Sunday, May 27, 2018


Standing for the National Anthem is meaningless if it’s mandated, and such a mandate undermines the essential liberty of free speech.


Fox News ratings plummet as evidence of Trump’s scandals piles up

Standing for the National Anthem is meaningless if it’s mandated, and such a mandate undermines the essential liberty of free speech.

 West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette

 America land of the Lawsuit!

Children are not pawns!

Bullying is not acceptable!
Name calling is not acceptable!.
Lying is not acceptable!
Stealing is not acceptable!
Cronyism  is not acceptable!
Nepotism is not acceptable!

Swastikas Spray-Painted on More Than 200 Headstones at Illinois Cemetery

US lost track of 1,500 immigrant children, but says it's not 'legally responsible'

Flying a confederate flag is just a disrespectful to America as flying a Mexican flag!

Rudy Giuliani won deal for OxyContin maker to continue sales of drug behind opioid deaths

Why is it ok for Trump to ask his porn star girlfriend to have a abortion, but not for the rest of the American people?

Sunday, May 20, 2018


Rest in peace Charissa!

IBM warns of instant breaking of encryption by quantum computers: 'Move your data today'

(Photo By Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call) (CQ Roll Call via AP Images) National GOP just let disgraced ex-lawmaker off the hook for $84K settlement

Republican Climate Change Denial Is The Real Hoax

House panel rebukes Trump, upholds sanctions on Chinese tech megafirm

Rebecca Solnit: The Coup Has Already Happened

How Democracy Ended

Number 1 never call people animals, EVER!

Anything can be bought for the right amount of money, look at congress!

Excuse me, but do you know how the American government works?

If you are convicted of a crime , any crime you can not run for office!

My thoughts and prayers are with the American people, they are going to need it.

Sunday, May 13, 2018


Why is the US so far behind the rest of the world in the transportation sector?

How will GOP-proposed changes to calculating inflation via the Consumer Price Index affect your retirement?

In Washington, union rips Harley-Davidson for closing Kansas City plant while opening in Thailand

US Bans ZTE From Buying Parts From American Companies for 7 Years

Donald Trump goes full neocon, embracing torture and war with Iran: Why should we be surprised

Trump's deep state handlers( Military Industrial Complex) are pushing him to war with Iran at the urging of Israel, so they can all make billions of dollars of profit.

U.S., Israel and Saudi Arabia Leading World to War With Iran, France Says

 Donald Trump tweeting at Congress to stay in Washington and do their jobs from a golf course in Florida is the most Trump thing ever.

North Korea’s Nuclear Test Site Is Largely Unusable, Chinese Scientists Say

Bloomberg warns of ‘epidemic of dishonesty’

Black activist jailed for his Facebook posts speaks out about secret FBI surveillance

Drugs should be legalised, regulated, and taxed according to the Medical Journal. This evidence based approach, reducing serious harm (from uncontrolled drugs and the 'war') can no longer be ignored.

Trump vowed to punish companies that moved jobs overseas. Is Congress rewarding them?

OH BOY! Iranian Regime Threatens to Release Names of Western Officials Who Took Bribes to Pass Nuke Deal

GOP’s scheme to cut off food stamps will hit its own voters hardest

Trumpers were against: Presidents golfing, until Trump did it. Executive orders, until Trump did it. Mishandling classified info, until Trump did it. Government corruption, until Trump did it. And they said taking the 5th is a sign of guilt, until Trump does it. It's how sheep roll!


Saturday, May 12, 2018


Pence says selling access to the president is a ‘private matter’
How The Saudi Royals Turned Trump Into Their Tool

Trump incorrectly claims military pay hasn't gone up for 10 years

Why Trump's Big Drug Price Speech Sent Health Care Stocks Soaring

Israel is treating Palestinians the same way America treated Indians  in the 1800's

If America is overrun by low-skilled migrants... ...then why are fruit and vegetables rotting in the fields waiting to be picked?

Antideficiency Act

Oliver North Worked With Cocaine Traffickers to Arm Terrorists. Now He’ll Be President of the NRA.

CDC Officials Blow the Whistle on Plot to Spread Deadly Virus in the US Read more at: © Neon Nettle

Israelis try to fly flaming kite into Gaza, start fire near kibbutz

Saudi Arabia Should 'Come Out of the Closet' and Help Fight Iran in Syria, Israel Says

I'm not anti-Trump, I am pro American, not rich American, but ALL Americans.

The Secure Data Act would eliminate government-mandated backdoors on encrypted devices and communications

After Drug Plan Shows Trump 'Will Do Nothing About Their Greed,' Big Pharma Stocks Soar

After Saying He’s Too Busy To Meet With Mueller, Trump Goes Golfing

Without Nuclear Deal, U.S. Expects Resurgence in Iranian Cyberattacks

Equifax denied passport numbers were involved in its data breach in February. Now it’s admitting they were.

Everybody in America's data was involved in the Equifax data breach, but Americans have no recourse.

Our allies no longer trust us.

The Tech to Monitor Inmate Calls Is Able to Track Civilians, Too

Tesla’s giant battery in Australia reduced grid service cost by 90%

Trump’s Iran Deal Violation, A Region On The Brink, And What Happens Next

At FDA, TVs now turned to Fox News and can't be switched

White House disbands global health team as new Ebola outbreak emerges

Trump to Drop Call for Medicare to Negotiate Lower Drug Prices

Let’s deliver the mail, not myths

Federal Employees Face Cuts To Retirement Benefits And Pay Freezes

Federal Tax Cuts Leave States in a Bind

We’ve Known for 400 Years That Torture Doesn’t Work

If Trump said that it’s time to start worshipping Satan, 30% of America would be doing Satanic Rituals within minutes.

War with Iran is coming

Trump is falling for his deep state handler's and Israel's ploy to drag us into a war with Iran, to make Billions of dollars off the endeavor. 

Israel a country that has been lying about it's own nuclear weapons program, is trying to drag us into a War with Iran.

Saturday, May 05, 2018


Investments give lawmakers personal stake in biotech, health care

The Trump administration argues that adults shouldn’t have sex for fun

Alex Jones: Trump Is Fighting A Computer Program That Has Decided To Kill Humans

The fact that all politicians are getting rich in Washington, is what is wrong with our country today.

Hipocracy: Israel a country that is constantly lying about it nuclear program, is telling us Iran is lying about it's nuclear program.

I am not anti-Trump, I am pro American, not pro rich American, but pro all American.

Tens of Thousands of Malicious Apps Using Facebook APIs

Gmail's 'Self Destruct' Feature Will Probably Be Used to Illegally Destroy Government Records

The Trump administration’s “Handmaid’s Tale” morality: Sex is for rich dudes, not for the rest of us

Putin has done his job well, Americans fighting each other, it needs to stop!

State warned Flint of 'significant' problems two weeks before cutting off bottled water

When a democrat gets caught paying hush money he gets drummed out of politics, but when a republican gets caught, nothing happens, how hypocritical!

Trump’s trade war with China just backfired for American farmers

Netanyahu’s Evidence Wasn’t Just Old, Some of It Was Fabricated

'The Stuff of Slumlords': Ben Carson Unveils Plan to Triple Rent on Poor Americans Using Housing Assistance

The Prison Industry in the United States: Big Business or a New Form of Slavery?

Things to Know About Israel's Alleged Top-Secret Nuclear Program

Weapons grade plutonium goes missing from US university

Alarming': NSA spy agency triples collection of US phone records

Google's Software is Malware

Israel is doing to the Palastinians the same a America did the the indians in the 1900's.

GOP congressman won’t return cash from group that used vets for scam

I wonder how much money Trump is making off of the American people every day?

Bring back the "Fairness Doctrine"

Corporations are not people, and should not be classified as such!

Thursday, May 03, 2018

Ramblings 5/3/2018

If Trump gets his way we will all be his subjects!

The Holocaust was legal,slavery was legal.
If you use the sate as a  metric of ethics, you be disappointed!

Trump is doing exactly what his handlers want.

Hillary was subpoenaed by congress and  testified for numerous hours, can't Trump do the same?

Trump has handlers, if you believe he doesn't', you  need to understand politics

If you have money, you think you can do what ever you want.


No, there’s no ‘kill switch’: Pentagon tries to reassure international F-35 partners   How Trump Is Reshaping Reality By Hiding Data Covie @...