Saturday, August 21, 2021


The slow creep of martial law

The 17 elements of martial law are:

  1. Mass roundup of polit­i­cal dissidents 

  2. Dusk to dawn curfews 

  3. Rationing of essen­tial resources 

  4. The seiz­ing of per­sonal assets such as food and water 

  5. Control over all food and water 

  6. The pro­hi­bi­tion of weapons of any kind includ­ing guns, knives or chem­i­cals which can be turned into explosives 

  7. The con­fis­ca­tion of prop­erty, homes and businesses 

  8. Arrests with­out due process 

  9. Massive “papers please” check­points with intru­sive searches 

  10. Forced relo­ca­tions 

  11. Forced con­scrip­tion into var­i­ous labor camps and even into the military 

  12. Outlawing of free speech 

  13. The instal­la­tion of mas­sive sur­veil­lance pro­grams and the estab­lish­ment of snitch programs 

  14. The total con­trol or elim­i­na­tion of religion 

  15. Control of the media 

  16. Executions with­out due process of law

  17. Total sus­pen­sion of the Constitution

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