Sunday, April 01, 2018


Trump demands punishment for newspaper that exposed his incompetence

Rep. Speier to Paul Ryan: GOP lawmaker must repay $84k sex settlement

Sinclair Group Forces All Its Local TV Anchors To Denounce "Fake News," In Support Of Trump Agenda.

The GOP can lose the popular vote by 3 times the margin Trump did and keep the House

'Among Stupidest Policies Yet Proposed,' Trump EPA to Lower Car Emissions Standards

Trump claims Washington Post is 'lobbyist' for Amazon

Trump expelled 60 fake Russian diplomats who are actually spies. But, like everything in Trump’s world, there’s some fine print. Trump’s letting Russia replace all 60 fake diplomats with new people. So, like everything else between Trump & Russia, this is just another charade.

Here are 6 of the most bizarre things Trump said in his infrastructure speech

White House frustrated with EPA's Pruitt for apartment controversy

How Trump's FCC aided Sinclair's expansion


Pitting Americans against Americans that is exactly what Putin wanted and that is what he got. We should be smarter than that.

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