Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Very Soon now.

All indications are something major is going to happen very soon. The comet, the hanging of Mabus, I mean Saddam, the troop surge, Bush's approval rating taking a dive, and the impending State of the Union address tonight. My guess is that Bush will just keep shoveling the shit deeper and deeper and deeper. Also the impending attack on Iran by US and/or Isreal will be soon, sending the Middle East into total chaos, like its not the now.

1 comment:

Seven Star Hand said...

Hello Dak,

A most august of comets!!

Want some insight into why there are so many major social and environmental upheavals accompanying the appearance of the "mabus comet" and what is truly afoot?

Notice that comet McNaught, discovered on 8/7/2006, just four days before August 11, 2006 (my birthday), brightened on 1/1/2007 (and afterwards) and 1+1+2+7=11? Have you been noticing the repeated association of the number 11 with key events and situations of recent years? Notice how 1/1/2007 marks this year with the number 11, serving as an important sign of things to come? Want stunning proof that this is no mere coincidence and what it portends? Notice that Nostradamus and Melchizedek each contain 11 characters?

Here's some more insight...

...and much more here...

By the way, Mabus and ALUS refer to multiple people, nations and the related situations they represent. Hister represented Hitler and Germany, Nay Pau Loron was Napolean and imperial France, and Mabus and ALUS to the situation involving the USA, its allies, and Muslim terrorism used to impose the deceptive war on terror with Ma(ster) Bus(h), Abu Musab, Saddam, USA Allies, Muqtada Al Sadr, Usama Bin Laden, and others rounding out the image. Bloody Alus is the USA and its coalition allies, hence Master Bush and his cohorts, of which muslim terrorists are counted. Notice how Mabus and Alus both include the letters USA? These symbols are meant to be inclusive and redunadantly proven by multiple related inferences that converge at a specific crux in time.

Likewise, the symbolism of 666 points to the Vatican throughout history, not to any single person, but to the organization, its institutions, and associated activities over a verifiable period of time.



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