Friday, January 23, 2009

More economic issues

Stimulus Plan Meets More Republican Resistance...
VIDEO: Dems To Spend Nearly $1 Trillion and Can't Promise 1 Job?

Another Real Estate Crisis Is About To Hit

By Paul Craig Roberts

The growth of debt has outpaced the growth of real output. Yet, the solution offered by Obama’s economic team is to expand debt further. This is not surprising as Obama’s economic team consists of the very people who brought on the debt crisis. Now they are going to make it worse. Continue

Political Interference Seen in Bank Bailout Decisions:


Barney Frank Goes to Bat for Lender, and It Gets an Infusion. Continue

First 100 Days: Manufacturing a dream and a recovery: Nearly one in four manufacturing jobs has vanished since 2000, and 40,000 factories have closed since 1998. Last year, manufacturing accounted for nearly a third of all lost jobs in the U.S., while factory orders plummeted to record lows.

Jobless claims surge and housing starts tumble: The worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s is forcing companies to slash jobs, creating a vicious cycle for an economy mired in a year-long recession.

Despite billions, banks still teeter on the brink: Wall Street is losing faith in Washington's efforts to fix the financial crisis. As bank losses pile up and bank stocks plunge, investors have an urgent question for the new Obama administration: What's the plan?

House Rejects Obama's Request For Rest Of TARP: President Barack Obama's economic recovery plan, including proposals to award a $500 tax credit to most workers and to help the laid-off hang onto their health insurance, met Republican resistance Thursday as it began moving through the House.

Iceland Government On Verge Of Collapse

Jobless Claims Surge, Housing Starts Tumble

The Jewish Slave Trade

US, UK Head For Bond Default Dnd Devaluation

Fed Manipulating Market Prices, Gold, Oil, Bonds

UK Banks Technically Bankrupt

US, Germany In Second Bank Bailout

Calls To Nationalise RBS And Lloyds

Brown's Blank Check Leads Brits Into Slavery

Brown Takes UK To Edge Of Bankruptcy

BoE Paves Way To Start Printing Money

'Sell Sterling, Get Cash Out Of Britain - Jim Rogers

Oil Staggers To Below $33 Barrel

UK Unemployment Up To 1.92 Million

France To Put ¤6 Billion Into Car Industry

Irish Tycoon Suicide Over Losses

Banks Sink Deeper On Obama's First Day

Bank Worries Push Dow Below 8000

Europe's Winter Of Discontent

RBS Shares Dive 67% Nationalization Looms

Lloyds Slumps 47% As Investors Flee

Public Anger At 'Irresponsible' Banks

UK Experts - 2nd Bank Bailout May Fail

Sterling Dives On Debt Fears

2nd UK Bank Bailout 'Plainly Not Enough'

Chrysler In Big Swap With Fiat

Lindsey Williams Details 'Economic Calamity'

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