Saturday, November 17, 2018


The ONLY reason there is war is so the Military Industrial Complex can line it's pockets.

Trump gets Saudi Arabia a 100 billion dollar arms deal, what was Trump's kickback? $500 million dollars? More?

Most ATMs can be hacked in under 20 minutes

Voter suppression is ‘great’ says GOP senator who joked about lynching

If you tell the TRUTH there is no such thing as a perjury trap.

Bankrupt Sears wants to give executives $19 million in bonuses 

Death of HHS official Daniel Best is ruled a suicide 

Presidents Are Selected By Blood And Banksters 

Alleged Russian operative Mariia Butina negotiating with prosecutors 

The NeoCons want War this is their excuse!
Iran to Be Declared in Breach of Chemical Weapons Bans 

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