Friday, March 08, 2024


OpenAI publishes Elon Musk’s emails. ‘We’re sad that it’s come to this’ Business 

US congressman says discovery of UFO technology threatens the energy sector. The possibility that unveiling extraterrestrial tech, which might not depend on conventional energy sources like oil, could drastically disrupt our world economy.

U.S. fears Haiti could fall 'at any time'...

If Trump reelected, Americans to flee in droves?

Allies push RNC to pay his legal bills...

The Don Begs For Debate With Biden After Skipping Every Republican Debate...

Melania missing from victory party...

BALZ: Here comes the general election: Long, negative and consequential...

LABASH: Do We Really Have To Do This Again?

Dems ready to hit panic button... Bernie warning...

BOTH men face speed bumps on path to White House...

POLL: Quarter of adults want state to secede...

Texans, Californians, New Yorkers closest...

Congress strips funding from LGBTQ group over 'sex parties'...

For Lower-Income Workers, Economy Looking Pretty Good...

APPLE feud tests EU big tech law...

Altman's eye-scanning Worldcoin banned in Spain...

The DNA Scandal That Could Threaten Thousands of Criminal Cases...

Biden Preps for State of the Union Speech and Rowdy Republicans...


Plans feisty economic reset...

Dems' latest problem: 1 in 5 Latino voters considering switching parties...

Ex-MAGA candidate wanted in Vegas Strip slaying...

Man was found dead in hotel room...

Chinese suspect in theft of GOOGLE AI secrets sprung on bond...

They are currently intentionally destroying the middle class, why can't people see what's happening?

So many people complain about the price of groceries and just the increase in price of basic necessities nowadays. but nobody ever seems to realize why it is the way it is. It has nothing to do with who is the president or any of that shit. While you are distracted by fake politics, there is a group of globalists working to eliminate the middle class. They want it to be rich vs poor, no in between, and they are succeeding. You should listen to globalist psychopaths like klaus when they say you will "own nothing and be happy" because when they say that, they mean it. They are carrying it out right now. It's only gonna get worse from here, and the fact that people are distracted is not helping. People need to wake up and see what is going on.

Dr. John Gartner: The world is watching "a fundamental breakdown in Trump’s ability to use language"

Donald Trump dementia petition signed by almost 100 doctors after spotting 7 symptoms

'Trump could be having difficulty' as Alina Habba begs judge for 'mercy' on payout: expert

The Ginni Thomas story should never become old news.

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Mike Waltz Left His Venmo Friends List Public   The 45th/47th US President can be proudly seen on the back of Mt. Rushmore Texas Senate Vote...