Sunday, June 26, 2022


They really do not what people to have rights to their own body. 

Brick and mortar has to die

If you saw Walmarts latest shareholder report, they said they are incorporating ai to analyze the spending pattern of value conscious customers. In other words, they're going to see what cheap stuff people are buying regularly and raise the price on it.

If you've ever compared Amazon prices with someone, you already know Amazon gives different prices to different people for the same products.

If you order curbside pickup at Walmart and leave stuff in your cart overnight, some of the prices will have gone up in the morning.

With a physical store, there is a physical product on a physical shelf with a physical price attached. Any customer who comes into the store and buys that product will pay the same price.

With online shopping, every single customer is assigned an ai tracker (that's why every place wants you to set up an account, that gives your consent to track and analyze your patterns) that analyzes their spending patterns. The ai determines what price each individual customer is willing to pay. Everyone sees and pays a different price.

Taylored prices aren't possible with brick and mortar. That's why ever retailer who can is doing all they can to drive their customer traffic online.

I was confused as to how HEB and Walmart and others could hire a bunch of people to shop for you, charge you the same price as if you shopped yourself, not charge you any service fees, offer a lot of discounts in many cases, and even bring it out to your car and load it.

It's because they are in the seducing phase right now. Once everyone falls for it, and the doors close, the fees will start and the prices will go up. We will each have our own ai determining the absolute max amount we will or can pay for a product, because all information is linked. They know how much we make, what our bills are, how much we spent last week, at the store across the street, and how much we have left.

Tldr: online shopping gives retailers a chance to give each and every customer a unique price based on their spending history that traditional shopping methods don't offer.

Abortion rights on one side. Gun rights on the other. Make both sides angry and pit them amongst one another. Raise the tensions, what could go wrong?

Supremes end protections for abortion in place for half century...
Most significant curtailing of established 'constitutional right' in history...
The Court giveth and the Court taketh away!
LIST: 26 states where it will become ILLEGAL...
TEXAS: AG declares agency holiday 'in remembrance of unborn'...
Violence fear after decision...
Assaults against clinics, patients surge...
Protests erupt... Developing... NYC, LA next...
PATAGONIA will bail out arrested employees...
Dems seek probe of tech's use of personal data...
COLLINS, MANCHIN: Misled by Kavanaugh, Gorsuch...
WORLD LEADERS: 'Horrific', 'Appalling'...
NYT: Trump Publicly Credits God for Decision Privately Calls 'Bad'...
Pro-life advocates celebrate...

Doc Maker Claims Trump Had Secret Call With Putin Just Before Election...

FOOTAGE: Pence 25th amendment...

Barr Suggests Ex-President WAS Very Close to Staying in Power...

Lawmakers asked for pardons...

Committee seeks video of Roger Stone...

'Stop the Steal' leader testifies to grand jury...

Increasingly abandoned and isolated, will Don burn it all down?

Close ally calls on Putin to 'strike London first in WWIII' on Kremlin media...

Russian missile fails during launch and boomerangs back...

Blows up own troops...

Ukrainian civilians getting disappeared...

J.K. Rowling Tricked Into Fake Chat With 'Zelensky,' Slams Pranksters...

Who remembers when Kavanaugh, Gorsuch and Barrett lied under oath and said Roe was settled law?

Wanting to control women’s bodies is perverted. Wanting to control what consenting people do in their bedroom is perverted. Right wingers are, by definition, perverts.

Christians are all a bunch of perverts and pedophiles.

This November may be the last free democratic election in American history. Vote accordingly.

I’m Jewish. My faith says that life begins at birth, not at conception. The Supreme Court doesn’t respect my faith—or anyone else’s. They rule as though this is a Christian nation. It is not. I repeat – – America is not a Christian nation.

So child support will start at conception right? Social security numbers will be assigned? Women can claim fetuses as dependents on their taxes? Right?

Remember, the “original intent of the Founders” was that blacks were slaves, women were not much better, and voting was only for elites.

Forced birth in a country with: —No universal healthcare —No universal childcare —No paid family & medical leave —One of the highest rates of maternal mortality among rich nations This isn't about "life." It's about control.

61% of Americans support codifying Roe v. Wade into law. But thanks to the filibuster, 41 Senate Republicans representing just 21% of the country can block it. This is not how democracy is supposed to work.

Will the Supreme Court rule that there's no constitution right for women to have bank accounts or own property?

We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and our banks destroy the economy.

If Roe v Wade can suddenly change on a dime after 50 years, what else can change that quickly?

Replying to
The didn't want women to have maternity leave or healthcare, but they want to force them to have babies by their rapists. That's the party of family values.

Apple and Android phones hacked by Italian spyware

The SCOTUS ruling is worse than you think

-Almost all the rights we currently take for granted, privacy, medical care support, what sex acts to engage in in private, who to marry.... are all born out of that ruling to one degree or another.

-You like access to contraceptives? The same justification used to overturn Roe can be used to overturn Griswold v Connecticut.

Anti-abortion advocates may be celebrating now, but as the precedents those stupid fuckers took for granted start to unravel too, well they're as boned as everybody else. If the last twenty years have shown us anything, it's that they'll screw themselves along with everybody else, and then the problem will need to be fixed.

Restricting Abortion Just Makes It More Deadly, Says U.N. After U.S. Ruling

It’s time to say it: the US supreme court has become an illegitimate institution

The Satanic Temple: Our members can assert a religious liberty claim that terminating a pregnancy is a central part of a religious ritual. SCOTUS has repeatedly affirmed religious rights. We will be suing the FDA for unrestricted religious access to Mifepristone and Misoprostol.

U.S. Army private admits plotting attack on military unit

As Roe falls, criminal defense lawyers sound the alarm about mass incarceration

The Federalist Society

Of the current nine members of the Supreme Court of the United States, six (Brett Kavanaugh, Neil Gorsuch, Clarence Thomas, John Roberts, Samuel Alito, and Amy Coney Barrett) are current or former members of the organization. Politico wrote that the Federalist Society "has become one of the most influential legal organizations in history—not only shaping law students' thinking but changing American society itself by deliberately, diligently shifting the country's judiciary to the right."

Making something illegal doesn’t stop it from happening. It just creates the ground for an unregulated market for the product/service that is now illegal.

Every time they ban something doesn’t magically make it stop from happening. People will now have to travel for an abortion, buy an abortion pill on the black market or get an abortion in a private clinic for a lot of money. Whatever your stand is on drugs , abortions, guns or any other matter just remember that making it illegal doesn’t stop people from owning guns , doing drugs, getting abortions or any other thing. They just want us to argue that’s all.

Roe v Wade is once again a distraction from how shitty the US government has become and it's failures.

Every time the US government might have to face the music and admit failure or wrong doing it's the EXACT same recipes of distraction: 2nd amendment, Roe v Wade, some bs virus, or simply another proxy war with the next bogeyman.

The U.S. House Committee on Financial Services waited until today, a day dwarfed by a much larger American News Story, to release their report, and you better believe this is by design. Ask yourselves why.

Physicists have substantially boosted the efficiency of a type of quantum sensor — and demonstrated its use as a microphone. Low-powered technology based on entangled photons delivers clearer sound than a classical equivalent.

Bill Ackman Rings Inflation Alarm, Predicts Fed Hikes Rates to Over 5%

Here Comes the Sun—to End Civilization - Every so often, our star fires off a plasma bomb in a random direction. Our best hope the next time Earth is in the crosshairs? Capacitors.

How come pro-abortion terrorism is never mentioned?

Til that a pro-abortion group goes around firebombing crises pregnancy centers and church pregnancy outreach programs. Never heard of them on the national news, of course. Of course, no charges seem to have ever been filed against them. Their activities go back a while and are interstate, but Merrick Garland's justice department doesn't seem to be pursuing.

Why such a double standard in media crime reporting and federal domestic terror response? God help the fool who ever tags a planned Parenthood, let alone burns one

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