Monday, April 10, 2023



The globalists' plan for economic and civil collapse, martial law, World War III, depopulation and the New World Order

Everyone in this subreddit basically knows what's going on right now, but may not have all the pieces to assemble the big picture. This is my best attempt to put it all together into a single post.

I want to start out by saying "Know your enemy". You all know that the so-called globalists/Illuminati are your real enemy, not the people in Russia, China or anywhere else. The controllers use nations, religions and other false ideologies to divide humankind into opposing factions so they can get them to fight large-scale wars. For example, look at North and South Korea, and India and Pakistan - the same racial groups divided and turned against each other. They want us to hate and/or fear each other because it makes us easier to control. When we're focused on who's in front of us, we fail to recognize who's above us, pulling the strings.

There's another reason they do this, and while true, most people will find it hard to believe because it's not something that's ostensibly observable and evident. The reason is that they are feeding on us, on our lifeforce energy and souls. They are harvesting or directly feeding on our emotional/sexual/pain energy. You all know that the globalists/Freemasons/Illuminati are Satanists, and there's a very good reason for that - because they are his progeny. They are the Nephilim mentioned in the Bible (translated to "giants" in English versions, but actually means "fallen ones" in Hebrew). I discussed this in depth in another post, but all I'll say here is that this is a Satanic draconian order that is in control of this world. Their creator is Satan, so they're evil by nature. They didn't start out good and choose to go to the dark side, though some humans have done that by knowingly serving in their order.

The dracs definitely engage in human sacrifice, which is about harvesting the soul or sending it out of its natural cycle. Sacrifice is a real thing. It's mentioned in the Bible (Jeremiah 19:5, 32:35 and Psalm 106:37,38), and of course in modern times, they have that supposedly-mock child sacrifice ritual in Bohemian Grove, called "dull care". Real sacrifice rituals still take place today, but are obviously kept out of public view. I believe that abortion is often used as a method of sacrifice.

r/conspiracy - The globalists' plan for economic and civil collapse, martial law, World War III, depopulation and the New World Order
r/conspiracy - The globalists' plan for economic and civil collapse, martial law, World War III, depopulation and the New World Order
r/conspiracy - The globalists' plan for economic and civil collapse, martial law, World War III, depopulation and the New World Order

Now that you know your enemy, I'll get on with discussing their plans. I needed to make the point about sacrifice because that is their ultimate objective. They want to slaughter most of the human population in World War III in order to harvest their energy and souls in a global mass sacrifice. However, they can't get the public to jump into war until they've adequately set the stage. That requires a compelling narrative and economic and social conditions that will make people desperate enough to do it. Every major war is preceded by hard economic times. They create those conditions so that people will see war as the only way out. Secure your future - fight for your country and get out of poverty. Nobody can refuse that offer.

We all know that the current economic collapse is being orchestrated. It started with the release of the COVID pandemic, which was another planned/orchestrated event. It didn't accidentally "leak" out of one lab in China. It came out of many labs all over the world and was intentionally spread into the population. The lockdowns were meant to cut off people's income so they'd have to eat through all of their savings just to survive. The inflation was also orchestrated by cutting back energy production and by other factors, such as minimum wage increases, overblown government spending and extremely loose monetary policy. They are following the perfect recipe of how to sink an economy. The economic decline is also contributing to an increase in crime in the U.S., which they've made even worse with their open borders, illegal immigrant trafficking and weak prosecution in district courts, where serious offenders are released after little or no time spent in jail. It's all being done deliberately to push the country into civil disorder.

As to the narrative for war - Russia in Ukraine and China threatening Taiwan. They fly a Chinese dirigible over the U.S. at a low enough altitude so that everyone can see it from the ground and then it's allowed to finish its tour before it's finally shot down. Way too blatant and nonsensical to be legitimate. It was clearly a scripted event designed to advance the narrative for war with China. Then you have multiple incidents with Russian fighter jets over Alaska, Poland and international waters. Blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline was another blatant move, meant to antagonize the Russian public against the U.S. It served no other purpose. There will be a lot more of this back-and-forth provocation and saber-rattling in the days to come. That's the narrative they're selling us to get us into war. They did the same kinds of things to expand the theaters of WWII, Pearl Harbor for instance - a bunch of ships that were going to be decommissioned anyway. They're not false flags because another country is actually doing it, but the leaders of those countries serve the same Satanic hierarchy and agenda, so it's like the left hand fighting with the right hand. Ultimately, every nation in the world falls under the directive of this Satanic order, even though the method of operation for each country is different - capitalism vs. socialism vs. communism, republic vs. dictatorship.

Our "leaders" are little more than actors in all of this. They follow the script and play the roles given to them by the hierarchy above. In the U.S., the Biden administration is pretending to be incompetent to get the public to believe that it's all an accident, unintended consequences that are beyond their control. "Shit happens... nothing we can do about it". So far, it seems that the majority is still buying it. Of course, they don't want to completely destroy the U.S., but bring it to the brink of collapse so that the U.N. and World Bank can be called upon to stabilize and "secure" the country. Once that happens, the U.S. government will fall under the mandates of the U.N. and U.N. agencies and forces will be allowed to operate within the U.S. At that point, the U.S. will essentially be under martial law with U.N. "peacekeepers" in every city. They hope that the bulk of the urban population will treat the U.N. as a friend rather than an enemy. Obviously, they'd like to disarm the public before they get to that, but it may not be possible any longer.

The U.S. dollar will be replaced by digital currency (cashless economy), and that will give them greater control over the public's behavior, as all transactions will be reported and can be blocked whenever they want. This is related to the "mark of the beast", which will be a digital ID/credit card in a biotech implant/graft. That's how they plan to assimilate the U.S. into the N.W.O. Whether this happens before or after WWIII has begun, I'm not sure. They do need to centralize control over all the military forces of N.A.T.O. so they can override any national laws that might get in the way. They would likely have to do that before they start WWIII.

r/conspiracy - The globalists' plan for economic and civil collapse, martial law, World War III, depopulation and the New World Order

You think they're on your side? No. They're all playing for team Satan. Whichever candidate you vote for will be one of them, guaranteed. None of them are good, though some are more evil than others. When you vote, you're giving your consent for them to rule over you, which is something that I refuse to do. What I find most disturbing about all of this is how unobservant and unquestioning the general public is. Everyone should at least have a sense at this point that their leaders are evil. They're certainly not making much of an effort to hide it.

George Soros, the Rothschilds and their ilk are the highest level of the pyramid that's publicly visible, but they are by no means at the top of the hierarchy. When Soros goes down, someone else will be chosen to serve in that role. He has said this himself. Still, if they lose too many intermediaries, it will make it very difficult for them to maintain control over the society. Taking out the top of the hierarchy will require military force, but they will not be easy to get to. That's something that only Yeshua HaMashiach can do, if he becomes the leader of Israel. They are concerned about that possibility.

They are progressing very quickly with their plan, now three years in. Some have said that the endpoint, which marks the completion of the N.W.O., will come in 2030. I have no reason to disbelieve that, and it seems to be true given how fast things are moving. Whatever the case, you'll need to prepare yourself in order to survive decently in these difficult times. Stock up on long-term food and survival gear, and have plenty of water stored as well, for drinking and waste. If you can afford it, get a solar panel and power (battery) bank system with enough capacity to at least run your water pump and refrigerator 24/7. Do whatever you can to stay out of the WWIII meatgrinder. There will be a draft at some point, so start thinking about ways to avoid it.

Whether their plan for WWIII and the N.W.O. succeeds or not will depend on what happens in Israel. As I said, if Yeshua HaMashiach becomes the leader of Israel, there's a chance that they can be stopped. If he does, they will cease hostilities between the west (N.A.T.O. allies) and Russia/China, and they will all turn to attack Israel. That will actually be a real war, the only one in modern times where they won't control both sides. A vast number of people will die in that war as well, but at least there is the possibility of a greater good coming out of it, unlike their manufactured wars, which are just about pain and human sacrifice. Regardless of which country "wins", these draconian Satanists always stay in power. No one ever touches them.

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