Saturday, April 14, 2018


Trump is doing exactly what the "deep state" want him to, they are pushing for another war, with who it does not matter, they just want war to fill their pockets.

The Scientific Research Centre in Barzeh, a suburb of Damascus in the aftermath of today’s attacks... A big slap in the face to imperialists who keep telling me the coalition didnt target civilian areas

House rejects Libya authorization measure

Fox’s Mike Huckabee pushes GOP to use police in war on FBI

So the Pee Pee Tape is real


Undocumented immigrants pay billions of dollars in federal taxes each year

Trump Bombs Syria Hours After 88 Lawmakers Urged Him To First Consult Congress

Analysis U.S.-led Attack Can’t Hide Fact the World Has Abandoned the Syrian People

The "Deep State" wants war and Trump is makeing it happen!

Pro-Assad official says targeted bases were evacuated on Russian warning

ed Cruz Demands A Return Of The Fairness Doctrine, Which He Has Mocked In The Past, Due To Misunderstanding CDA 230

FBI Refuses to Say Whether It Bought iPhone Unlocking Tech 'GrayKey'

Both Google and Apple track phones location , whether or not GPS is enabled, among other things.

Here are 16 tweets where Trump attacks Obama for exactly what Trump is doing in Syria now

Trump knows - as have all US presidents - that he can make foreign policy elites & media figures from both parties heap praise on him the instant he drops bombs on people. It's not only a sick incentive scheme but also a vivid illustration of how sick US political culture is

Impeachment Is the Republicans' Latest Boogeyman for the 2018 Elections

Pro-Assad official says targeted bases were evacuated on Russian warning

The Real Reason Evangelical "Christians" Don't Care About Trump's Sordid Sexual Behavior

Trump rewards Texas official who refused to sue Trump University with ... a federal judgeship?

Yahoo and AOL just gave themselves the right to read your emails (again)

No More Signing on the Dotted Line

Trump Pardons Cheney Aide Scooter Libby for Perjury in CIA Probe

So lying is now ok,
Name Calling is now ok.
Bullying is now ok/
Blaming everyone else is now ok.
Fraud is now ok.
Adultry is now ok.
Nepotism is now ok.
When is going to stop?

 Congress Needs to Cancel Trump’s Blank Check for War

NRA finally admits taking money from 23 Russian-linked sources

Starbucks responds to viral video showing arrest at Philadelphia store

Bombing creates more terrorists.

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