Sunday, April 29, 2018

Ramblings 2/29/2018

I am not anti-Trump, I am pro American.

 America is not only for the Rich, it should be for everyone!

The government records every word of people who use Amazon Alexa and also products by Google and Apple. Also every cell phone is a live microphone being recorded all of the time.

Having a Nuclear deal with Iran , where Iran is required to permit inspections by global nuclear inspectors, as opposed to Iran not allowing inspections, unless you want a was with Iran.

If Trump can't take a joke he should not be president!

The Russians hacked our election, the Chinese hacked our election, the Israelis hacked out election,
 the North Koreans hacked our election, and  our government is doing NOTHING about it!

What Israel is doing to Palestinians is the same thing Americans did to Indians in the early 20'th century.

If Trump can pay all of these fucking accountants to get him out of taxes, we should find a way for Rich people like him have to pay taxes, instead of paying accountants.

It should not cost more for the Rich to get out of paying taxes, than it costs to actually pay their Taxes

Why does our president call people names? Why does our president bully people names? Why does our president threaten people?

History is scarily repeating itself, and nobody is listening!

One false flag and we are history!

Our freedom is gone, but  people don;t realize it yt.

There are 7 billion people out there but nobody is listening??

Sunday, April 22, 2018


This is America, you can't just throw someone in jail because you believe they are guilty, they have to be proven guilty in a court of law, not in the media.

US: Militarized Police Attack, Arrest Anti-Fascist Counter-protesters at Neo-Nazi Rally

Flying a confederate flag is just as bad a flying a Mexican flag, it disrespects all Americans.

Trump admin wants to roll back health rules for underrepresented groups

I thought we won the war against Nazi's 70 years ago, but I guess not?

Quit blaming liberals or conservatives, we are all Americans

Saturday, April 21, 2018


Trump lied to me about his wealth to get onto the Forbes 400. Here are the tapes.

The FBI Was Warned About A School Shooting Threat From A YouTube User Named Nikolas Cruz In September

Big banks saved $3.6B in taxes last quarter under new law

DeVos Education Dept. Begins Dismissing Civil Rights Cases in Name of Efficiency

U.S. Investigating AT&T and Verizon Over Wireless Collusion Claim

Revealed: Army scientists secretly sprayed St Louis with 'radioactive' particles for YEARS to test chemical warfare technology

Trump Fundraiser Offered Russian Gas Company Plan to Get Sanctions Lifted for $26 Million

Facebook Moves 1.5 Billion Users' Data Out Of Europe To Circumvent New Privacy Law

Sean Hannity Isn’t A Journalist And Fox News Isn’t News

New Bipartisan Legislation Would Repeal Trump’s Solar Tariffs

US religion is worth $1.2T/year, more than America's 10 biggest tech companies, combined

Congress Still Hasn’t Dealt With Its Sexual Harassment Problem

Alex Jones, Backtracking, Now Says Sandy Hook Shooting Did Happen

Trump admin announces abstinence-focused overhaul of teen pregnancy program

Wells Fargo Said to Be Target of $1 Billion U.S. Fine

Senators worry Koch brothers have too much influence in Trump administration

 Trump Administration Wants to Shut Door on Abused Women

A Short History of Threats Received by Donald Trump’s Opponents

Trump told Comey he never slept in Moscow. But he did.

It's as clear that President Trump, & several House Republicans are colluding to discredit James Comey & Andrew McCabe. These are key witnesses in Mueller's case against Trump & Cohen.
This is considered Conspiracy of Witness Tampering & Obstruction of Justice

Republicans seem to have a different set of rules for Democrats than they do for themselves.

Russia Says It Told U.S. Where in Syria It Was Allowed to Bomb

Pro-Trump groups spending big at Trump properties

Sunday, April 15, 2018


Trump order targets wide swath of public assistance programs

‘Mission Accomplished!’ But What Is the Mission in Syria?

Criminal complaint filed against Bannon, Trump campaign, Cambridge Analytica and Bolton Super PAC

Donald Trump Ordered Syria Strike Based on a Secret Legal Justification Even Congress Can’t See

Federal Judge Rules President Trump Plausibly Incited Violence at Rally as Candidate

If conservatives still believe Hillary's e-mail was a problem, why aren't they investigating several of Trumps staff and family doing the same thing?

233 Members of Congress Just Voted to Steal Social Security’s $2.9 Trillion Surplus

Trillion-dollar budget deficits will make next recession more painful

Millions of Americans Demand $130,000 for Not Having Sex with Trump

Horror of Being Governed by ‘Fox & Friends’

Trump, who signed a bill allowing mining co's to dump coal waste into US waterways, is outraged that Assad would poison his own ppl.

G.O.P. the party of sexual misconduct, bullying, name calling, blameing others , fraud, lying, blaming kids who stand up for their rights.

Shouldn't a president make his cabinet swear loyalty to the United Sataes  not to him?

Cohen: FBI was 'professional, courteous, respectful' in raids, counter to Trump's depiction

What Israel is doing to the Palestinians is the same thing the United States did to the American Indians in the late 19'th century.

 Ryan: Comey a man of integrity ‘as far as I know’

Things Trumpetts need to know:
1.The deep state is not being run by Obama and Hiliary.
2.The deep state had it out for Obama and Hillary as much as the have it out for Trump.
3.Actually the deep state likes more Trump because he is more likley to get us into a war, which is what the  deep state wants.
 4.Trump is his own worst enemy, if he would keep his tweet hole shut, he would be in much better shape.

* War on Syria
* War on Robert Mueller
* War on the Media
* War on the Poor
* War on the FBI
* War on Trade
* War on the Sick
* War on Democracy
* War on the Middle Class
* War on Rule of Law
Is anybody but the 1% Winning?

Pentagon announces 2,000% increase in Russia trolls since Friday

Without mentioning Mueller, Trump lawyers urge high court to bolster his power to fire executive officials

                                              Donald Trump With horns!

Proposed Food Stamp Cuts Would Hit Military Families

Kaine rips Syria strikes: What's stopping Trump from bombing Iran, North Korea next?

Every crisis we have been talking about lately,Syria, North Korea, Iran is one we have caused ourselves!

 Trump was the "deep State" candidate from the beginning because he is so easy to manipulate!

Trump's Nafta Negotiator Lighthizer Pulls Out of Peru Summit
Instead, Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump are representing the United States.

 \More Than One-Fifth Of The Trump Campaign's Spending This Year Has Been On Legal Fees

Does Trump even know what the goal in Syria is?

Judge Denies Bail to Alleged NSA Leaker Reality Winner, Citing Her Admiration for Snowden & Assange

Saturday, April 14, 2018


Trump is doing exactly what the "deep state" want him to, they are pushing for another war, with who it does not matter, they just want war to fill their pockets.

The Scientific Research Centre in Barzeh, a suburb of Damascus in the aftermath of today’s attacks... A big slap in the face to imperialists who keep telling me the coalition didnt target civilian areas

House rejects Libya authorization measure

Fox’s Mike Huckabee pushes GOP to use police in war on FBI

So the Pee Pee Tape is real


Undocumented immigrants pay billions of dollars in federal taxes each year

Trump Bombs Syria Hours After 88 Lawmakers Urged Him To First Consult Congress

Analysis U.S.-led Attack Can’t Hide Fact the World Has Abandoned the Syrian People

The "Deep State" wants war and Trump is makeing it happen!

Pro-Assad official says targeted bases were evacuated on Russian warning

ed Cruz Demands A Return Of The Fairness Doctrine, Which He Has Mocked In The Past, Due To Misunderstanding CDA 230

FBI Refuses to Say Whether It Bought iPhone Unlocking Tech 'GrayKey'

Both Google and Apple track phones location , whether or not GPS is enabled, among other things.

Here are 16 tweets where Trump attacks Obama for exactly what Trump is doing in Syria now

Trump knows - as have all US presidents - that he can make foreign policy elites & media figures from both parties heap praise on him the instant he drops bombs on people. It's not only a sick incentive scheme but also a vivid illustration of how sick US political culture is

Impeachment Is the Republicans' Latest Boogeyman for the 2018 Elections

Pro-Assad official says targeted bases were evacuated on Russian warning

The Real Reason Evangelical "Christians" Don't Care About Trump's Sordid Sexual Behavior

Trump rewards Texas official who refused to sue Trump University with ... a federal judgeship?

Yahoo and AOL just gave themselves the right to read your emails (again)

No More Signing on the Dotted Line

Trump Pardons Cheney Aide Scooter Libby for Perjury in CIA Probe

So lying is now ok,
Name Calling is now ok.
Bullying is now ok/
Blaming everyone else is now ok.
Fraud is now ok.
Adultry is now ok.
Nepotism is now ok.
When is going to stop?

 Congress Needs to Cancel Trump’s Blank Check for War

NRA finally admits taking money from 23 Russian-linked sources

Starbucks responds to viral video showing arrest at Philadelphia store

Bombing creates more terrorists.

Sunday, April 08, 2018


Trump is as much of a Christian as Obama is a Muslim.

What war in the last 50 years has America's freedom ever been in question?

Saturday, April 07, 2018


McConnell Covered Up CIA Reports That Russian Hacks Were Aimed At Electing Trump

How a US-China trade war would hurt us all

Data scandal puts Facebook's business on trial

Homeland Security to Compile Database of Journalists, Bloggers

Homeland Security wants to develop database that tracks journalists and 'media influencers'

Trump and China’s escalating trade war threatens to “light American agriculture on fire”

Why Trump's Trade War Could Cost Republicans the House

In Display of 'Actual Sociopathy,' Trump Reportedly Asked CIA Why Drone Didn't Also Kill Target's Family

Rallying Nation In reaction to Trump, millions of Americans are joining protests and getting political

Facebook sent a doctor on a secret mission to ask hospitals to share patient data

Snyder ending bottled water for Flint

Trump Administration Campaign to Scrub Women’s Health Info from HHS Websites

It's No Coincidence These Russian Sanctions Took a Year to Show Up

Hey kids. I'm in my 60s. You've never lived in an America where the rich paid their fair share. I have. Let me tell you what that was like: 
* We built new schools 
* We built new highways 
* We cut the poverty rate 
* We lead the world in technology 

Sunday, April 01, 2018


Trump demands punishment for newspaper that exposed his incompetence

Rep. Speier to Paul Ryan: GOP lawmaker must repay $84k sex settlement

Sinclair Group Forces All Its Local TV Anchors To Denounce "Fake News," In Support Of Trump Agenda.

The GOP can lose the popular vote by 3 times the margin Trump did and keep the House

'Among Stupidest Policies Yet Proposed,' Trump EPA to Lower Car Emissions Standards

Trump claims Washington Post is 'lobbyist' for Amazon

Trump expelled 60 fake Russian diplomats who are actually spies. But, like everything in Trump’s world, there’s some fine print. Trump’s letting Russia replace all 60 fake diplomats with new people. So, like everything else between Trump & Russia, this is just another charade.

Here are 6 of the most bizarre things Trump said in his infrastructure speech

White House frustrated with EPA's Pruitt for apartment controversy

How Trump's FCC aided Sinclair's expansion


Pitting Americans against Americans that is exactly what Putin wanted and that is what he got. We should be smarter than that.


  Trump wants green card applicants legally in US to hand over social media profiles Trump administration’s blockchain plan for USAID is a r...