Saturday, May 27, 2023



Republican senator, convinced by research showing that gender affirming care is safe and effective, votes against ban on care for transgender youth in Louisiana

Whistleblower Drops 100 Gigabytes Of Tesla Secrets To German News Site: Report

DeSantis dismisses climate change, calling it ‘politicisation of weather’

Florida unions sue DeSantis for serious violations of the U.S. Constitution

Texas House committee recommends impeachment of Attorney General Ken Paxton

Elon Musks Neuralink gets FDA approval for study of brain implants in humans

Desantis Bill Protects Billionaires if Their Exploding Rockets Kill People

DeSantis accused Trump of having “destroyed millions of people’s lives” during the Covid-19 pandemic by “turning the country over to Fauci.”

DeSantis Slams Trump For Adding $8 Trillion to Debt in Just Four Years!

'He Turned Over Country to Fauci'...

Floats Pardon for Ex-President...

Campaign Looks to Rebound After Botched TWITTER...

FOX Host Blasted by MAGA After Link to Donations Page...

More than 150 former Trump officials now backing DeSantis...

INDICTMENT WATCH: Trump's Potential Summer Charges in Georgia Raise Security Concerns...

Workers moved Mar-a-Lago boxes day before DOJ came for docs...

Electricity prices in Finland flipped negative - ; a huge oversupply of clean, hydroelectric power meant suppliers were almost giving it away

For those keeping track at home: The Supreme Court has destroyed our environment and clean drinking water Destroyed our reproductive rights Destroyed the separation of church and state Destroyed our voting rights Courtesy of the Federalist Society & right-wing billionaires

Trump was the Commander in Chief of the attack on the Capitol. He should be charged with seditious conspiracy.

Why I Hate The Republican Party

Last 10 months of Obama's presidency he was denied his supreme court nomination by Mitch McConnell because it was "to close to an election". That same Mitch McConnell granted Trump a supreme court nomination 2 months before an election.

Republicans raise the debt ceiling three times under Donald Trump with no conditions. The same Republicans are denying Joe Biden a debt ceiling increase without spending cuts to his agenda.

The parties are supposed to work together to better the American people yet, Republicans constantly work to sabotage any political agenda outside of tax breaks for the rich, control of women's rights and dictatorship over the working class. They are a dying party because of their hypocrisy and lack of evolution.

For example, remember when Republicans, especially Donald Trump was accusing Obama of being born in Africa thus disqualifying him from being an American president. Well John McCain the Republican nominee was literally born in Panama.

Lock her up, she's a criminal chants at Hillary Clinton, and after 4 years we learn Trump is a criminal to the core, and has been conducting fraudulent activity his whole life.

I think America needs a two-party system but one side are currently obstructionist, who are controlled by gun lobbies and special interest groups.

Remember during the pandemic Bidens federal government was giving an additional $500 a week for unemployment assistance. Well if you lived in a Republican state you lost your government assistance because they claimed that money was preventing people from going back to work... However Blue states had more workplace participation than Red states. They voted against all financial aid to Americans during the pandemic but approved more than a trillion dollars for large corporations and PPP money for millionaires. For example, a million dollar loan that was forgiven to Tom Brady...

The writing is on the wall with this party they don't serve the American people, they serve themselves and their doners. They beg for money from every microphone they hold and try to scare Americans into voting for them or the worst will happen. All while they sabotage any movement to help the American people and try to act like the responsible adults when it comes to spending, only to outspend democrats every time they're in the White House.

Nearly 25% of America's total debt was accumulated under the Trump administration. One of the cuts made during the Trump administration was dismantling the pandemic response team in 2017. Funding cut for needy families and TANF recipients, funding cut for veteran affairs and education. All to make room for the 2.1 "T"illion dollar permanent tax break for the wealthy.

Now the Democrat party isn't perfect by any means but at least they answer to their voters, and work to make life easier for every day Americans, especially the middle class who has a tax burden of nearly 40%. All while the richest 3% of America uses loopholes and foreign bank accounts to help them pay little to no taxes at all. In 2017 "billionaire" Donald Trump paid $750 in taxes. An effective 0% tax rate on his net worth.

I hope to see the Republican party reformed and voters begin to wake up and realize that the current party is a bunch of self serving, fear mongering, self righteous, hypocrites and begin demanding public service out of their leaders. The term "WOKE" refers to being aware and educated on issues, yet the Republican party tries to frame it as a negative leftist ideology. They literally criticize people for being informed. That's because they prey on the ignorance of voters. They need voters to be as ill-informed as possible to win their vote. And that is why I hate the Republican party.

Malwarebytes: Zip domains, a bad idea nobody asked for

Ex-Pentagon Scientist, Vallée & FBI Report Suggest Interdimensional Beings Exist Among Us

Emerging debt deal would raise limit, cap spending for 2 years...

At High School Debates -- Debate No Longer Allowed!

Amid ash and threat of evacuation, life goes on under Mexico's most dangerous volcano...

As Republicans try to slash IRS funding as part of their debt ceiling extortion, remember that the richest 1 percent of Americans evade roughly $160 billion in taxes each year. Still think the GOP is serious about reducing the deficit?

Marjorie Greene: “President Trump kept a full schedule while he was president.” Me: “Yes, 33% of the time rage-tweeting, 33% of the time playing golf, and 33% of the time watching Fox News.”

I still get asked every day why I left the Republican Party. My answer is always the same: I left bcuz I believe in freedom, the rule of law, limited government, tolerance, democracy, & opening our arms to immigrants. And this Republican Party no longer believes in these things.

The 2024 Republican nominee for president will be a 3-4 times indicted, a 2-3 times convicted felon, possibly/probably serving time. It’s really something, isn’t it? And the Republican Party deserves this. Every bit of this. They did this to themselves.

Republicans 3 demands to prevent default: 1. Drastic cuts to Medicaid/Food Stamps.(2 million taken off Medicaid) 2. Cancel plans to collect taxes from the ultra-wealthy, & cut $10 billion from the IRS budget. 3. Make the GOP 2017 tax cuts for the rich permanent.

Black Holes Might Really Be Giant Structures Made of Spacetime, Physicists Propose

Conservatives revolt as negotiators try to finish debt deal...

Compromise would raise limit, cap spending for 2 years...

'Unsustainable long-term fiscal future' looms...

Memo to the media: Your “both sides” reporting on the debt ceiling fiasco is misleading the public. To become speaker, McCarthy made a deal with right-wing MAGA House Republicans to use the debt ceiling as a way to hold America hostage. This is their manufactured crisis.

How MAGA and the oligarchy feed off each other: 1. The oligarchy's objective is to hoard wealth 2. It uses MAGA to keep us divided over culture wars 3. Oligarchy siphons off more wealth while we're distracted 4. MAGA uses the oligarchy's money for campaigns Rinse, repeat.

Republicans are on vacation, as our nation is on the brink of default Cruz went on vacation as Texans froze to death Trump went golfing as Americans died of Covid Marjorie Taylor Greene went to Costa Rica as Georgians lost power When the going gets tough, Republicans go MIA

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