Sunday, January 27, 2008

More Dollar problems

The Profile of a Third World Country

How Bush Destroyed the Dollar

By Paul Craig Roberts

It is difficult to know where Bush has accomplished the most destruction, the Iraqi economy or the US economy. Continue

At the Edge of the Abyss

By Gary North

All in all, this week was a sign that the economy is headed toward the falls. Keep close watch on the canoe 100 yards ahead of you. If, without warning, it disappears, start paddling for the shore. Either shore. Fast. Continue

Doubts over French bank's version of multi-billion euro scam: Analysts have expressed doubts over Societe Generale's declaration that a single rogue trader was responsible for the fraud that cost it 4.9 billion euros ($7.1 billion).

High Gold Prices Lure Prospectors To Alaska

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