In this Blog I will discuss Life the Universe and Everything, and maybe even Prairie Home Companion.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Olbermann: White House sent me talking points too
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Govt. Spending $1 Trillion a Year to Get You to Drive More
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Fed lays on extra liquidity support
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Lies Told to the People at the Start of the Great Depression
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Washington Mutual Death Watch
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Bob Barr Petitions Congress: STOP Abusing the Bill of Rights
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more economic troubles.
States Face Looming Budget Deficits...
SHELL reports 33% rise in profit...
EXXONMOBIL: $11,700,000,000.00
Apocalypse Down-under:
By Mike Whitney
Aussie bank's write-offs signal doom for Wall Street. Continue
Study: China Trade Deficit Cost U.S. Millions Of Jobs: China's soaring trade deficit with the U.S. cost Americans 2.3 million jobs and $19.4 billion in lost wages between 2001 and 2007, according to an Economic Policy Institute study released Wednesday.
U.S. inflation to be 6 % by 2009: CIBC: He said the U.S. Federal Reserve will have to raise interest rates 200 basis points by the end of 2009 as a result.
America's house price time bomb: With the American housing market in its worst crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s, President Bush is authorising new legislation to pave the way for massive new government intervention designed to slow the slide.
Property economist warns of 25-year slump: Bearish analyst Capital Economics said house prices would fall 35% over the next three years and provided the market was stabile, prices would not reach 2007 levels until 2036.
Consumer confidence plunges near historical low: ABC: American consumers' confidence plummeted in the latest week, with only 10 percent of respondents in a recent poll having a positive view on the economic outlook, a report showed on Tuesday.
A Devil's Dictionary Of Finance
US Restaurant Chains Close As Diners Cut Spending
Suicide Spreading As One Solution To Debt Crisis
Beginning Of A New Era Or End Of The Beginning
Credit Crisis May Force Italy To Ditch Euro
UK Report Predicts 3 Yr Mortgage Paralysis
Australia Faces Even Worse Crisis Than US
UK Homeowners Told To 'Act Responsibly' By Bankster!
NY Governor Warns Of State Economic Crisis
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
IMF predicts no end in sight to credit crisis
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ABC: White House Accounting Gave the Wrong Budget Deficit
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House Judiciary Committee cites Karl Rove for contempt
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Fed extends emergency loan program for Wall Street
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Fed extends emergency loan program for Wall Street
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Study: China Trade Deficit Cost Millions of American Jobs
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The White House and Fox News violate anti-propaganda laws
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The war between the United States and Iran is on
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More economic issues
Bush renews push for offshore drilling...
Home prices drop by record 15.8% in May...
Singapore Saves MERRILL...
Nationwide shutdown of BENNIGAN'S restaurants....
STARBUCKS to shut majority of its Australian stores...
Eaten Up
Stuffed and Starved
By Ed Pilkington
Ed Pilkington meets the soothsayer of agro-economics and talks about what will happen when all the food finally runs out. Continue
BP's 2Q Profit Rises 28% On Higher Oil Price: The U.K. oil major posted a net profit of $9.47 billion for the three months ended June 30, or 49.8 cents a share, up from $7.38 billion, or 38.2 cents a share, a year earlier.
IMF predicts no end in sight to credit crisis: The IMF believes banks are in for more pain as mortgage defaults soar and economies slow.
How Wall Street Wrecked Your Retirement
The Last Hurrah For The Banking System
Merrill Lynch Needs $8.5 Billion In Cash
UK Banks Dive On Merrill Shock Fundraising
UK Mortgage Loans Hit Record Low
UK Mrtge Slump To Continue For Years
UK Retailers Worst Month In 25 Years
Venezuela Will Sell Spain Oil At $100 A Barrel
US Banks Going Straight To Hell On $1.5T Losses
Eurozone May Beat Britain To Recession
UK House Prices Dive Again - Realtors Raise Fees
Bernanke/Paulson/Bair Banking Crisis Next Step
Bernanke Seeks Great Depression To Test Thesis
Mortgage Crisis - Sub-Prime Capital USA
US Natl Debt Limit Raised For Gigantic Bailout
Uninsured WaMu Depositors Asking For Trouble!
Putting The 'Federal' Back In Federal Reserve
US Housing Still Overvalued By 20%
US Foreclosures Double As House Prices Decline
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Economy: IMF sees no sign of recovery as credit crunch looms
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Merrill Lynch Needs $8.5 Billion In Cash
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Dow Falls Almost 200 Points
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The abuses of the Federal Reserve System
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Tax rebate checks are swallowed by economic malaise
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The Bush Administration's Secret Biowarfare Agenda
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Bracing the Satellite Infrastructure for a Solar Superstorm
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National Australia Bank will shock Wall Street
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New Laws and Presidential Directives Allowing Martial Law
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FOX News Outed as Mouthpiece for Bush Administration
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Somebody's got to stop the "Mindless spending in Congress"
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Budget Deficit Nears 1/2 TRILLION Dollars in 2009
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Merrill Lynch To Sell Troubled Assets, Raise Capital
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More economic issues
Bleak Housing Outlook...
Singapore Saves MERRILL...
Thar She Blows
The Last Hurrah for the Banking System
By Mike Whitney
So, while your bank still has money and can process your checks, it may be time to pay down debts, pay quarterly taxes and mortgage payments in advance, and think of having money outside of banks (gold, foreign currencies), etc., before your money is inaccessible or even evaporates! Continue
Dollar Falls Against Euro, Yen on Widening Bank-Loss Concern: The currency dropped a second day against the euro after Gary Stern, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, was cited by the Financial Times as saying the U.S. credit crunch will worsen.
Speculators Trying to Buy Control of Food Supply: Hedge funds and other investors are buying up farms, farmland, fertilizer, grain elevators, shipping equipment and other necessities for producing food.
Tyson Falls as Profit Slumps 92% on Higher Grain-Feed Costs: Tyson Foods Inc., the second-largest U.S. chicken producer, fell the most in five weeks after fiscal third-quarter profit slumped 92 percent because of rising feed costs.
Corn, soybeans rise as dollar edges lower: Corn futures rose for a third day on Monday, as the dollar edged lower and as investors bought up futures on speculation that the commodity might have been oversold.
U.S. biofuel plants go bankrupt on feedstock costs: Soaring corn and soy prices on top of rising construction costs and tight credit markets have pushed about a dozen U.S. biofuel plants to file for bankruptcy protection, experts said.
US regulators seize two more banks: US regulators took over two banks on Friday and sold them to Mutual of Omaha Bank, the sixth and seventh bank failures this year as financial institutions struggle with a housing bust and credit crunch.
First National Bank of Arizona closes down: The notice on their web site says that the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, a government agency, ordered the closure. The site also claims that there is no notice given to customers for a financial institution's closing.
List Of Bank Failures So Far: Forthcoming failures(?):
U.S. deficit to hit record US$490-billion next year: The U.S. budget deficit will widen to a record of about US$490-billion next year, an administration official said, leaving a deep budget hole for the next president.
Venezuela Will Sell Spain Oil At $100 A Barrel
US Banks Going Straight To Hell On $1.5T Losses
Eurozone May Beat Britain To Recession
UK House Prices Dive Again - Realtors Raise Fees
Bernanke/Paulson/Bair Banking Crisis Next Step
Bernanke Seeks Great Depression To Test Thesis
Mortgage Crisis - Sub-Prime Capital USA
US Natl Debt Limit Raised For Gigantic Bailout
Uninsured WaMu Depositors Asking For Trouble!
Putting The 'Federal' Back In Federal Reserve
Monday, July 28, 2008
IMF: U.S. house prices overvalued by up to 20 percent
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WaMu: Liquidity Options Running Low
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It’s Official: The Crash of the U.S. Economy has begun
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Bush administration official says 08 deficit will set record
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Fannie & Freddie bailout could cost average US Citizen $3300
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Washinton Mutual Increases Liquidity To $50 Billion
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6 Signs The US Dollar Sucks
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The abuses of the Federal Reserve System
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McCain's son resigns from board of bank days before it fails
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New Laws and Presidential Directives Allowing Martial Law
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More economic issues
FDIC takes over 2 more banks, closing 28 branches...
No angry lines of customers...
Guarantee Healthcare for All
By Malinda Markowitz
The United States spends more than twice as much per person on healthcare as most other industrialized countries — but it has plunged to last among those nations in preventing deaths through timely and effective medical care. Continue
We’re a Nation of Lemmings
Screw The Climate! We Want Our Cheap Gas!
By Dave Lindorff
What the hell happened to any sense of shared responsibility, not just for society, but for our own offspring? Continue
US markets drop after triple blow: US markets have dropped by more than two per cent after yet another fall in US home sales, a rise in jobless claims and record losses posted by the second-biggest car maker in the country.
US home foreclosures jump 14% in 2nd quarter: survey: On an annual basis, home foreclosure filings soared 121 percent from the same period in 2007, RealtyTrac said in releasing a survey of the country's 100 largest metropolitan areas.
US Natl Debt Limit Raised For Gigantic Bailout
Uninsured WaMu Depositors Asking For Trouble!
Putting The 'Federal' Back In Federal Reserve
US Housing Still Overvalued By 20%
US Foreclosures Double As House Prices Decline
Bob Barr: Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae bailout added to U.S. debt
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If Iran Attacks It Might Really be Israel says CIA Officer
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Guess Which Country Supplies the Most Oil to the U.S? [PIC]
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Sunday, July 27, 2008
more economic troubles.
FDIC takes over 2 more banks, closing 28 branches...
US markets drop after triple blow: US markets have dropped by more than two per cent after yet another fall in US home sales, a rise in jobless claims and record losses posted by the second-biggest car maker in the country.
US home foreclosures jump 14% in 2nd quarter: survey: On an annual basis, home foreclosure filings soared 121 percent from the same period in 2007, RealtyTrac said in releasing a survey of the country's 100 largest metropolitan areas.
Putting The 'Federal' Back In Federal Reserve
US Housing Still Overvalued By 20%
US Foreclosures Double As House Prices Decline
1/3 Brits Broke In 2 Weeks If Out Of Work
US Auto Meltdown - Ford Loses Record $8.7B
The Death Knell Of Bernankeism
2nd Mtge Holders (Banks) To Be Bailed Out, Too
Greatest Transfer Of Wealth In History Nears
Evidence Of US Banking System At Brink Of Collapse
Banking Crisis Alert - How Safe is Your Bank?
UK Retail Sales In Worst Dive In 22 Yrs
Death Spiral Financing At Citi, Merrill, WaMu
Dubai's Oil Boom Financial Centre Heads For Bust?
Chavez Seeks Joint Bank With Russia
'Diversity' Was Used To Create Mortgage Crisis
Wall St Truth Slips Out In Bush Private Remarks
Crashed IndyMac Bank Not On FDIC's Watch List!
What Happens When The FDIC Runs Out Of Money?
A Golden Parachute With A Silver Lining?
Global Credit Crisis Takes Hold In Japan
UK Housing - New Mortgages Plummet 70%
Wachovia Loses $8.9B, Cuts 6,350 Workers, Dividends
Saturday, July 26, 2008
URGENT BREAKING:2 More Banks Failed tonight!!! DIGG IT!!
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Friday, July 25, 2008
Food industry bitten by lobbying success
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Act Now or Your Dollar Will Plummet!
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WaMu failing? I'd get my money out of there fast.
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21 Sure Signs Your Bank Is About To Fail
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McCain Praises Bush for Wrecking the Economy
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Investors are betting more than $1 trillion on a collapse...
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The Federal Reserve: Whining About the Economy
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U.S. Stocks Drop as Financials Have Biggest Decline in 8 Yea
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Banks increase borrowing from Fed's emergency program
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Housing Bill Won't Solve Market's Problems
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Bush Administration Proposes ‘Fire Sale’ of Rocky Mountains
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Government uncovers oil price manipulation
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More Dollar issues
Stocks Plunge...
Crystal Ball Gazing: Visualize the Dow at 6,000
By Mike Whitney
Last Wednesday, at an improvised press conference, George Bush gave what may have been the most comical performance of his eight year presidency. Looking like the skipper on the flight-deck of the Hindenburg, Bush tried his best to reassure the public that "all's well" with the economy and that everyone's deposits were perfectly safe in the rapidly disintegrating US banking system. Continue
"The Mother of All Bailouts"
7 Minute Video - By Ron Paul
Ron Paul talks about the bailout out of the housing industry and how it really just destroys the dollar and adds enormously to the debt. Also, slipped into the bill, was the stipulation that ALL credit card transactions must now be reported to the IRS. Continue
Attack of the Global Pirate Bankers
By James S. Henry
In the last thirty years, fueled by the globalization of financial services, lousy lending, capital flight and mind-boggling corruption, a relatively small number of major banks, law firms, accounting firms, asset managers, insurance companies and hedge funds have come to launder and conceal at least $10 trillion to $15 trillion of private untaxed anonymous cross-border wealth. Continue
Evidence of the US Banking System Teetering on the Brink of Collapse: The entire US banking system is insolvent.
Ford Posts Loss of $8.7 Billion on Asset Woes: The Ford Motor Company, stunned by abysmal sales of its most profitable vehicles and a sudden shift in consumers’ tastes, said Thursday that it lost $8.7 billion in the quarter, its worst ever, and would overhaul its North American plants to focus on small cars.
2nd Mtge Holders (Banks) To Be Bailed Out, Too
Greatest Transfer Of Wealth In History Nears
Evidence Of US Banking System At Brink Of Collapse
Banking Crisis Alert - How Safe is Your Bank?
UK Retail Sales In Worst Dive In 22 Yrs
Death Spiral Financing At Citi, Merrill, WaMu
Dubai's Oil Boom Financial Centre Heads For Bust?
Chavez Seeks Joint Bank With Russia
'Diversity' Was Used To Create Mortgage Crisis
Wall St Truth Slips Out In Bush Private Remarks
Crashed IndyMac Bank Not On FDIC's Watch List!
What Happens When The FDIC Runs Out Of Money?
A Golden Parachute With A Silver Lining?
Global Credit Crisis Takes Hold In Japan
UK Housing - New Mortgages Plummet 70%
Wachovia Loses $8.9B, Cuts 6,350 Workers, Dividends
Fannie, Freddie Rescue May Cost Taxpayers $25B
BoE Warns UK House Prices Could Dive 30%
The Paper Money Scam
Rep McFadden's Heroic Efforts To Abolish The Fed
Thursday, July 24, 2008
US Dollar Steadily Crashing Against Mexican Peso
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Debt capitalism self-destructs
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Former "Bush Puppet" Iraqi PM Calls for US Withdrawal
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Imminent collapse of the U.S. economy in late 2008!
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FDIC Faces Mortgage Mess After Running Failed Bank
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Desperate Banks Are Selling Everything That Isnt Nailed Down
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More economic issues
Oil Falls Below $125...
$3.50 Gallon 'By Labor Day'...
TOYOTA beats GM in worldwide sales...
NEW YORK TIMES profit drops 82%...
Raises newsstand price...
War is a racket: General Dynamics Second-Quarter Net Jumps 25% on Armor, Jets: General Dynamics Corp., the largest maker of armored vehicles for the U.S. military, said second- quarter earnings rose 25 percent as the Iraq war lifted sales of blast-proof trucks
Wachovia loses $8.9B, cuts 6,350 workers, dividend: Wachovia Corp. reported a surprisingly large second-quarter loss Tuesday, deflating Wall Street's hopes that the nation's big banks are weathering the credit crisis well
Who's Next? List of Troubled Banks Worries Wall Street: Banks in Colorado, Maryland, Georgia and California top privately-prepared lists of troubled banks being circulated on Wall Street and in Washington.
GM, Ford `On the Verge of Bankruptcy: General Motors Corp. and Ford Motor Co., the two biggest U.S. automakers, have about a 46 percent chance of default within five years, according to Edward Altman, a finance professor at New York University's Stern School of Business.
How to fight foreclosure on your home: Using the “produce the note” strategy is something all homeowners facing foreclosure can do. If you believe you’ve been treated unfairly, fight back. We have created templates for a legal request, a letter to your lender and a motion to compel to help you through the process.
Chavez Seeks Joint Bank With Russia
'Diversity' Was Used To Create Mortgage Crisis
Wall St Truth Slips Out In Bush Private Remarks
Crashed IndyMac Bank Not On FDIC's Watch List!
What Happens When The FDIC Runs Out Of Money?
A Golden Parachute With A Silver Lining?
Global Credit Crisis Takes Hold In Japan
UK Housing - New Mortgages Plummet 70%
Wachovia Loses $8.9B, Cuts 6,350 Workers, Dividends
Fannie, Freddie Rescue May Cost Taxpayers $25B
BoE Warns UK House Prices Could Dive 30%
The Paper Money Scam
Rep McFadden's Heroic Efforts To Abolish The Fed
Fiat Faith-Based Currencies - Ron Paul
Collapsing Fiat Currency In Need Of Parachute
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
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“Strong Dollar, Strong Dollar, Strong Dollar” - Yeah right
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Wachovia is on the Brink of Implosion
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Wall Street's laughing all the way to the Bank
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The Dollar and the Dow
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Banks: Plans to Seek Secret Emergency Funding
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Feds, Housing Industry Have Always Been In Bed Together
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Taxpayers Made to Pay $25 Billion Dollar Corporate Bailout
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Bush Cronies Redefined ‘Carbon Dioxide' to Help Polluters
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John McCain's Never-Ending War In Iraq
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America is addicted to foreign oil.
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The 25 Most Vicious Iraq War Profiteers
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Wachovia is on the Brink of Implosion
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Who Does Rainwater Belong To?
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Wachovia Bank Loses $8.9 Billion, Cuts 6,350 Workers
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More economic issues
DISASTER: WACHOVIA has $8.9B loss, cuts 6,350 jobs...
U.S. Expansion May Be First Without Income Recovery: Median U.S. family income, adjusted for inflation, was $58,407 in 2006, according to the most recent Census Bureau data, down from $59,398 in 2000.
Wachovia scorched with 8.7-billion-dollar loss: Banking giant Wachovia took a severe hit from the US housing slump with a second-quarter loss of 8.662 billion dollars as it announced plans Tuesday to end its wholesale mortgage operations. The loss amounted to 4.20 dollars per share, far above the average Wall Street forecast of a loss of 78 cents per share.
American Express Profit Falls on Higher Defaults: American Express Co., the biggest U.S. credit-card company by purchases, withdrew its 2008 earnings forecast after second-quarter profit fell 37 percent on worse-than-expected consumer defaults. The shares slumped 11 percent in extended trading.
United States Unfolding Financial and Economic Nightmare: Nearly every major bank, brokerage and lender you can name is up to its eyeballs in leveraged investments whose value is going up in smoke. They're borrowing hundreds of billions from the Fed. They're raising billions more from investors, diluting their shares. They're selling massive amounts of assets — scrambling any way they can to raise cash to survive.
Wachovia Loses $8.9B, Cuts 6,350 Workers, Dividends
Fannie, Freddie Rescue May Cost Taxpayers $25B
BoE Warns UK House Prices Could Dive 30%
Gold Forecasts Revised Upwards to $1200
US Unfolding Financial and Economic Nightmare
The Rush For Gold - Sales Of Bars Double
80% Fear UK Heading For Recession
American Express Profit Falls On Higher Defaults
World Economy At Point Of Maximum Danger
Hundreds Of Thousands Face Job Loss In UK
UK House Sellers Forced To Drop Prices
Economic Tremors In West Reach China
Paulson Says US Banks Safe And Sound (!)
Fed Asks For Blank Check For Fannie, Freddie
UK Economy Heads For 'Horror Movie'
Recession Next Year - Things Will Only Get Worse
Global Financial Crisis Worst Since Great Depression
At Freddie Failure Pays Big - $20M To CEO
Freddie, Fannie Problems Just A 'Perception' Issue
Business Bankruptcies Skyrocket
Taxpayer Can Bear No More Admits UK Govt
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Bush, Fuel, and Funding Friends of Terrorists
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The 5 largest quarterly losses at US banks
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Slashing the Job Market
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McCain Speaks For The Oil Industry
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Feds can't fix Fannie and Freddie
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The Government Keeps Losing Laptops w/ Super Sensitive Info
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Wachovia loses $8.86 billion, slashes jobs
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More economic issues
SWIPED OUT: AMERICAN EXPESS Profit Drops; More Cardholders Default...
Ex-con sues AmEx, says it aided search for him...
Drilling Ourselves Deep In A Hole
By Firmin DeBrabander
We, aim to squeeze more oil from a taxed planet, and further entrench ourselves in our sorry addiction. This nation’s repeated gambles on oil will likely cost American prosperity—and superiority—in the 21st century. Continue
Death of Free Internet is Imminent
Canada Will Become Test Case
By Kevin Parkinson
The plan is to convert the Internet into a cable-like system, where customers sign up for specific web sites, and then pay to visit sites beyond a cutoff point. Continue
Reuters: Russian Companies Now Own 10% of U.S Steel Industry: The weak dollar has made many U.S. companies cheap in comparison to their counterparts in the Euro zone, and many wealthy Russians are purchasing luxury properties in the U.S. for the same reason.
US food groups plan hefty price rises: : US food prices have jumped 5.3 per cent for the year ending in June, the Department of Labor reported last week. - The increase in food prices was steep in June, when they moved up 0.8 per cent compared with 0.3 per cent in May.
American Express Profit Falls On Higher Defaults
World Economy At Point Of Maximum Danger
Hundreds Of Thousands Face Job Loss In UK
UK House Sellers Forced To Drop Prices
Economic Tremors In West Reach China
Paulson Says US Banks Safe And Sound (!)
Fed Asks For Blank Check For Fannie, Freddie
UK Economy Heads For 'Horror Movie'
Recession Next Year - Things Will Only Get Worse
Global Financial Crisis Worst Since Great Depression
At Freddie Failure Pays Big - $20M To CEO
Freddie, Fannie Problems Just A 'Perception' Issue
Business Bankruptcies Skyrocket
Taxpayer Can Bear No More Admits UK Govt
Monday, July 21, 2008
GOP & McCain Tell Blatant Lies To The Public
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Why The White House REALLY Wants McCain To Win
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Chuck-U Schumer Causes Bank Run
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'04 Ohio Election Fraud Case Implicates Top GOP Operatives
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FDIC fund is a ¨Myth¨ $50 Billion Is Not Going to be Enough
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8,500 U.S. Banks; Many Will Die Soon
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Why No Outrage?
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More Dollar issues
NOT OURS! STARBUCKS Gets Pleas Not to Close Stores...
BUST: Lake Las Vegas Owners Place Resort in Bankruptcy...
Bank of China may hold huge US debt: Bank of China Ltd may own about $20 billion of debt issued by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, representing two-thirds of total holdings among the six largest Chinese banks, according to CLSA Ltd.
Commercial bankruptcies soar, reflecting widening economic woes: Driven by a sour economy and skittish consumers, U.S. business bankruptcies saw their sharpest quarterly rise in two years, jumping 17 percent in the second quarter of 2008, according to an analysis by McClatchy.
N.H. will accept free oil from Chavez after all: Two years ago, New Hampshire refused to accept heating oil from Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, the pro-Castro U.S. critic who once called President Bush "the devil." But with fuel prices rising, well, free oil is free oil.
'Massive potential' for global 'financial meltdown': Confidence falls in U.S. authorities' ability to ease financial panic
Fed Asks For Blank Check For Fannie, Freddie
UK Economy Heads For 'Horror Movie'
Recession Next Year - Things Will Only Get Worse
Global Financial Crisis Worst Since Great Depression
At Freddie Failure Pays Big - $20M To CEO
Freddie, Fannie Problems Just A 'Perception' Issue
Business Bankruptcies Skyrocket
Taxpayer Can Bear No More Admits UK Govt
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Legislator Favors Gifts Over Saving Soldiers' Lives
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Testing quantum weirdness on a large scale
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DHS Scraps Ban on Surveillance Based on Sexual Orientation the_news_america 2h Most educated states in America: 1. Massachusetts: 🔵 2. Ve...

"Multiple indications of vote fraud are beginning to pop up regarding the New Hampshire primary elections. Roughly 80% of New Hampshire...
Here Are 4 Facts From Democratic Memo That Destroy Trump’s FBI Conspiracy Democratic Memo Missouri governor to be investigated by a spec...