The party trying to force ‘work requirements’ for tens of millions of struggling Americans just went home for the weekend while the nation teeters on the brink of economic default because of their own recklessness and hostage taking of our credit/debt ceiling.
how fucked up is this: four different prosecutors now have hard evidence of the crimes of Donald Trump, and this fact only makes Republicans love Trump even more. the Republican party has lost its fucking way
This holiday weekend, lawmakers should be in D.C. working to lift the debt ceiling.
Instead, Kevin McCarthy sent everyone home. McCarthy has failed as Speaker of the House.
Similarly to the TARGET PRIDE ISSUE - Imagine if we all started walking into GUN SHOPS or protesting GUN STORES because we were offended by what they are selling. The republicans would lose their mind. But when it comes to LGBTQ is ok. SHAMEFUL
Instead of blaming Biden for inflation maybe direct your rage to greedy corporations who have been paying their workers the minimum wage of $7.25 since 2009. That’s fourteen f**king years!