Sunday, July 18, 2021

July 18 2021

 Today is supposed to be the day of the great alien invasion. We will see what happens.

our sun is but a pixel


Why can the general population not understand that the government is not your friend and to be cautious of them

As US forces leave Afghanistan...China signs deals with Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Syria. (US National Debt has grown from $5.6 Trillion in 2001 when US started Fake Forever Wars after 9/11 False Flag--currently at $28 Trillion+)

Connection between the current flooding and the so called alien invasion that is supposed to happen around today (July 18th)

If you’ve been browsing this page for awhile I’m sure you’ve seen the post from that throwaway account talking about his premonitions of the alien disclosure /invasion that’s supposed to happen around this week (July 18th). If someone saved the post please link below.

This also coincides with the crazy amount of rain, power outages and flooding happening all over the world right now:

GermanyNew YorkNew JerseyWashington DCArizona

Any chance the government is manipulating the weather to induce heavy cloud coverage and distraction from the skies above?

Too many people are understanding that we have been deceived for decades, whether it is regarding war, the economy, elections etc. so they need a huge distraction.

Around midnight UTC, something huge entered our atmosphere

In light of the July 18th predictions, someone in r/Throawaylien posted a link to a live meteor stream on youtube.

If you scrub back to 11:59 PM UTC (and hours before), its pretty quiet. 30 seconds later something absolutely massive shows up on the graph. Even now it still hasn't settled back down to the levels from a few hours ago.

In the other sub, some speculation was that it was the related to the perseid meteor shower but the timing is crazy.


edit: UTC stands for Coordinated Universal Time so midnight UTC would technically be right on schedule for any hypothetical alien invasion/encounter/event due on the 18th...

edit 2: tail end of the first "ship"??

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