Tuesday, April 01, 2008

More economic issues


Oil execs face grilling from lawmakers...

Gas price at record...

Truckers Plan Strike Over Diesel Costs...

SOUR SWISS: UBS Writes Off $19 Billion; Chairman Steps Down...

Those Who Control Oil And Water Will Control The World

By John Gray

New superpowers are competing for diminishing resources as Britain becomes a bit-player. The outcome could be deadly. Continue

Paulson's Fix for the Financial System

Less Regulation, More Power to the Fed

By Mike Whitney

It is being billed as a “massive shakeup of US financial market regulation”, but don't be deceived. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson's proposals for broad market reform are neither “timely” nor “thoughtful” (Reuters) In fact, its all just more of the same free market “we can police ourselves” mumbo jumbo that got us into this mess in the first place. Continue

As Jobs Vanish and Prices Rise, Food Stamp Use Nears Record

By Erik Eckholm

Driven by a painful mix of layoffs and rising food and fuel prices, the number of Americans receiving food stamps is projected to reach 28 million in the coming year, the highest level since the aid program began in the 1960s. Continue

UK Declares America The Great Depression

Fed Eyes Nordic-style Nationalization Of Banks

April Fools - Fox To Guard Banking Henhouse

Chaos On Wall Street

Paulson Proposes Financial Overhaul

The Fed - Captain Of USS Titanic

Chinese Exporters Shun Flagging Dolllar

Chase Subprime Mtge Memo Pushes 'Cheats & Tricks'

Federal Reserve To Inject Another $100B

Treasury Plan Would Give Fed Wide New Power

Class Action Filed Against Bear Stearns

Bush Wants To Greatly ENLARGE The FED'S Power

US Faces $53 Trillion Financial Asteroid

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