California Man Claims He Has a Gift To Summon UFOs & Interacts With Them
U.S. to Be Removed From E.U. Safe Travel List
In this blog I will document America's decent into Fascism as it happens.
California Man Claims He Has a Gift To Summon UFOs & Interacts With Them
Respect freedom. Respect each other. Respect each other's differences.
Don't fall for divide and conquer. Don't be a useful idiot. The real enemy is the sociopathic, genocidal elite who have murdered billions and seek to murder billions more.
U.S. to Be Removed From E.U. Safe Travel List
I just started watching America: Freedom to Fascism. Check out this quote, it's highly questionable tho
“I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”
Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) 28th US President
Trump received 1 million $$$ from Pfizer to help finance his inauguration
We are the 99%
Yet the 1% are successfully making us fight with each other with propaganda and bullshit headlines fed to us by the MSM.
Stop it. End this bullshit. We are many, they are few. We are neighbors, co-workers, friends, family.
They are sick oligarchs who care nothing about us peasants. Why? Why do you let them divide us from each other? This can all end tomorrow. You just need to open your eyes to the game they are playing with our lives.
I've never spent one second of my life hating any person I've had personal contact with.
Stop giving them power over your mind.
I've had enough of this divisive bullshit.
They control both sides of every group, philosophy, religion, government system and political party. It is a controlled opposition design to constantly divide people so they can keep control.
The media, social, news and entertainment, is used to reinforce their divisive agenda.
Trump made a deal with the Taliban in February of 2020 saying we would be out by May 2021.
Biden wins. Pushes back the date to September 2021.
This is all Public Knowledge.
Why are there still 15,000 Americans / Friendly's there In Mid August 2021?
Anyone there would have known between February of 2020 and February of 2021 (before Biden Pushed Back the Date) to GTFO by May of 2021, Yet they are all still there.
It would seem that 18 Months would be enough time to get out. But the MSM says that a lot of people are still there.
This wasn't an "Overnight coup d'etat" or some random, out-or-the-blue insurrection. This was planned 18 months ago, and it was planned for MAY and not August.
What am I missing here?
Donald Trump Booed at Alabama Rally After Encouraging Crowd to Get COVID-19 Vaccine
The 17 elements of martial law are:
Mass roundup of political dissidents
Dusk to dawn curfews
Rationing of essential resources
The seizing of personal assets such as food and water
Control over all food and water
The prohibition of weapons of any kind including guns, knives or chemicals which can be turned into explosives
The confiscation of property, homes and businesses
Arrests without due process
Massive “papers please” checkpoints with intrusive searches
Forced relocations
Forced conscription into various labor camps and even into the military
Outlawing of free speech
The installation of massive surveillance programs and the establishment of snitch programs
The total control or elimination of religion
Control of the media
Executions without due process of law
Total suspension of the Constitution
This is why I think it is this way:
It is united. What was the last time you saw kleptocrats fight each other?
It is intentional. You cannot be corrupt by accident.
There were confirmed cases where kleptocrats colluded with each other (Yanukovych and Putin, for example) to do things like transfering cash.
Kleptocracy has or had political parties following it (Ukrainian Party of Regions, Forza Italia, etc.) and their own media (RT for example)
Similar to most other political philosophies, there are several variants of kleptocratic thought (Putinism, Fujimorism, etc.)
'the greater Israel project' was created in Israel and outlines the plan to "balkanize" the middle east and Africa which just means to break up big governments and countries into tiny fragments. Basically, to overthrow all the Muslim countries so Israel can expand its borders.
In america, this plan was adopted by the zionists running the bush administration under the name 'Project for a new American century PNAC'
The MSM is 100 percent controlled by Zionists and everything they report is a lie created to help Israel and hurt America.
You can find out more by looking into Christopher Bollyns work. He's written several books and has several videos on YouTube explaining exactly this. no BS disinformation or even speculation.
Also, this sub is full of paid Israeli shills called hasbara. They are very very obvious to spot. They are hyper racist, vile and frankly very stupid. They often use 666 or 777 in their usernames. Their accounts will often be old with almost no comments or posts.
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