Saturday, May 05, 2018


Investments give lawmakers personal stake in biotech, health care

The Trump administration argues that adults shouldn’t have sex for fun

Alex Jones: Trump Is Fighting A Computer Program That Has Decided To Kill Humans

The fact that all politicians are getting rich in Washington, is what is wrong with our country today.

Hipocracy: Israel a country that is constantly lying about it nuclear program, is telling us Iran is lying about it's nuclear program.

I am not anti-Trump, I am pro American, not pro rich American, but pro all American.

Tens of Thousands of Malicious Apps Using Facebook APIs

Gmail's 'Self Destruct' Feature Will Probably Be Used to Illegally Destroy Government Records

The Trump administration’s “Handmaid’s Tale” morality: Sex is for rich dudes, not for the rest of us

Putin has done his job well, Americans fighting each other, it needs to stop!

State warned Flint of 'significant' problems two weeks before cutting off bottled water

When a democrat gets caught paying hush money he gets drummed out of politics, but when a republican gets caught, nothing happens, how hypocritical!

Trump’s trade war with China just backfired for American farmers

Netanyahu’s Evidence Wasn’t Just Old, Some of It Was Fabricated

'The Stuff of Slumlords': Ben Carson Unveils Plan to Triple Rent on Poor Americans Using Housing Assistance

The Prison Industry in the United States: Big Business or a New Form of Slavery?

Things to Know About Israel's Alleged Top-Secret Nuclear Program

Weapons grade plutonium goes missing from US university

Alarming': NSA spy agency triples collection of US phone records

Google's Software is Malware

Israel is doing to the Palastinians the same a America did the the indians in the 1900's.

GOP congressman won’t return cash from group that used vets for scam

I wonder how much money Trump is making off of the American people every day?

Bring back the "Fairness Doctrine"

Corporations are not people, and should not be classified as such!

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