit with four lawsuits in one week over Cambridge Analytica scandal

A timeline of Facebook's privacy issues — and its responses

Fox News hosts tear into Trump over spending bill

Government knows DNC hacker was Russian intel officer

73 Teens Shot To Death In The 37 Days Since The Parkland Massacre

Trump is banning Transgender's, why would any president ban anybody that want to fight for our country?

BREAKING: Detailed Diary From Trump Mistress Surfaces On CNN; Delusional Donald Freaks

New data show the NRA increased online ad spending aggressively after Parkland shooting

John Bolton plans to fire dozens of White House officials

why does  HR 1865, "FOSTA  subject websites to criminal and civil liability when third parties (users) misuse online personals unlawfully, but does not do the same thing to newspapers whose users who misuse personals in print?

 Guccifer 2.0 unmasking makes it a lot harder for Trump to deny collusion

A summons for 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

John Bolton Chairs an Actual “Fake News” Publisher Infamous for Spreading Anti-Muslim Hate

Trump wants a war (with anybody) to distract from the Mueller Investigation.

Guccifer 2.0 is a Russian Intelligence Officer. Does That Mean Trump Team Colluded?

Here is the White House response to March for Our Lives

Notice the "Trump" brand water bottle. The taxpayers are paying Trump to drink his own freaking water.

  Wisconsin GOP will tinker with election laws rather than follow court order

Trump Can't Get What He Wants and Doesn't Know Why

Tenacious new gun researchers are determined to break cycle of mass shootings

Why doesn't a National Security Advisor need to be vetted and approved by congress?

The Scientist Whose Gun Research Terrified the NRA Explains Why Congress Just Gave Him Hope In 1996, the Dickey Amendment banned funding research to “advocate or promote gun control.”

I downloaded the Personal data that FaceBook said it collected on me, and it is missing almost everything that show up on my profile. They definitly have way more than they sent me, FACEBOOK LIES!

Trump wanted to slash funding for clean energy. Congress ignored him.

The New Law That Killed Craigslist’s Personals Could End the Web As We’ve Known It

Facebook Turned Our Economy Into a Spying Operation

Confirmed "Mind Control" technologies, fact-check if you like.

Las Vegas was a hit on a Saudi Prince aided by and sanctioned by the Trump Administration, and the rest of the concert goers were just collateral damage and a cover. There is so much proof out there.

Thursday, March 22, 2018


My take, entire scheme runs like this:
1) Trump was bankrupt
2) Oligarchs bailed him out
3) The price? complete control over him
4) Payback? Money Laundering, criminal facilitation, run for Pres.
5) DJT runs w/o knowing RUS can rig
6) RUS orchestrates win
7) now he does as told.

Do you know anyone as stupid as Donald Trump?

Sunday, March 18, 2018


The U.S. national debt has exceeded $21 trillion for first time ever.
Why isn't Trump tweeting daily about this record being broken?

Paul Ryan sold shares on same day as private briefing of banking crisis

Trump Administration Eliminates Animal Welfare Rules

I'll never pay attention again to a republican talking about:
- family values
- honesty
- ethics
- morality
- religious freedom
- the environment
- science
- government
- integrity
- fairness
- Healthcare
- patriotism
- law & order
- fake news

 Don’t Forget About Flint, Michigan

Trump has never looked guiltier — and his lawyer just made it worse

AP Exclusive: Kushner Cos. filed false documents with NYC

Britain Says It Has Proof Russia Stockpiled Lethal Nerve Agent

Trump silent as firm he paid millions is caught stealing private info

Trump Will Start the End of the World, Claim Evangelicals Who Support Him

ICE spokesman quits after saying he ‘couldn’t bear the burden’ of lying for the Trump administration


If Michael Cohen Is Telling the Truth About His Stormy Daniels Payment, He Could Be Disbarred

Trump doesn’t have a mind of his own and is easily coerced into doing what his babysitters want.

Revealed: 50 million Facebook profiles harvested for Cambridge Analytica in major data breach

Here Is Andrew McCabe’s Full Statement. Everyone Should Read It.

Trey Gowdy Calls Out Trump's Attorney: 'If You Have An Innocent Client Then Act Like It'

Deep State = Military Industrial Complex

 White House aides ‘whisk Trump to a golf course’ after Sunday morning Twitter meltdown

 Edward Snowden: Facebook is a surveillance company rebranded as 'social media'

Harvard Investigation Shows Doctors are Paid Huge Sums to Prescribe Addictive Opioids

Rand Paul: People 'eager for war' shouldn't be running State Department

Sunday, March 11, 2018


Trump White House lectures Cabinet on how to get away with scandals

China abolishes presidential term limits

AP FACT CHECK: Trump makes bogus claim on female voters

A hidden shortage: why the world is running low on sand

G.O.P. Rushed to Pass Tax Overhaul. Now It May Need to Be Altered.

It’s Time to Abolish ICE A mass-deportation strike force is incompatible with democracy and human rights.

EPA's Science Advisory Board Has Not Met in 6 Months

Amidst all the noise, confusion, smoke and mirrors one inescapable fact remains: A foreign adversary attacked the United States and our very own President refuses to do anything about it.

if you believe people should not fly a Mexican flag, but you think it is ok to fly a Confederate flag, you need to wake up in America.. not the south..

The funny smell coming out of Donald Trump’s White House

573 Civil Rights Groups Urge Ben Carson To Keep Anti-Discrimination Language In HUD Mission Statement

They are all corporate entities.

What is a porn star going to tell us about on 60 minutes, that president Trump doesn't want the American people to know?
 It won't be about his preferences, it will be about all of the information he let slip. If Stormy knows the rest of the world knows.


Name Calling, bullying, blaming everyone else, is no way to gain anybody's respect.

I wonder what conservatives would say when they find out  Trump got Stormy Daniels pregnant and persuaded her to get an abortion?

Has Mueller called  Stormy to testify yet?

We will be under marshal law by the 2018 elections and won't have the 2018 elections!

Saturday, March 10, 2018


80 percent of mass shooters showed no interest in video games, researcher says

He is either being blackmailed by the russians or controlled by the russians, which it is doesn't matter.

Friday, March 09, 2018


I now understand what happened in the 30's in Germany, it is happening here in America in front of my eyes. There appears to be nothing a person like me can do to put a halt to this. I feel helpless because I cannot awaken people to their impending fate. It will happen countless times.

I don't even know where to begin to help people, but I will do what I can

There is a world power struggle going on. but most people are not aware of it, and the ones who are are trying to duck the fallout,


Mossad/CIA murdered U.S. troops in Iraq

One of Trump's Video Game Experts Thinks Cops Are at War and Murder Makes You Horny Trump's meeting about violent video games today includes some questionable experts.

Trump Agrees To Meet With Kim Jong Un: "Great Progress Being Made"

Entering the Ring of War Propaganda

Alabama’s Proposal Will Cost Thousands Their Medicaid Coverage, Won’t Encourage Work

Voter suppression fanatic Kris Kobach humiliated by GOP judge in court

Trump's tariffs will cost Texas oil and gas jobs

Vladimir Putin just screwed up

5 Facts About Mike Pence's Close Ties to the Koch Brothers Not Included in Jane Mayer’s New Yorker Article

ABC News covers “first whistleblower case under President Trump”

Republicans return the anti-gay First Amendment Defense Act to Congress "Religious freedom" for me, but not for thee.

You created a fake university to defraud your supporters out of their money. You're being sued by contractors for stiffing them out of their pay. You paid a porn star $130k to shut her up about your affair. Stop pretending you care about anyone but yourself, asshole.

U.S. Signs Off On Tariffs, Angering Trade Partners

 1. Trump will go to NK to talk to Kim Jong-il
 2. Kim Jong-il will kidnap Trump by not letting AirForce1 take off.
 3. Kim Jong-il will have Trump as a hostage


Thursday, March 08, 2018


Israel owns and operates foreign policy of US: Journalist

FBI Has Been Paying Geek Squad To Spy On Customers For Over A Decade

Comcast Found ‘Accidentally’ Blocking Legitimate Sites — Including PayPal and Steam

New Trump rules will drive people with disabilities off Medicaid and out of work

Trump Lawyer Obtained Restraining Order to Silence Stormy Daniels

Does Stormy Daniels Have “Images” of Donald Trump? The president once again proves himself susceptible to blackmail.

Why Isn’t Trump President for Life Yet?

Hope Hicks told House Intelligence Committee she was hacked, sources say

What We Found in Trump’s Drained Swamp: Hundreds of Ex-Lobbyists and D.C. Insiders

Brian Williams Putin praises Trump saying he has 'no disappointment at all'

House Republicans Weigh A Do-Nothing Agenda For 2018

Jury: Paxil Maker Must Pay $8 Million

The House Passed an Anti-Sex Trafficking Bill That Could Restrict Online Speech and Endanger Sex Workers

Abstinence-only education making a comeback under Trump

Court filings imply that Donald Trump got Stormy Daniels pregnant and she had an abortion

The Problem Isn’t Just Trump. It’s Our Ignorant Electorate.

Seven Boys Arrested for Threatening to ‘Shoot Up School’ and ‘Become Active Shooters’

Georgia moves to replace hackable electronic voting machines

Tennessee GOP kill bill to ban child marriage

Republicans just priced out a third of America from health insurance

Republicans shouted for years that Obama was taking away their rights & wanted to be king but he's not the one who:
1) Installed family in gov't
2) Funneled taxpayer dollars into his family businesses
3) Called for the seizure of guns w/o due process
4) Alluded to ruling forever

Trump Charges His Campaign Top Dollar To Rent A Basically Empty Trump Tower Office

If Video games are the problem, why is America the only country with a mass shooting issue, Japan and Europe have the same Video games.

 Ex-Tennessee governor’s Senate campaign fears it was hacked

Kobach Using Spreadsheet Showing Five Non-Citizen Voters

Federal judge questions whether Trump's spiteful Twitter behavior is constitutional

Democrats Demand Rex Tillerson Explain Why He’s Not Spending Money to Stop Russian Meddling

Tuesday, March 06, 2018


Study: Trump tariffs to cost 146,000 jobs

BREAKING: North and South Korea are talking, and North Korea has vowed to freeze their nuclear weapons tests in exchange for guaranteed security.
Now expect President Trump to try and convince us that this is his doing.

Facebook Just Hid Donald Trump’s Posts From Half Of His Audience By Erin Coates

Pro-Trump Group’s Poll Shows Opposition To Trump Marijuana Policies

China's Tiangong-1 space station will crash to Earth within weeks

Parasitism and “tax reform”: Trump’s corporate tax cuts fuel stock buybacks, not investment

Nasa is hiding evidence of soft-bodied aliens on Mars, claims controversial scientist who says he’ll prove the cover-up with a 'bombshell report

EPA appointee gets approval to consult for outside clients

Schiff rips Trump: Not acting on Russian election interference is 'dereliction of duty

Trump tumbles over 200 spots on Forbes list of richest people

Ka-Ching Donald Trump is raking in big bucks from emoluments foreign and domestic.

What Trump isn’t tweeting about in his manic rant this morning: Russia. Why isn’t Trump or Tillerson imposing sanctions or speaking out against Russia’s attempts to weaken our democracy? Why isn’t Trump instructing US intelligence to act? This is question #1 every day media!!!

Sunday, March 04, 2018


Congress Must Order Trump to Stop Stealing Taxpayer Money

23,000 HTTPS certificates axed after CEO emails private keys

EU Warns Tech Giants to Remove Terror Content in 1 Hour—or Else

Amazon Earned Billions In 2017, But Paid No U.S. Income Taxes

‘No Such Thing As Medical Marijuana,’ Trump Health Chief Says

Fluoride Officially Classified As A Neurotoxin In World’s Most Prestigious Medical Journal

Advertisers flee InfoWars founder Alex Jones' YouTube channel

The Powerful Global Spy Alliance You Never Knew Existed

New AI That Makes Fake Videos May Be the End of Reality as We Know It

Portugal’s Example: What Happened After It Decriminalized All Drugs, From Weed to Heroin

Putin tells U.S. to send Russia evidence of vote meddling

Trump praises China's Xi for lifetime mandate extension

U.S. seems to be winning tug of war with Russia over hacker's extradition

Kentucky Senate pulls bill to outlaw child marriage following opposition by conservative group

Russian Meddling on Social Media Targeted U.S. Energy Industry, Report Says

Something is being planned that will cause Trump to declare Martial Law, and it will happen very soon. What I don't know, but it will happen soon.

Donald Trump Is Talking Himself Into a Global Trade War on Twitter

Exclusive: Public doesn't trust Trump on midterms meddling

Flying a confederate flag shows America the same disrespect as flying a Mexican flag.

The imminent conservative takeover of local TV news, explained

How to Buy a Gun in 15 Countries

President or Dictator?
- Wants to be "President" for life
- Demands loyalty
- Wants libel laws changed to hide wrongdoing
- Asks for military parade
- Threatens to jail political opponents
- Calls opposition "fake" &"lies"
- Suggests executions for drug dealers

America's Richest 2% Made More Money in 2017 than the Cost of the Entire Safety Net

Donald Trump Has Spent Nearly a Quarter of His Days as President at His Golf Courses

GOP campaigns took $7.35 million from oligarch linked to Russia

Trump's mining giveaway

There You Have It: Emails Confirm Coal, Oil, and Gas Extraction Drove Shrinking of National Monuments

Trump says maybe US will have a president for life someday

US drops planned South Korean ambassador ‘because he disagreed with attack on North Korea’

Ohio mom just got arrested after 8-year-old son shot his 4-year-old sister

Saturday, March 03, 2018


E.U. Leader Threatens to Retaliate With Tariffs on Bourbon and Bluejeans

Accused Sexual Harasser Blake Farenthold Wants You To Forget He Owes You $84,000

Detained and divided: how the US turned on Vietnamese refugees

Electrolux puts $250 million US investment on hold over Trump's tariff hike

Veteran Affairs Secretary David Shulkin ‘Extremely Paranoid’ Ahead of Damning New Investigation, Sources Say

Trump's embrace of Russia: The evidence on public display already paints a jarring picture

Since Parkland:
•468 killed
•6 More Mass shootings
•Gun fired at FL K-12 school
•GA teacher fired gun in class
•OH 7th grader planned school shooting—killed himself instead
•2 dead at CMU

Does Russia Have Leverage Over Trump?

Ex-CIA chief: Trump ‘unstable, inept, inexperienced, and also unethical’

Ex-CIA Boss Brennan Rattled About National Security After Trump’s Alec Baldwin Tweet After Putin’s boast about nuclear missiles, the former director said he was chilled by Trump’s priorities: “This is surreal.”

Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens indicted for felony invasion of privacy

Wilbur Ross snuck industry execs into White House to manipulate ‘unglued’ Trump into tariff decision: report

Video game companies unaware of Trump’s summit on video game violence The meeting is supposed to take place next week

Qatar Refused to Invest in Kushner’s Firm. Weeks Later, Jared Backed a Blockade of Qatar.

North Korea has built a team of hackers that could hit U.S. power grids The West should be concerned, security experts said.

Security News This Week: Equifax Found 2.4 Million More People Affected by Its 2017 Breach

Wells Fargo hit with yet another lawsuit — for closing fraud victims’ accounts to avoid costs

Five Senators Want To Know Why The FBI Hasn’t Restored Missing Crime Data

WikiLeaks confirms Tor browser potentially a powerful tool in the hands of the US intelligence

Iran Bans US Dollar in Trade Activities to Beat Sanctions

Vote on bill to outlaw child marriage in Kentucky delayed after opposition from conservative Family Foundation

Germany Says Government Network Was Breached

Virus Knocks Out Cash Registers at Tim Hortons Franchisees

GOP cancels release of TV ads touting failed tax law in deep red district

Trump's embrace of Russia: The evidence on public display already paints a jarring picture

Trump picks Dow Chemical lawyer for key role at EPA

Teachers Are Not Soldiers A marine-turned-teacher argues that it's impossible to prepare educators to effectively use a gun in a crisis

Secret Service: Possible self-inflicted shot by White House

Cops: student called 911 claiming shots fired near Dallas school

A presidential milestone: Trump has spent 100 days in office at one of his golf clubs


  February 28, 2025: Donald Trump, again, takes classified documents to Mar-A-Lago. US Senator Mike Lee, Elon Musk calls for United States t...