Tuesday, October 21, 2008

More Dollar issues

At least five CHASE banks hit with letter threats... Developing...

Bush Says Sense of 'Near-Panic' Easing...
Leading economic indicators riser...

Gas under $3 for first time since Feb...

Millionaire hedge fund boss thanks 'idiot' traders -- and retires at 37!

Where Inflation Came From

By Paul Craig Roberts

Anyone who has been alive very long is aware that the US government has failed on the inflation front. Soft drink machines that once delivered a bottled drink for a nickel now charge a dollar, a twenty- fold increase in price. Continue

So Long, Suckers.

By Andrew Clark

Millionaire hedge fund boss thanks 'idiot' traders and retires at 37. Continue

A crisis sparked by the world's rich will have the poor paying the highest price: Our worries about jobs or pensions pale beside the fallout Africa and Asia now face in this absurdly skewed global system

A financial new world order?: When President Bush hosts a world financial summit in the coming weeks, one of the least multilateral American presidents in decades will set in motion what could result in a full reordering of the global financial system.

Bernanke eyes new stimulus package: Ben Bernanke, the chairman of the US federal reserve, has suggested a second "stimulus package" could be used to stave off an economic slowdown.

Banks braced for Lehman Brother's debt insurers' deadline: Financiers enjoying a respite from the panic of the past few weeks should brace themselves for further mayhem tomorrow, the deadline for insurers of Lehman Brothers' debt to pay up on billions of dollars of policies.

Millions of Homeowners Are in Desperation Mode ,: With almost 1 in 6 homeowners dealing with a troubled mortgage, we need a rescue plan fast or else face a huge social problem.

Home prices to fall another 10 percent: Fitch: National home prices have declined a full 22 percent from the peak hit in 2006, the agency said in a note. Fitch has a peak to trough forecast for prices to decline 30 percent.

Report: Circuit City may close at least 150 stores and slash thousands of jobs: A report in the Wall Street Journal said people familiar with Circuit City's plans said the store closings and job cuts could allow the retailer to liquidate $350 million in inventory that could be used to pay real-estate costs, including leases on abandoned sites.

The End Of The Blue Chip Economy

Wall St Higher On 'Hope' (Good Luck)

Summer 2009 - US Defaults On Debt

BushCo - 'Parts' Of US In Recession

Cash-Strapped Sumner May Sell Viacom

Options Pointing To $50/Barrel Oil

Paulson Bailout Scheme Causing Mtge Rate Surge

Will Lehman Debt Insurers Pay Up? Fears Grow

The Crumbling US Economy - Worse Is Yet To Come

US Inflationary Growth Will Lead To Dollar Implosion

US Faces Worst Recession In 26 Years

ING Gets ¤10B From Dutch Government

China's Growth Rate Falls Flat As Gloom Spreads

S Korea's $130B Guarantee May Not Be Enough

Thousands Of Hedge Funds Expected To Bust

UK Bank Chiefs Ordered To Cut Evictions

China To Bailout Near Bankrupt Pakistan

Lehman's CDS Derivatives Haunt Markets

Summer 2009 - US Defaults On Its Debt

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