In this Blog I will discuss Life the Universe and Everything, and maybe even Prairie Home Companion.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Feds: Judges used system to enrich selves | Wilkes-Barre New
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Fed Warns of Global Slowdown That Adds to Deflation Risk
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Jobless Rates Up In All 50 States
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Why Your Bank is Broke
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AOL to Lay Off 10% to Consolidate During Recession
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The Pork Behind the Stimulus Package
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JPMorgan Pulled Cash Early From Madoff-Linked Funds
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Bailout firms have program recipients among their clients
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Some Credit Card Companies Financially Profiling Customers
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House passes $819 billion stimulus package with 0 GOP votes
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USPS says mail deliveries may have to be cut to 5 a week
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More economic issues
Divided House passes economic package...
Limbaugh: My Bipartisan Stimulus...
Postmaster Gen'l: Mail delivery may need to be cut...
'American consumer can no longer act as motor of global economy'...
'Obama must implement radical and comprehensive set of policies'...
Tax Refunds Now on Hold in California...
UPDATE: STARBUCKS to cut 6,700 jobs amid falling sales; Coffee retailer to sell executive jets...
Too Big to Fail, Too Big to Jail
By Amy Goodman
Without thorough, aggressive, public investigations of the full spectrum of crimes alleged of the Bush administration, there will be no accountability, and the complete record of this chapter of U.S. history will never be written. Continue
Astonishing Incongruities
Is It Time to Bail Out of the US?
By Paul Craig Roberts
How can President Obama even think about fighting wars half way around the world while California cannot pay its bills, while Americans are being turned out of their homes, while, as Business Week reports, retirees will work throughout their retirement (which assumes that there will be jobs), while careers are being destroyed and stores and factories shuttered. Continue
Putin calls financial crisis a 'perfect storm': Putin refrained from blaming the United States for the crisis - but pointed out that just a year ago at Davos American delegates emphasized the U.S. economy's fundamental stability.
Economic crisis to claim 51 Million jobs: The economic downturn could result in the loss of up to 51 million jobs worldwide by the end of this year, a UN agency has predicted.
Financial crisis hangs over Davos: The World Economic Forum has got under way in Davos, Switzerland, as the international monetary fund slashed its economic growth forecasts, predicting the severe financial crisis would brake global growth to the slowest pace in six decades.
Rioting Greeks, angry Germans and why the euro may well collapse: The Brussels elite are pretending the question does not arise, but the financial world knows the question is there, hanging over the entire European Union economy: is the single European currency going to break apart?
Europe's winter of discontent: Thursday's French national strike reflects growing despair on the Continent with the way governments are handling the recession, says Adrian Michaels.
Boeing to cut 10,000 jobs: Plane maker announces an additional 5,500 job cuts as demand for new aircraft is expected to remain weak.
How top financiers paid themselves £1bn before the wheels fell off: A dozen senior bankers whose influence has shaped the financial world gave themselves pay awards valued at more than £1bn before the credit crunch spectacularly exposed the fragility of the profits they appeared to have secured for shareholders.
Fed Fails To Rehab The US Banking System - Vid
The Ugly Truth - The US Economy Is Not Coming Back
US Economic Crisis - Carter Redux
Russian Stability Threatened By Economy
Davos - 'Don't Shun Bankers' (Right)
Men Who Made $2B In Bank Bailout
UK MPs - Hedge Funds Cash In On Misery
US Economy Spiraling Down And Down
UK Needs $40B A Year To Repair Finances
One Law For Taxman, Another For Tax Payers
Beware The Rise Of Protectionism
The New Rule Book For Capitalism
Canada To Unveil Stimulus Package
Pending Collapse Of Capital Flows
Millions Of Chinese To Lose Jobs
Bank Bailout Could Cost Four Trillion
World Recession Claims 80,000 Jobs In A Day
Iceland's Government Collapses
France Mass Strikes Protest Sarko Reforms
IMF, World Bank Call For Global Stimulus
Paulson Reaps $400M 'Shorting' RBS
Japan Offers $16.7B Troubled Firms
Fuld 'sold' $14m mansion to wife for $100
The Day Banks Were 3 Hours From Collapse
US Layoffs - 'No End In Sight'
Caterpillar, Sprint, Home Depot Cut 61,000 Jobs
BoA And Citi Could Fail Despite Bailouts
Brown - Crisis Is Birth Pangs Of A NWO
Brown - Recession Must Not Stop Globalisation
Wall St Investment Banks Vs Commercial Banks
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Fed Ready to Buy Treasurys, if Necessary
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More economic issues
Divided House to hand Obama stimulus win...
Bill Nears $900 Billion?
GOP: 'Won't stimulate anything but more government and more debt'...
Bleeding banks prompt talk of new big bailout...
FDIC May Run 'Bad Bank' in Obama Plan...
Postmaster Gen'l: Mail delivery may need to be cut...
Ron Paul Should Attack The Progressive Patriot Act
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Fed Moves to Help Distressed Homeowners
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Bailout: The sequel?
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A Republican Offers A Dose Of Reality For The New President
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77,000 job cuts yesterday
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Here are 200 economists who opposse the bailout
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Taxpayer dollars don't return to Main Street
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New Bill Will Turn Old Military Bases Into FEMA Camps
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The Bailout: What Are Those Billions of Dollars Buying?
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Geithner Announces New Lobbying Rules for Bailout
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Agricultural Subsidies: Corporate Welfare for Farmers
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Yahoo! loses $458m as revenue slips, still optimistic | Busi
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More economic issues
Bill Nears $900 Billion?
GOP: 'Won't stimulate anything but more government and more debt'...
Bleeding banks prompt talk of new big bailout...
Senator Warns White House Will 'Create Crisis and Widespread Panic' to Push Stimulus...
Financial Elite Have No Shame
By Linda McQuaig
Let's imagine, for a moment, how different the public debate would be today if it had been unions that had caused the current economic turmoil. Continue
California prepares to stop paying bills: Come Feb. 1, tax refunds, welfare checks replaced with IOUs
Consumer confidence hits another low: A new year and a new president failed to boost consumer confidence this month, as the outlook dropped to its lowest level in more than 40 years, according to a report released Tuesday.
Bloody Monday: Over 71,400 jobs lost: More than 200,000 job cuts have been announced so far this year, according to company reports. Nearly 2.6 million jobs were lost over 2008, the highest yearly job-loss total since 1945.
US firms announce heavy job cuts: US construction equipment giant Caterpillar earlier said it was to cut about 20,000 jobs, after its profits slumped by 32 per cent.
Fannie, Freddie may tap U.S. Treasury for $51 bln: The storm of rising delinquencies and falling securities values that led to the government's seizure of the companies in September accelerated in the last quarter, requiring Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to seek more of the stop-gap measures organized by the U.S. Treasury and their regulator. Analysts predicted more capital needs from Treasury through 2009.
Forecasters see historic drop in retail sales: Half-percent downturn in ’09 would be the first one in at least 30 years
Road To Ruin: Twenty-five people at the heart of the meltdown: The worst economic turmoil since the Great Depression is not a natural phenomenon but a man-made disaster in which we all played a part. Julia Finch picks out the individuals who have led us into the current crisis
NY financier arrested in purported $400 million scam: Authorities on Monday arrested the chief executive of a private New York financing firm on suspicion of running a purported Ponzi scheme that attracted $400 million in investments, U.S. law enforcement officials said.
Bank Bailout Could Cost Four Trillion
World Recession Claims 80,000 Jobs In A Day
Iceland's Government Collapses
France Mass Strikes Protest Sarko Reforms
IMF, World Bank Call For Global Stimulus
Paulson Reaps $400M 'Shorting' RBS
Japan Offers $16.7B Troubled Firms
Fuld 'sold' $14m mansion to wife for $100
The Day Banks Were 3 Hours From Collapse
US Layoffs - 'No End In Sight'
Caterpillar, Sprint, Home Depot Cut 61,000 Jobs
BoA And Citi Could Fail Despite Bailouts
Brown - Crisis Is Birth Pangs Of A NWO
Brown - Recession Must Not Stop Globalisation
Wall St Investment Banks Vs Commercial Banks
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
AP IMPACT: US bets on bank execs to fix this mess
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How the Government Dealt With Past Recessions (INTERACTIVE)
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William Dudley chosen to head New York Fed, sources say
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Budget Deficit May Help Marijuana Reform In Connecticut
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UAW, Chrysler Eliminate Jobs Bank
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The Anti-Stimulus Crowd Blows A Gasket
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Two Sides of the Financial Crisis
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Ron Paul: Stimulus for Who? 1/26/09
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Reason: Bush Was a Big-Government Disaster
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More economic issues
Bad economy spurs egg and sperm sales...
FANNIE to Seek Up to $16 Billion in Emergency Treasury Aid to Stay Afloat...
Gold pushes above $900 in buying spree; Yellow metal posts all-time highs in euro and sterling...
Bad news: we're back to 1931. Good news: it's not 1933 yet: Barack Obama inherits an economy already contracting at an annual rate of 6pc, much like the mid-Depression year of 1931 (-6.4pc)
Flood of foreclosures: It's worse than you think: Banks are moving slowly to list repossessed homes for sale, which could mean that housing inventory is even more bloated than current statistics indicate.
Companies in U.S. to Slash More Jobs, Business Economists Say: More U.S. companies project they’ll pare staff in the next six months as pessimism mounts the economy will contract this year, according to a survey by the National Association for Business Economics.
Florida drowning in jobless claims: Floridians who want state unemployment benefits may need to brush up on their computer skills. That’s because there’s no way to sign up in person, and those who apply by phone can expect either busy signals or waits of up to 90 minutes to speak with someone.
'Rescued" Citi Buying $50M Jet: Beleaguered Citigroup is upgrading its mile-high club with a brand-new $50 million corporate jet - only this time, it's the taxpayers who are getting screwed.
The Day Banks Were 3 Hours From Collapse
US Layoffs - 'No End In Sight'
Caterpillar, Sprint, Home Depot Cut 61,000 Jobs
BoA And Citi Could Fail Despite Bailouts
Brown - Crisis Is Birth Pangs Of A NWO
Brown - Recession Must Not Stop Globalisation
Wall St Investment Banks Vs Commercial Banks
Bad News, We're Back In '31 - Good, It's Not '33 Yet
UK Corp Cuts Spread - 6,000 Face Axe
Barclays Bullish Despite $16B Credit Hit
Obama To Tighten Wall Street Regulations
Iceland On Brink Of Total Meltdown
Dutch Bank Drops CEO And 7,000 More Jobs
Grim Davos World Economic Summit Due
The 25 People Responsible For The Crash
Flood Of Foreclosures - Worse Than You Think
Strong Dollar Paying Off For Some Investors
Twenty Questions You Were Afraid To Ask
Hyperinflation Will Begin In China - Doom Dollar
Obama's Team Turns To EU Bank For Inspiration
Monday, January 26, 2009
Abolish the Federal Reserve
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CITI: Buying a Jet with Bailout (taxpayer) Money
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Tens of thousands more layoffs are announced
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Corporate Taxes: The Coming Battle over Loopholes
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US companies cut 45,000 jobs even before market opens
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The Banks Have Stolen Enough; Time to Take Them Over
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Joe Biden on Democrats Contolling Economy: "No Good News"
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Lending Drops at Big U.S. Banks
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Gas Prices On The Rise, Again. Well...F**k!
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Citigroup going down, Ethics Under TARP, Geithner
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The Federal Government Continues to Increase in Power
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Bank Of America Puts Congresswoman On Hold For Two Hours !
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Teetering Since 1812: This is Citibank's Third Bailout
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Inside the Banks - The Future of Finance
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Fed focus turns to credit easing at policy meeting
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More economic issues
CITI Raises $12B; Largest Offering of FDIC-Guaranteed Debt...
Obama Signals Tough Restrictions...
Icelandic government becomes first to be brought down by crunch...
U.S. Moving Toward Czarism, Away From Democracy
By David Sirota
History's great American parables teach that if anything unified our founders, it was a deep antipathy to dictatorship. As bourgeois revolutionaries from Boston to Philadelphia courageously split with the British crown in 1776, they created three equal branches of government to prevent, in the words of James Madison, "a tyrannical concentration of all the powers" in a president's hands. Continue
The World Won't Buy Unlimited U.S. Debt
We're asking others to sacrifice for our 'stimulus.'
Currently, U.S. citizens comprise less than 5% of world population, but account for more than 25% of global GDP. Given our debts and weakening economy, this disproportionate advantage should narrow. Yet the U.S. is asking much poorer foreign nations to maintain the status quo, and incredibly, they are complying. At least for now. Continue
Minister unleashes savage attack on 'masters of the Universe' over recession: Britain's banking system was less than three hours away from collapse before the Government's first bail out, Gordon Brown's City Minister revealed last night.
Lights go out across Britain as recession hits home: Electricity demand falls as economy slows at fastest rate since 1980.
Icelandic government becomes first to be brought down by the credit crunch: After several nights of rioting over the financial crisis, Prime Minister Geir Haarde, surrendered to increasing pressure and called a general election for May.
We'll have to go begging to the IMF, says Cameron: Britain risks bankruptcy and a humiliating bailout by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) because of Gordon Brown's borrowing, David Cameron said yesterday.
Where You Won't Shop In 2009: While industry executives and shoppers will remember 2008 as the year the party ended, figure 2009 to be the year of the hangover. Already, Circuit City, Linens 'N Things and Mervyn's stores are going away. Sharper Image is too, though the company will continue to sell some of its high-end gadgets through license agreements with other retailers.
Another Real Estate Crisis Is About To Hit
By Paul Craig Roberts
The growth of debt has outpaced the growth of real output. Yet, the solution offered by Obama’s economic team is to expand debt further. This is not surprising as Obama’s economic team consists of the very people who brought on the debt crisis. Now they are going to make it worse. Continue
Political Interference Seen in Bank Bailout Decisions:
Barney Frank Goes to Bat for Lender, and It Gets an Infusion. Continue
First 100 Days: Manufacturing a dream and a recovery: Nearly one in four manufacturing jobs has vanished since 2000, and 40,000 factories have closed since 1998. Last year, manufacturing accounted for nearly a third of all lost jobs in the U.S., while factory orders plummeted to record lows.
Jobless claims surge and housing starts tumble: The worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s is forcing companies to slash jobs, creating a vicious cycle for an economy mired in a year-long recession.
Despite billions, banks still teeter on the brink: Wall Street is losing faith in Washington's efforts to fix the financial crisis. As bank losses pile up and bank stocks plunge, investors have an urgent question for the new Obama administration: What's the plan?
House Rejects Obama's Request For Rest Of TARP: President Barack Obama's economic recovery plan, including proposals to award a $500 tax credit to most workers and to help the laid-off hang onto their health insurance, met Republican resistance Thursday as it began moving through the House.
Flood Of Foreclosures - Worse Than You Think
Strong Dollar Paying Off For Some Investors
Twenty Questions You Were Afraid To Ask
Hyperinflation Will Begin In China - Doom Dollar
Obama's Team Turns To EU Bank For Inspiration
$2 Trillion Wiped Off Britain's National Wealth
'Soviet' Britain Swells Amid Recession
Madoff's UK Investors Set To Sue
Corus Cuts 3,500 Jobs - Crash Hits Steelmakers
GKN To Slash Workforce By Thousands
Britain Faces Three Day Word Week
BoE Goes For Broke With Asset Buying
Fed Up UK Companies To Launch Own Bank
Regulators Shut 3rd Bank Of The Year
Home Price Declines Compound US Economic Fall
Freddie Wants $35B More, Fannie To Follow
Obama's 'Bad Bank' More Bad NewFriday, January 23, 2009
Fed looks like one more shaky bank
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Merrill delivered $4 Billion in bonuses before BofA deal
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Merrill Lynch CEO Spent $1 Million on Office Decor Last Year
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Could IT Have Saved Citigroup?
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Ron Paul - "What do we have against poor people?"
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More economic issues
VIDEO: Dems To Spend Nearly $1 Trillion and Can't Promise 1 Job?
Another Real Estate Crisis Is About To Hit
By Paul Craig Roberts
The growth of debt has outpaced the growth of real output. Yet, the solution offered by Obama’s economic team is to expand debt further. This is not surprising as Obama’s economic team consists of the very people who brought on the debt crisis. Now they are going to make it worse. Continue
Political Interference Seen in Bank Bailout Decisions:
Barney Frank Goes to Bat for Lender, and It Gets an Infusion. Continue
First 100 Days: Manufacturing a dream and a recovery: Nearly one in four manufacturing jobs has vanished since 2000, and 40,000 factories have closed since 1998. Last year, manufacturing accounted for nearly a third of all lost jobs in the U.S., while factory orders plummeted to record lows.
Jobless claims surge and housing starts tumble: The worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s is forcing companies to slash jobs, creating a vicious cycle for an economy mired in a year-long recession.
Despite billions, banks still teeter on the brink: Wall Street is losing faith in Washington's efforts to fix the financial crisis. As bank losses pile up and bank stocks plunge, investors have an urgent question for the new Obama administration: What's the plan?
House Rejects Obama's Request For Rest Of TARP: President Barack Obama's economic recovery plan, including proposals to award a $500 tax credit to most workers and to help the laid-off hang onto their health insurance, met Republican resistance Thursday as it began moving through the House.
Iceland Government On Verge Of Collapse
Jobless Claims Surge, Housing Starts Tumble
US, UK Head For Bond Default Dnd Devaluation
Fed Manipulating Market Prices, Gold, Oil, Bonds
US, Germany In Second Bank Bailout
Calls To Nationalise RBS And Lloyds
Brown's Blank Check Leads Brits Into Slavery
Brown Takes UK To Edge Of Bankruptcy
BoE Paves Way To Start Printing Money
'Sell Sterling, Get Cash Out Of Britain - Jim Rogers
Oil Staggers To Below $33 Barrel
UK Unemployment Up To 1.92 Million
France To Put ¤6 Billion Into Car Industry
Irish Tycoon Suicide Over Losses
Banks Sink Deeper On Obama's First Day
Bank Worries Push Dow Below 8000
RBS Shares Dive 67% Nationalization Looms
Lloyds Slumps 47% As Investors Flee
Public Anger At 'Irresponsible' Banks
UK Experts - 2nd Bank Bailout May Fail
2nd UK Bank Bailout 'Plainly Not Enough'
Chrysler In Big Swap With Fiat
Lindsey Williams Details 'Economic Calamity'
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Wall Street tumbles on Microsoft report, bank woes
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Even Congresswoman Gets the Runaround on Bank Help Lines
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GM Loses Global Sales Crown After 77 Years
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Whistleblower: Bush's NSA spied on EVERYONE
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Failing Economy Could Be a Boon to Drug-Law Reformers
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Clock is ticking for GM and Chrysler
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Political Interference Seen in Bank Bailout Decisions
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New York Borrows to Pay Jobless Claims
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More economic issues
Oil Declines Below $33...
Jim Rogers: 'Sell any sterling you might have. It's finished'
Investment guru issues grim warning as sharp fall in inflation hits pound
By Sean O'Grady, Economics Editor
Fresh concerns about the British economy and fears for the stability of the UK's financial system pushed sterling to new record lows against the dollar, euro and yen yesterday. Continue
The Right To Food
By Cernig
By a vote of 180 in favour to 1 against (United States) and no abstentions, the Committee also approved a resolution on the right to food, by which the Assembly would “consider it intolerable” that more than 6 million children still died every year from hunger-related illness before their fifth birthday. Continue
Ecuador to Cut $1.5 Billion in Imports to Defend Use of Dollar: Ecuador has reached an agreement with business leaders to cut imports by $1.5 billion to help defend the South American country’s use of the dollar as legal tender, President Rafael Correa said.
UK unemployment nears two million: Public finances also deteriorated sharply in December, putting them on track for their worst year since records began after the second world war, the ONS said.
US markets plummet as banks falter and world slump deepens: New York University Professor Nouriel Roubini yesterday estimated that US financial losses may total $3.6 trillion. "If that is true, it means the US banking system is effectively insolvent because it starts with capital of $1.4 trillion," he said. "This is a systemic banking crisis."
Are interest rates still too high?: Even zero isn't low enough to boost economy, Goldman Sachs study says
Federal Home Loan Banks may have to borrow from U.S.: The mortgage crisis is seeping into one of the last dry corners of the mortgage business, the regional network of Federal Home Loan Banks, which provide U.S. banks with hundreds of billions of dollars in low-cost funding to support lending to home buyers.
US, UK Head For Bond Default Dnd Devaluation
Fed Manipulating Market Prices, Gold, Oil, Bonds
US, Germany In Second Bank Bailout
Calls To Nationalise RBS And Lloyds
Brown's Blank Check Leads Brits Into Slavery
Brown Takes UK To Edge Of Bankruptcy
BoE Paves Way To Start Printing Money
'Sell Sterling, Get Cash Out Of Britain - Jim Rogers
Oil Staggers To Below $33 Barrel
UK Unemployment Up To 1.92 Million
France To Put ¤6 Billion Into Car Industry
Irish Tycoon Suicide Over Losses
Banks Sink Deeper On Obama's First Day
Bank Worries Push Dow Below 8000
RBS Shares Dive 67% Nationalization Looms
Lloyds Slumps 47% As Investors Flee
Public Anger At 'Irresponsible' Banks
UK Experts - 2nd Bank Bailout May Fail
2nd UK Bank Bailout 'Plainly Not Enough'
Chrysler In Big Swap With Fiat
Lindsey Williams Details 'Economic Calamity'
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Worst Inauguration Day Drop in Dow Industrial History
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Markets wobble ahead of Obama inauguration
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More economic troubles.
Worst Inauguration Day Drop in Dow Industrial History...
UK faces 'possibility of national bankruptcy'...
Oil Declines Below $33...
What Obama Left Out of the Economic Recovery Plan
Higher Wages and Debt Relief
By Mike Whitney
Barak Obama and Co. are planning to launch their own version of economic "shock and awe" in the opening weeks of the new administration. Aside from the $825 billion stimulus package, which will be used to create 3 million new jobs and make up for flagging consumer demand; Obama is planning a financial rescue operation for banks that are buried under hundreds of billions of dollars of troubled assets. Continue
Back to What Obama Must Do
By: Paul Krugman
This month we celebrate your arrival in the White House; at a time of great national crisis, you bring the hope of a better future. It's now up to you to deliver on that hope. By enacting a recovery plan even bolder and more comprehensive than the New Deal, you can not only turn the economy around - you can put America on a path toward greater equality for generations to come. Continue
Warning that UK is on brink of depression: Sir George Mathewson, a former chairman of the Royal Bank of Scotland and chairman of the Scottish Government's economic advisory council, said that economic conditions would worsen.
Unless we are decisive Britain faces bankruptcy: Our financial institutions are fighting for their lives and the Treasury may not be able to bail them out. The government needs to get serious to avert meltdown
The Stimulus Scam: Video - Peter Schiff says consumers need to spend less, not more.
California controller to suspend tax refunds, welfare checks, student grants: John Chiang announces that his office will suspend $3.7 billion in payments owed to Californians starting Feb. 1, because with no budget in place the state lacks sufficient cash to pay its bills.
Banks Sink Deeper On Obama's First Day
Bank Worries Push Dow Below 8000
RBS Shares Dive 67% Nationalization Looms
Lloyds Slumps 47% As Investors Flee
Public Anger At 'Irresponsible' Banks
UK Experts - 2nd Bank Bailout May Fail
2nd UK Bank Bailout 'Plainly Not Enough'
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
These Bailouts Won't Work Either: Dr. Doom - Financials * Eu
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More economic troubles.
What Obama Left Out of the Economic Recovery Plan
Higher Wages and Debt Relief
By Mike Whitney
Barak Obama and Co. are planning to launch their own version of economic "shock and awe" in the opening weeks of the new administration. Aside from the $825 billion stimulus package, which will be used to create 3 million new jobs and make up for flagging consumer demand; Obama is planning a financial rescue operation for banks that are buried under hundreds of billions of dollars of troubled assets. Continue
Warning that UK is on brink of depression: Sir George Mathewson, a former chairman of the Royal Bank of Scotland and chairman of the Scottish Government's economic advisory council, said that economic conditions would worsen.
Unless we are decisive Britain faces bankruptcy: Our financial institutions are fighting for their lives and the Treasury may not be able to bail them out. The government needs to get serious to avert meltdown
The Stimulus Scam: Video - Peter Schiff says consumers need to spend less, not more.
California controller to suspend tax refunds, welfare checks, student grants: John Chiang announces that his office will suspend $3.7 billion in payments owed to Californians starting Feb. 1, because with no budget in place the state lacks sufficient cash to pay its bills.
Lindsey Williams Details 'Economic Calamity'
Misguided Spending Leads To Worse Depression
HK Stocks Tumble - Economic Outlook Dims
Gold Is A Beach Ball Held Under Water
Warning UK On Brink Of Depression
Hundreds Of Billions Of Bailout Banks Again
Bank Bailout Part 2 - A Shot In The Dark
Brown Seeks Foreign Help To Rescue Banks
25% Of US Retailers May Go Bankrupt
New RFID Tracks You Without Your Knowledge
Royal Bank Hit By Biggest Loss In History
UK Economy Collapse Is Second Bailout Fails
RBS To Write Of $2B Oligarch Loan
Monday, January 19, 2009
Obama Advisor Warns Banks on the Price of More Aid | Money
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Former Wall St. Journal editor savages the mainstream media.
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More economic troubles.
Obama team weighs government bank to ease crisis...
Buffett says USA in 'economic Pearl Harbor'...
Wall Street Week Ahead: Obama Rally or Earnings Distress?
UK: Taxpayers could be liable for £200bn in toxic bank loans: Plan to use public funds to underwrite debt in a bid to save high-street lenders ahead of more bad news
CNBC Shows Illuminati Manipulating Economy - Vid
Arabs Investors Lost $2.5T In Credit Crunch
Iraqi Guards Hold Party For Show Thrower
Regulators Close First Banks Of 2009
Taxpayers Face Years Of Debt In Bank Deal
Toxic Debt Plan Is Final Throw Of Dice
Taxpayers Liable For $400T Toxic Bank Loans?
Scottish Jobless To Rise 88% This Year
UK Pensions Bleed $130M Every Hour
The 'Rescue' Has Failed - Time To Face Reality
Russian Zionist Oligarch Asks Rothschild Help
French Aristocrats Forced To Sell Oil Assets
Half Of Europe Trapped In DepressioSunday, January 18, 2009
More economic troubles.
Obama team weighs government bank to ease crisis...
Florida Hedge-Fund Manager Disappears; Clients Report Missing Money...
Cost of the Bush era: $11.5 trillion: The outgoing administration has presided over 8 years of disasters and crises with some of the biggest price tags the nation has ever seen.
Investors dump $89B in U.S. securities in historic fire sale: As the global financial crisis grew more severe this summer, foreigners sold almost $90 billion of U.S. securities — the greatest quarterly fire sale by overseas investors since the government began keeping track in 1960.
China gives car makers a boost: The package includes the halving of sales tax on small cars and subsidies designed to revive the country's car industry, one of the pillars of the world's third-largest economy.
Barclays Shares Slump 25% In One Hour
US Gloom Deepens As Factory Output Tumbles
Reviving World Economy Further Away Than Ever
Bank Crisis Reignites As US Giants Post Massive Losses
Honda Stops Production For Two More Months
Money Manager Goes AWOL - $350M Missing
Bailed Out Banks Operate In Tax Havens
Economic Depression Is Inevitable
Global Economic Demand Collapse, Bonds Next
Merrill Lynch Reports Record $15B 4Q Loss
Markets Fear More US Bank Write Downs
No Evidence Madoff Traded A Single Share For Clients
Sharpest Output Fall On Way - UK Bank Chief
Democrats Unveil $825B 'Stimulus'
Another Fall In US Consumer Prices
Unsold Cars Pile Up Around World - Pics
ECB Cuts Eurozone interest rate to 2%
Citi Splits In Two - Reports $8.3B Loss
BoA Gets $138B Bailout After First Loss In 17 Yrs
Treasuries Fall On BoA Bailout
Circuit City To Sell Remaining Stores
Fiscal Lifejacket Or Money Down A Rathole
Motorola To Cut 4,000 More Jobs
Foreclosure Filings Up 81 Percent In 2008
ECB Rate Cut Expected - Crisis Worsens
JPMorgan Chief - 2009 To Be Bleak
Bullet Proof Vest Clad Madoff Bail Upheld
Fear Rampant - Barclays Cuts 2,100 More Jobs
Gannett Employees Face Week Without Pay
FTSE 100 Joins Global Rout Of Markets
UK Jobless Rise Of 40,000 In Just One Week
UK Car Buyers To Get Govt-Assisted Credit
Hedge Funds Encourage Bks For Profit
Econ Crisis Stops Work On Dubai Skycraper
China Bails Out Steels, Car Industries
DOGE Has Deployed Its GSAi Custom Chatbot for 1,500 Federal Workers Where's the Epstein, 9/11, and JFK Assassination Files we were pro...

"Multiple indications of vote fraud are beginning to pop up regarding the New Hampshire primary elections. Roughly 80% of New Hampshire...
Here Are 4 Facts From Democratic Memo That Destroy Trump’s FBI Conspiracy Democratic Memo Missouri governor to be investigated by a spec...