Monday, October 16, 2023


Israel's 9/11- A False Flag

Reasons why the recent attacks in Israel on Oct 7, 2023 were most likley a false flag attack that Israel knew about & let happen.

Comparisons to 9/11, Pearl Harbour, etc are definetly relevant.

  1. Egypt warned Israel before the attacks that Hamas was planning something big and these repeated warnings were ignored

  2. Hamas was a creation of Israel. They gave rise to this group to divide and conquer the Palestinians aka start a Fatah (West Bank) vs Hamas (Gaza) war to stop Palestinian unity

  3. According to several Israelis, experts on security/political matters relating to Israel and even former IDF soldiers, the Israeli border fence/region is heavily protected & surveilled. Some have suggested that not even a cockroach or fox could enter without them knowing. Yet somehow 1,500+ Hamas fighters, heavy equipment like bulldozers and tons of vehicles were able to slip through completely unnoticed

  4. Israel & Gaza are amongst the most surveilled places on the planet. Israel dedicates a lot of time and effort upon surveillance and security. They are very security conscious. They have Gaza mapped out and under constant surveillance with highly advanced tech including a giant surveillance balloon, surveillance drones, satellites, etc

  5. Israel collaborates with Echelon & NATO. Chiefly amongst these groups, Israel has very close intel ties with the US which has eyes throughout the ME

  6. Israel has one of the largest and most sophisticated spy networks in the world penetrating multiple enemy & even friendly nations with its spies/double agents

  7. Hamas is said to have been training for the attacks at a mock Israeli settlement near the Israeli-Gaza border region & Israel was aware of this

  8. Israel and its warmongering ultra nationalist government was waiting for the perfect excuse to completely eliminate the Palestinian resistance and state. Now they have that excuse which is exactly what they wanted

  9. The attacks happened on the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War. Israel would have been in an even more heightened state of alert at this time

  10. These attacks happened at the perfect time for Israel/the Netanyahu gov. They happened at a time of internal turmoil caused by the 9+ months of protests/disunity due to the judicial reform. The Netanyahu coalition was teeter tottering. The judiciary in Israel had only recently started to hear cases associated with the judicial reform. Now, as a result of the attacks, there is no more disunity, no more protests and a new emergency, unity gov has been formed

  11. The original Israeli response to the attack was very muted. Where were the border guards? Where was the police? Where was the IDF? How was Hamas able to act so freely in Southern Israel for so long & penetrate deep into Israeli territory? Even Hamas was surprised by how easy it was and how successful their operation was

  12. Israel's intelligence/security agencies including Mossad, Shin Bet, Shayyrat 13, Yamam, Yamas, etc are amongst the world's best. There is no way no one amongst them didn't know what was coming

  13. The Israelis are known to infiltrate Palestinian communities/territories with agents that are well versed in Arabic and Palestine's way of life. They have secretive units for this called Mista'arvim. They are also known to have carried out attacks and then blamed the Palestinians for it. The King David Hotel Bombing comes to mind

  14. Hamas was allegedly planning this attack for many months if not longer and we are expected to believe that Israel knew nothing about it this whole time

  15. The site near the border with Gaza where the psychedelic rave/party took place was booked at the last minute after the previous location was cancelled. This event happened near a hostile/tense border with minimal security

  16. The attacks conveniently happen at a time when the Ukraine war is all but lost, losing support and slowly fading from the press. Just like that a new war erupts. This is just as it always is. If we're talking about the 1900s and 2000s alone, a new, major conflict or enemy is always right around the corner. 1st it was Germany/the Triple Alliance. Then it's Nazi Germany/the Axis. Then it's the Soviets/Vietnam/North Korea and communism. Then it's ME terrorism via the Taliban & Al Qaeda. After Bin Laden is allegedly killed, the terror threat gets a makeover & all of a sudden its all about ISIS. Then COVID comes out of nowhere. Then the Ukraine war erupts. Now its Israel vs Hamas which could easily turn into a regional war involving Iran/US/NATO.

What's next? A cyber pandemic? Disease X? A North Korean war? A war with China over Taiwan? A recession/depression? Solar flares? Aliens? Bringing back the global war on terror using Palestinians as an excuse? They could even launch a new 9/11 with the still missing 60,000 pounds of ammonium nitrate or the allegedly missing 800,000 tons of radioactive waste from Pennsylvania drilling. What about a nuclear third world war. Tactical nukes? Biological warfare? Perhaps climate change and a series of weather warfare/weather weaponry related attacks can occur using tectonic weapons, chem trials, earthquake bombs, weaponized lightning, laser/directed energy weapons, etc. The possibilities are endless.

They want us anxious and on edge by employing Fifth Generation Warfare. Like a demon or monster in a horror movie, fear and hate are their number one weapons. It's how they grow in power. We must not let them win over our minds.

We must not let them use false flag after false flag to trick us over and over again into spreading more hate, violence and support for their endless wars. 

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