In this blog I will document America's decent into Fascism as it happens.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
US ecomomy shrunk by 3%
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Billions in Bank Rescue Funds are Fueling Buyout Deals
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Banks to pay dividends to shareholders, but not loan money
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Congress leaders urge bailout parachute limits
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Biggest one day fall in 23 years for US Dollar
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A Rate of Zero Percent From the Fed? Some Analysts Say It Co
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US Dollar Posts Biggest One-Day Fall in 23 Years
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Fed handing out money to Foreign Banks
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Treasury, FDIC Crafting Plan to Rework Millions of Mortgages
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Bush Undermines Democracy with Attack on 200,000 Ohio Voters
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Fed Cuts Rate by Half Point to 1 Percent
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Putin Suggests Russia & China Ditch US Dollar
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Steve Forbes calls for massive downsizing of Federal Reserve
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more economic troubles.
Cuomo warns nine banks about bonus payments...
The “Dirty Little Secret” Of the US Bank Bailout
By Barry Grey
In an unusually frank article published in Saturday's New York Times, the newspaper's economic columnist, Joe Nocera, reveals what he calls "the dirty little secret of the banking industry"--namely, that "it has no intention of using the [government bailout] money to make new loans." Continue
The Rothschilds and their 200 years of political influence: John McCain's campaign team is under investigation for allegedly accepting a benefit in kind from two mega-rich British citizens, namely Nat Rothschild and his father, Jacob, the Fourth Baron Rothschild.
Putin rules out nationalization of Russian economy: "I would like to stress that imposing state controls on Russia's economy is not, cannot be, and will not be our task. Increasing the state's presence in the economy is a forced measure and is temporary," Vladimir Putin told an economic conference.
U.S. pulls the plug on the world: The U.S. administration has prompted a huge surge in the U.S. dollar, which may help refinance its financial sector. The cost is a currency whirlwind that threatens the collapse not just of banks and companies but entire countries.
Banks to Use Bailout Bucks for Mergers: The Treasury Department’s capital injection program is well underway, with more than $150 billion total now promised to around 30 banks. So far, the evidence suggests many of those banks will use the cash to buy up weaker banks.
Car dealers hit by sales decline, weak economy: Sonic Automotive, which operates only in the United States, posted a loss of $25.3 million, or 57 cents per share during the quarter, compared with a profit of $26.1 million, or 58 cents, a year ago.
House Of Credit Cards About To Crash
Next Bailout Battle Rages In DC
China Cuts Interest Rates Again
Iceland Complains UK Has Devastated Its Economy
Brown Looks To China To Strengthen IMF
IMF Agrees To $25B Rescue For Hungary
Interest Rate Hopes Lead Market Surge
How Intl Bankers Gained Control Of America - Vid
Hedge Funds Lose £24B As VW Shares Take Off
Porsche Pulls Off $20B Share-Killing 'Sting'
Ukraine On Brink Of Financial Collapse
Bailouts Continue - China Takes Aggressive Action
Credit Losses Far Exceed Bailout Injections
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Federal Reserve Drops Interest Rate to 1%
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Hopes of a federal rate cut lift global shares
- CNNMoney: Wall Street waits for the Fed
- CNNMoney: Can this man save Wall Street?
- CNNMoney: Dow's second-best day ever
Financial crisis cost moves toward $20 trillion
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Banks still underestimating scope of crisis
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Wall Street Firms Using $700B Bailout to Pay Exec´s Bonuses
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Mounting Evidence of Voter Suppression for Election Day 2008
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GOP Trying To Undermine Election With Voter Fraud Claims
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Loose Lips Sink Stocks: Crazy Rumors That Have Moved Markets
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Dow Jumps Nearly 900 as Investors Seek Bargains
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Voter rolls stuffed with dead and absent registrants
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Ron Paul talks about sound economic policy on FOX News
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Treasury Clears Way for $700B Bailout
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more economic troubles.
Let Us Speculate
By William Bowles
There’s an awful lot of speculation going on right now, from both the left and right about where the latest crisis of capital is headed, chief amongst them is the notion that this signals the end of the US Empire, that the so-called uni-polar world is over, that a new multi-polar world, headed by China, Russia, India and Brazil is emerging. Continue
U.S. Should Enact $400 Billion Stimulus, Roubini Says
By John Brinsley
Roubini, who predicted the current financial crisis in 2006, said the economy risks falling into “a self-fulfilling animal spirit recession that is more severe than otherwise” because of the collapse of credit markets and weak consumer and corporate spending. Continue
Our Choice
By Nouriel Roubini
If the private sector does not spend and/or cannot spend, old-fashioned traditional Keynesian spending by the government is necessary. It is true that we already have large and growing budget deficits; but $300 billion of public works is more effective and productive than spending $700 billion to buy toxic assets. Continue
What Will YOU Do About The Worst Capitalist Crisis Since The 1930s?
Uniting & fighting back is no longer a choice; it’s a matter of survival
By Larry Holmes
Working and poor people, devastated by the depression, entered the 1930s destitute, broken and hopeless. Yet by the time the decade was over, the working class had won great battles, first by organizing itself into Unemployment Councils and tenants unions and later into giant labor unions. Continue
Latin American’s ‘New Left’ In Crises
As the ‘Free Market’ Collapses
By James Petras
The uniformity of the collapse of Latin American economies raises important questions about the changes and claims of independence, decoupling and post-liberal models, which many regime leaders, ideologues and progressive US-European Latin American writers made over the past several years. Continue
PM Putin Suggests Russia, China Ditch Dollar in Trade Deals
By RIA Novosti
"We should consider improving the payment system for bilateral trade, including by gradually adopting a broader use of national currencies," Putin told a bilateral economic forum. He admitted the task would be tough, but said it was necessary amid the current problems with the dollar-based global economy. Continue
The Financial Woes Signal The Death Of The Dollar?
By Rev. Richard Skaff
Once the middle class is slowly and fully assassinated in the US, then, the globalization process becomes easier to implement and the Security and Prosperity Partnership (North America Union) will rush toward us like a knight in shining armor riding on a beautiful white horse to rescue us from our financial disasters that were deliberately created by our treasonous leaders. Continue
PM Putin suggests Russia, China ditch dollar in trade deals: Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin proposed on Tuesday that Russia and China gradually switch over to national currency payments in bilateral trade, expected to total $50 billion in 2008.
Mass protests in Italy to stop cuts: Cries of “Berlusconi, now you know what people think of you!” rang through the streets of Rome last Friday as half a million people demonstrated against the right wing government. Milan and Turin each saw marches of 50,000 too.
Warnings of deep recession as US layoffs spread coast-to-coast: Unemployment is set to rapidly increase. "My view is that it will be near 8 or 8.5 percent by the end of next year," Nigel Gault, chief domestic economist at Global Insight, told the New York Times.
Bailouts Continue - China Takes Aggressive Action
Credit Losses Far Exceed Bailout Injections
WH To Banks - Quit Hoarding, Start Lending
Putin Suggests Russia, China Ditch Dollar
Stocks Surge 889 Pts On Investor Bargain Hunting
Iceland Raises Interest Rates To 18%!
IMF May 'Print Money' As Crisis Spreads
BP Profits Skyrocket - Up 148%
London And Asian Markets Rebound
World Has 'Six Days To Save Pakistan'
BoE - Cost Of Crash $2.8T So Far
Pound In Free Fall - No Way To Stop It
UK Repos Jump 71% As Arrears Grow
UK Economy Now Smaller Than France
UK - 1.2 Million Face Negative Eq As Property Dives
Russia/China To Strengthen Financial Ties
Wall St Renews Once In Lifetime Sucker Buying
Madness Rules! - Insurers/Pensions Pile Into Derivs
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Wall Street Rises After Shares Drop Overseas
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Global Markets Shudder Amid Concerns Over Currency
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Global Markets Shudder Amid Concerns Over Currency
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Bob Barr: Big Government GOP Accuses Democrats of Socialism
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The Biggest Fraud in U.S. History
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Treasury set to dish out financial rescue funds
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More economic issues
OPEC cannot bail world out over financial crisis, says chief...
Unexpected rise in new home sales; Low prices foster flurry of activity...
Russian Central Bank to prevent wild swings in ruble - Shuvalov: "The government and Central Bank consider that sharp changes in the rate of the national currency would be damaging, and this will not be allowed to happen under any circumstances," he said.
Europe on the brink of currency crisis meltdown: The financial crisis spreading like wildfire across the former Soviet bloc threatens to set off a second and more dangerous banking crisis in Western Europe, tipping the whole Continent into a fully-fledged economic slump.
Britain may need 0% interest rate to avoid a depression, leading economist warns: The extraordinary claim from Charles Goodhart, a founding member of the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee, came as Gordon Brown signalled that he wants to see further, aggressive cuts in the cost of borrowing.
The Predator State by James Galbraith on Bill Moyer's Journal: Video and transcript: This is the big one. I have been working on financial crises since the New York City rescue in 1975. And this is, by far and away, the biggest threat to the system as a whole that we've seen in my lifetime and I think the biggest threat since the late 1920s.
US public pension funds face big losses: California’s Calpers, the US’s biggest pension fund, last week reported a loss of 20 per cent of its assets, or more than $40bn, between July 1 and October 20 this year.
Banks pull squeeze play on credit cards: Companies cracking down, even on those with good credit, leaving customers to face interest rate leaps, lower credit limits and even canceled cards.
Farm-Credit Squeeze May Cut Crops, Spur Food Crisis: The credit crunch is compounding a profit squeeze for farmers that may curb global harvests and worsen a food crisis for developing countries.
George Monbiot: This Is What Denial Does: . The financial crisis for which we must now pay so heavily prefigures the real collapse, when humanity bumps against its ecological limits.
Oz Dollar Drops 40% For No Reason
Europe On Brink Of Currency Meltdown
Asian Stockmarkets Crash Again
Ukraine OKs $16.5B Rescue By IMF
World Markets Shares Down $16T Since Sept 1
Customer Panic And Bank Run In Kuwait
GM Wants Taxpayer $ To Merge w/ Chrysler
JPMorgan Under Criminal Investigation
Asian Stocks, US Futures Slump
US Stocks Start Day With Further Decline
More US Banks Sell Stakes For Govt Cash
Sept New Home Sales Up - Prices Fall
Credit Squeeze May Cut Crops - Spur Food Crisis
Nikkei Dives 6% To 26 Year Low To Start Week
G7 Not Happy Over Yen's Rise Vs Dollar, Euro
US Dollar Currency Collapse Within 30 Days
Argentina And The US Dollar's Fate
WS Workers Bailing Out Of NYC For Fresh Starts
US Biggest Chicken Producer Facing Big Trouble
US Biggest Chicken Producer Facing Big Trouble
Gold Stocks Were Financial Saviors In 1930s
1929 & 2007 Bear Market Race To The Bottom
The World After The 2008 Presidential Election
Roubini - The Worst Is Yet To Come
Don't Expect China To Save West
America Joins UK On Brink Of Recession
Banks Exploit Legal Loopholes To Seize Homes
Whole System Going Down For The Count
What Bernanke And Hank Aren't telling You
Monday, October 27, 2008
Federal Reserve Study Paper #666
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- Uh Oh, The Fed Is Going To Try To Help The Market Again
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Middle Finger Monday!!!
Global stocks plummet, hit record lows
- CNNMoney: Wall Street braces for new drop
- CNNMoney: Three regional banks get $9.5B
- CNNMoney: A look at the so-called 'rich'
- Gas prices drop record amount
10 Amazing Facts About Voting in the USA
10 Amazing Facts About Voting in the USA
1. 80% of all votes in America are counted by only two companies: Diebold and ES&S.
2. There is no federal agency with regulatory authority or oversight of the U.S. voting machine industry.
3. The vice-president of Diebold and the president of ES&S are brothers.
4. The chairman and CEO of Diebold is a major Bush campaign organizer and donor who wrote in 2003 that he was "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year."
5. Republican Senator Chuck Hagel used to be chairman of ES&S. He became Senator based on votes counted by ES&S machines.
6. Republican Senator Chuck Hagel, long-connected with the Bush family, was recently caught lying about his ownership of ES&S by the Senate Ethics Committee.
7. Senator Chuck Hagel was on a short list of George W. Bush's vice-presidential candidates.
8. ES&S is the largest voting machine manufacturer in the U.S. and counts almost 60% of all U.S. votes.
9. Diebold's new touch screen voting machines have no paper trail of any votes. In other words, there is no way to verify that the data coming out of the machine is the same as what was legitimately put in by voters.
10. Diebold also makes ATMs, checkout scanners, and ticket machines, all of which log each transaction and can generate a paper trail.
Your Bailout Money Will Boost Wallstreet Bonuses by 30%
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Central banks poised to act
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Financial Meltdown Worsens Food Crisis
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Red China to the World: Banish the American dollar
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Foreign Currency Debt Troubles Mount
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Red China to the World: Banish the American dollar
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Banks Using Bailout Money To Buy Other Banks, Not Make Loans
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More economic issues
'Out of Control' CEOs Spurned Davos Warnings on Risk...
Wall Street workers leaving NYC for fresh start...
Oil falls to $63 as investors eye falling demand...
Down For The Count
"The whole system is contracting"
By Mike Whitney
The US Treasury and Federal Reserve are now underwriting the entire financial system. The free market has been abandoned altogether. Everything from commercial paper to money markets is now backed by the "full faith and credit of the United States". Continue
Meet the World's New Reserve Currency
The Chinese Yuan
By Mike Whitney
Things are getting worse. On Friday morning, futures trading was halted for the first time ever after futures plunged more than 5 percent. The sell-off came after another 500-plus down day on the Dow followed by steep declines in equities markets across Europe and Asia. Continue
The Grand Merger!
By Rev. Richard Skaff
Lawlessness in government has become the rule of the land. Loyalty to the party superseded the loyalty to the country, which is a déjà vu phenomenon in the archives of fascism. The stench of our political sewage system has contaminated our nation and the world. Mendacity became truth, and manipulation became intelligence and virtue. Continue
Signs of slowdown spiral around the world: $16.3 trillion in stock value lost since Sept. 1; some brokers fear more drops
Wall Street's 'Disaster Capitalism for Dummies'
14 reasons Main Street loses big while Wall Street sabotages democracy
By Paul B. Farrell
Yes, we're dummies. You. Me. All 300 million of us. Clueless. We should be ashamed. We're obsessed about the slogans and rituals of "democracy," distracted by the campaign, polls, debates, rhetoric, half-truths and outright lies. McCain? Obama? Sorry to pop your bubble folks, but it no longer matters who's president. Continue
Maybe U.S. Needs Yard Sale
By Eric Margolis
Russia could buy back Alaska or perhaps Canada could pick up sunny Florida. Continue
Nikkei Dives 6% To 26 Year Low To Start Week
G7 Not Happy Over Yen's Rise Vs Dollar, Euro
US Dollar Currency Collapse Within 30 Days
Argentina And The US Dollar's Fate
WS Workers Bailing Out Of NYC For Fresh Starts
US Biggest Chicken Producer Facing Big Trouble
US Biggest Chicken Producer Facing Big Trouble
Gold Stocks Were Financial Saviors In 1930s
1929 & 2007 Bear Market Race To The Bottom
The World After The 2008 Presidential Election
Roubini - The Worst Is Yet To Come
Don't Expect China To Save West
America Joins UK On Brink Of Recession
Banks Exploit Legal Loopholes To Seize Homes
Whole System Going Down For The Count
What Bernanke And Hank Aren't telling You
May Fall to $40s...
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Steve Forbes to CNN: Fed created global economic crisis
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AIG Has Used 3/4 of Its $123 Billion Bailout Loan Already
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Friday, October 24, 2008
A.I.G. Exceeds Loan
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Bob Barr: Another bailout to come after election?
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Ron Paul: Bailouts Herald New Era of Tax Payer Slavery
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Next in the Financial Crisis: Possible Criminal Charges
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Greenspan shocked at credit system breakdown
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Upcoming depression was engineered on purpose!
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Ron Paul on CNN American Morning 10/24/2008
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More economic issues
'I made a mistake,' admits Greenspan...
'Found a Flaw'...
Banks borrow record amount from Fed...
Wall Street's 'Disaster Capitalism for Dummies'
14 reasons Main Street loses big while Wall Street sabotages democracy
By Paul B. Farrell
Yes, we're dummies. You. Me. All 300 million of us. Clueless. We should be ashamed. We're obsessed about the slogans and rituals of "democracy," distracted by the campaign, polls, debates, rhetoric, half-truths and outright lies. McCain? Obama? Sorry to pop your bubble folks, but it no longer matters who's president. Continue
Maybe U.S. Needs Yard Sale
By Eric Margolis
Russia could buy back Alaska or perhaps Canada could pick up sunny Florida. Continue
Arms For The Poor
By Jeff Huber
Those poor kids at the Pentagon. They receive more funding than the rest of the world's military establishments combined, but it's just not enough. Pentagon officials have prepared a new defense spending estimate—one they plan to spring on us just before young Mr. Bush exits stage right—that projects a requirement for $450 billion more over the next five years than previously announced. Continue
Wachovia reports $23.9 billion loss: Wachovia Corp reported a third-quarter loss of $23.9 billion on Wednesday, a record quarterly deficit for a banking company in the global credit crisis, underscoring the challenges Wells Fargo & Co faces when it acquires the big lender.
Yahoo firing 1,500 workers; 3Q profit falls 64 pct (AP): Yahoo Inc. will fire at least 1,500 workers to cope with a crumbling economy that dented its third-quarter profit and turned up the heat on the slumping Internet company's management as investors stew over a missed opportunity to sell to Microsoft Corp. for $47.5 billion.
Monthly job losses up across 41 states: More than 80% of states reported jobs disappearing in September, with Michigan suffering the highest losses, according to a government report.
"Under water" mortgages are growing threat to U.S.: - Long before she filed for bankruptcy, Ann Neukomm was "under water" -- she owed more on her mortgage than her house was worth -- a situation more and more Americans are finding themselves in.
Fewer prescriptions filled as economy worsens: The tumbling economy may be making Americans queasy, but they're apparently so worried about their pocketbooks that they're skipping their meds.
California Foreclosures Soar By 228%
Asian Stocks Crash - Bush Calls Summit
Regulators Admit They Made Fateful Mistakes
Greenspan - 'Shocked Over Credit Tsunami' - Vid
Greenspan In 'Shocked Disbelief' - Admits Errors
Dollar Roars Back As Global Debts Called
UK In Massive Sterling Sell-Off
Global Bank Lending Sinks To 30 Yr Low
US Spends Trillions On Corrupt Banking System
Demand For Gold Soars As Price Tumbles
Credit Suisse Reports £670M Loss
Stocks Battered...Down 514 - Oil Slumps
Pakistan Applies For IMF Bailout
Truth Seeps Into Mainstream Media
Fed To Pump $540B More Liquidity
Fed Tries To Prevent 'Great Depression II'
Debt Slavery Is Real Reason Behind The 'Bailout'
When Inflation Erupts, Gold Will Take Off
Pound Tumbles As BoE Admits Recession
More Euro Banks May Fail Says IMF
Central Banks Scramble To Buy Dollars
No China Cash Bailout For Pak - Next Stop IMF
Kerkorian Dumps 2/3 Of Ford Stock
Putin - Russia Well Prepared To Survive Crisis
Dreamer Bush Says Economic 'Panic' Easing
Markets Soar As LIBOR Starts To Fall
Bernanke Wants Second 'Stimulus' Package
Thursday, October 23, 2008 - AIG Agrees to Freeze Executive Payouts
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More economic issues
Dow Tumbles More Than 500 Pts...
...stocks at fresh five-year low
Brazilian stock market suspended...
Wall Street's 'Disaster Capitalism for Dummies'
14 reasons Main Street loses big while Wall Street sabotages democracy
By Paul B. Farrell
Yes, we're dummies. You. Me. All 300 million of us. Clueless. We should be ashamed. We're obsessed about the slogans and rituals of "democracy," distracted by the campaign, polls, debates, rhetoric, half-truths and outright lies. McCain? Obama? Sorry to pop your bubble folks, but it no longer matters who's president. Continue
Maybe U.S. Needs Yard Sale
By Eric Margolis
Russia could buy back Alaska or perhaps Canada could pick up sunny Florida. Continue
Wachovia reports $23.9 billion loss: Wachovia Corp reported a third-quarter loss of $23.9 billion on Wednesday, a record quarterly deficit for a banking company in the global credit crisis, underscoring the challenges Wells Fargo & Co faces when it acquires the big lender.
Yahoo firing 1,500 workers; 3Q profit falls 64 pct (AP): Yahoo Inc. will fire at least 1,500 workers to cope with a crumbling economy that dented its third-quarter profit and turned up the heat on the slumping Internet company's management as investors stew over a missed opportunity to sell to Microsoft Corp. for $47.5 billion.
Monthly job losses up across 41 states: More than 80% of states reported jobs disappearing in September, with Michigan suffering the highest losses, according to a government report.
"Under water" mortgages are growing threat to U.S.: - Long before she filed for bankruptcy, Ann Neukomm was "under water" -- she owed more on her mortgage than her house was worth -- a situation more and more Americans are finding themselves in.
Fewer prescriptions filled as economy worsens: The tumbling economy may be making Americans queasy, but they're apparently so worried about their pocketbooks that they're skipping their meds.
Stocks Battered...Down 514 - Oil Slumps
Pakistan Applies For IMF Bailout
Truth Seeps Into Mainstream Media
Fed To Pump $540B More Liquidity
Fed Tries To Prevent 'Great Depression II'
Debt Slavery Is Real Reason Behind The 'Bailout'
When Inflation Erupts, Gold Will Take Off
Pound Tumbles As BoE Admits Recession
More Euro Banks May Fail Says IMF
Central Banks Scramble To Buy Dollars
No China Cash Bailout For Pak - Next Stop IMF
Kerkorian Dumps 2/3 Of Ford Stock
Putin - Russia Well Prepared To Survive Crisis
Dreamer Bush Says Economic 'Panic' Easing
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Glenn Beck on the Economy
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Bush says economic 'panic' easing: Is he joking?
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Bailout beneficiaries are also masters of dodging taxes
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Guess Where YOUR Bailout $$ Is Going? - Bank Mergers
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Fed would grant up to $540B to money market funds
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Libertarian Candidate Bob Barr Discusses Economic Crisis
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OPEC Pushing to Cut Production, Drive Up Oil and Gasoline Pr
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Bank of America CEO Explains How He Beat Wall Street
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More economic issues
OPEC faces tough test as oil price tumbles...
UPDATE: 30 powder-laced letters sent to banks...
...Sent from Amarillo
PUMP: Fed to Provide Up to $540 Billion to Aid Money Funds...
Licensed Kleptocracy for Years to Come
The ABCs of Paulson's Bailout
By Michael Hudson
Wall Street is in control, but its policies are so shortsighted that they are eroding the underlying economy – which is passing from democracy to oligarchy, and indeed it seems to a bipartisan financial kleptocracy. Continue
What Went Wrong in the Capitalist Casino?
By Tony Benn
What we are watching is nothing less than the steady transfer of real political power from the polling station to the market and from the ballot to the wallet - reversing the democratic gains we have made over the last century when we were able, increasingly, to use our votes to shape our economic future. Continue
Naomi Wolf, The End of America: “My sense of alarm comes from the clear lessons from history that, once certain checks and balances are destroyed, and once certain institutions have been intimidated, the pressures that can turn an open society into a closed one turn into direct assaults; at that point events tend to occur very rapidly, and a point comes at which there is no easy turning back to the way it used to be.”
Islamic banking escapes fallout: ISLAMIC banking has largely escaped the fallout from the global financial crisis, thanks to rules that forbid the sort of risky business that is felling mainstream institutions.
Layoffs spreading across corporate America: Shock waves from the global financial crisis are now being felt in almost every corner of working America as companies press the eject button on increasing numbers of employees.
Homeless numbers 'alarming': More families with children are becoming homeless as they face mounting economic pressures, including mortgage foreclosures, according to a USA TODAY survey of a dozen of the largest cities in the nation.
Central Banks Scramble To Buy Dollars
No China Cash Bailout For Pak - Next Stop IMF
Kerkorian Dumps 2/3 Of Ford Stock
Putin - Russia Well Prepared To Survive Crisis
Dreamer Bush Says Economic 'Panic' Easing
Markets Soar As LIBOR Starts To Fall
Bernanke Wants Second 'Stimulus' Package
Sweden Launches Financial Rescue Package
Iceland Agrees To $6B Deal With IMF
France To Inject ¤10.5B Into Top 6 Banks
The End Of The Blue Chip Economy
Wall St Higher On 'Hope' (Good Luck)
Summer 2009 - US Defaults On Debt
BushCo - 'Parts' Of US In Recession
Cash-Strapped Sumner May Sell Viacom
Options Pointing To $50/Barrel Oil
Paulson Bailout Scheme Causing Mtge Rate Surge
Will Lehman Debt Insurers Pay Up? Fears Grow
The Crumbling US Economy - Worse Is Yet To Come
US Inflationary Growth Will Lead To Dollar Implosion
US Faces Worst Recession In 26 Years
ING Gets ¤10B From Dutch Government
China's Growth Rate Falls Flat As Gloom Spreads
S Korea's $130B Guarantee May Not Be Enough
Thousands Of Hedge Funds Expected To Bust
UK Bank Chiefs Ordered To Cut Evictions
China To Bailout Near Bankrupt Pakistan
Lehman's CDS Derivatives Haunt Markets
Summer 2009 - US Defaults On Its Debt
Trump wants green card applicants legally in US to hand over social media profiles Trump administration’s blockchain plan for USAID is a r...

"Multiple indications of vote fraud are beginning to pop up regarding the New Hampshire primary elections. Roughly 80% of New Hampshire...
Here Are 4 Facts From Democratic Memo That Destroy Trump’s FBI Conspiracy Democratic Memo Missouri governor to be investigated by a spec...