Sunday, November 05, 2023


 Virginia teacher shot by her student, 6, can proceed with $40M lawsuit, judge rules

“Absolutely untrue”: Judge shames Trump lawyer for using Breitbart article to attack clerk in court

Mark Meadows Sued By Publisher For Lying About 2020 Election After Coming Clean to Federal Prosecutors

Hezbollah leader threatens escalation...
Blames IDF for Oct 7 massacre...
Erdogan 'wants to lead Muslim world against Israel'...
USA flying drones over Gaza in search of hostages...
Vets helping Americans escape...
Dual carrier strike groups show rare display of potential 1-2 punch...
Why Do Young Americans Support Hamas? TIKTOK...

New Speaker once blamed fall of Roman Empire on 'homosexual behavior'...

Strident LGBTQ views put advocates on alert...

Eric Trump Stumbles in Key 'Gotcha' Moment at Fraud Trial...

Just 'Lost Entire Case'...

Judge Gags Trump's Lawyers...

Court Denies Ivanka Delay...

Meadows sued by book publisher over false election claims...

MTG lashes 

out at 'vaping groping' Boebert...

Santos says he'd run again if expelled...

South China Sea tensions explode as China FIRES at sub-hunting helicopter...

Russian Suicide Drone Blunting Counteroffensive...

Navy launches missile from robot boat in Middle East...

USA vs. China in Divided World Economy...

US banks hit by deposit delays...

Shipping giant laying off 10,000 as pandemic boom turns to bust...

Hiring Cools to 150,000 While Unemployment Rises to 3.9%...

Plans to install Trump as dictator in 2024 are out in the open

Teachers claim NJ district restricted access to topics like Holocaust, civil rights movement

Ohio woman being charged with "felony abuse of corpse" for having a 22-week miscarriage delivery into a toilet. Police, prosecutors are referring to the nonviable, naturally miscarried fetus as a "baby". A Warren county judge just ruled that the county's case against her can move forward to trial.

Democrats are crushing it in special elections this year. That's unambiguously good news

Democrats rage at Speaker Johnson over pairing Israel aid with IRS cuts

Gaping hole in Donald Trump's defense identified

Rudy Giuliani Tells Trump He’ll Go Down With the MAGA Ship

U.S. and Israel Split Over Goals, Muddying War's Endgame...
Strike on Gaza ambulance convoy sparks condemnation...
Strip Becomes Death Trap for Children...
How Hamas aims to pin down IDF in quagmire...
Iranian group recruiting suicide bombers...
Why Do Young Americans Support Terror? TIKTOK...

Boebert Wants 'Mercy.' Some Republicans Want Alternative...

Trump Claims He Invented ‘Caravans’ During Vicious Rant About Immigrants — ‘Many of Them’ From ‘Parts of Africa’

South American countries recall ambassadors and cut ties with Israel over war with Hamas

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