In this blog I will document America's decent into Fascism as it happens.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Ron Paul Question Paul Volker - Bubbles, Bretton Woods, Fiat
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Feds Scheme to Nationalize Citigroup
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Why Gas Prices Are Not Tied to Oil Prices
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There will be no quick fix for this recession
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Bob Cesca: The Wingnut Revolution
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Banks cede control to govts; Japan, India falter...
CITI reaches aid deal...
Failures Take Toll on Insurance Fund...
Economists question budget's assumptions...
Gingrich raps 'big-government' budget...
Boehner: 'Spending barrage' just starting...
Obama's charity tax limits upset Democrats and Republicans...
What if the Satanists were in the White House?
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FDIC: Bank Failures Are Rising
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Obama promises to slash spending by $2 trillion
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The economic crisis has been fantastic for Ron Paul causes
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Financial crisis turns world into 'gangsta paradise'
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Inside the Breakdown At the SEC
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$1.75 Trillion Deficit Seen as Obama Unveils Budget Plan
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More economic issues
CITI reaches aid deal with government [again]...
Economists question budget's economic assumptions...
Gingrich raps 'big-government' budget...
US banks post first quarterly loss since 1990...
Record Government Note Auction; Unprecedented amount of debt...
Orszag Shock: Policy shift will actually avert $9 trillion deficit!
Top Republicans rip into Obama budget proposal...
Obama wants to raise money via pollution caps, give to poor...
NBA set to borrow $175M...
THE END: ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS Folds; Denver daily paper 'victim of changing times'...
Casino Capitalism.
How Credit Unions Survived the Crash
By Ralph Nader
Eighty five million Americans belong to credit unions which are not-for-profit cooperatives owned by their members who are depositors and borrowers. Your neighborhood or workplace credit union did not invest in these notorious speculative derivatives nor did they offer people "teaser rates" to sign on for a home mortgage they could not afford. Continue
The U.S. Economy: Designed to Fail
By Richard C. Cook
Neither President Obama, nor his Democratic supporters or Republican antagonists, should feel badly about what is happening. This is because the system they have been given to work with was designed to fail. Continue
The California Budget and Class War
By Ann Robertson
On February 19, the California legislature, after weeks of wrangling, passed a special budget to address the historically high $42 billion deficit. It represents an unadulterated washout for working people who are attacked on almost every front by the Democratic Party, which controls a broad majority in the legislature. Continue
Obama forecasts $1,750bn deficit: The budget would see George W. Bush’s tax cuts for the wealthiest expire by 2011 and introduce new tax increases on families earning $250,000 or more to pay for healthcare expansion.
Grim US data show deepening downturn: New US jobless claims unexpectedly spiked last week, reaching the highest level since 1982 as companies continued cutting jobs.
The worst business loss in UK history: Royal Bank of Scotland came a step closer to full-scale nationalisation today as the bank unveiled a record £24.1 billion loss and plans to raise up to £25.5 billion from the taxpayer.
UK: RBS ex-boss urged to cut pension: Chancellor Alistair Darling told the BBC of the government's approach after it emerged that Sir Fred is drawing a pension of £650,000 a year. Although he is only 50, he is entitled to the payment for life, with a pension pot worth £16m.
2 Money Managers Held in New Wall St. Fraud Case: Their supposed investment prowess lured hundreds of millions of dollars from public pension funds and universities and earned the two lavish trappings of success: stately homes, a stake in the New York Islanders and, for Mr. Greenwood, a horse farm that once belonged to Paul Newman.
Housing Price Decline Accelerates: For the fourth consecutive month, prices declined in all twenty cities in the index
California’s Newly Poor Push Social Services to Brink: In California’s Contra Costa County, 40,000 families are applying for just 350 affordable-housing vouchers. Church-operated pantries are running out of food. Crisis calls have more than doubled in the city of Antioch, where the Family Stress Center occupies the site of a former bank.
McDonald's to charge more in poorer suburbs: McDONALD'S is lifting prices in poorer suburbs where it believes consumers are more likely to accept higher charges without complaint.
Dostoevsky And The Jewish Bankers
Watch Now As Pension Funds Get Vaporized
RBS Posts Record £40B Pre-Tax Loss
Taxpayers Insure £300B RBS Bad Debt
'Impossible' To Know How Much Needed To Save Banks
Depression In East Points Way For World
Japan To Intervene - Nikkei Hits 20 Yr Low
The Bankers Manifesto - A Real Document
Worried Investors Want Gold On Hand
Wall St Falls Again On Grim Data
Who Wrecked Your World Economy
Roberts - How The Economy Was Lost
Bernanke Calms Nationalization Fears (?)
BoA Fights To Hide Bonus Payouts
Savers Pull Record Amount From Banks
Best Hope Is Recovery In 2010 - Bernanke
US House Prices Fall To 2003 Levels
Debtor-In-Possession Loans Vultures' New Tool
Recession Deepens - UK Economy Down More
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wall Street's allure may be gone for good
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Does Obama Have a Double Standard on Earmarks? - TIME
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Obama's Budget: Almost $1 Trillion in New Taxes
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Are Republicans Sabotaging The Stimulus?
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More economic issues
$25,573.48 PER TAXPAYER...
PDF FILE: 'A New Era of Responsibility'...
US banks post first quarterly loss since 1990... Developing...
Record Government Note Auction; Unprecedented amount of debt... Developing...
Ron Paul: Audit the Federal Reserve!
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Obama set to unveil budget plans
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GM posts $9.6 billion 4Q loss
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U.S. Jobless Claims Tally Tops 5 Million Mark
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FBI Kills RUSH's "Blame the Borrower Meme"
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Congressman Ron Paul on Monetary Policy hearing
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FBI discovered the sub-prime fraud in 2004!
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So What Happened to That 360 Tons of Missing Cash in Iraq?
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Ron Paul's opening statement 2009.02.25
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More economic issues
Obama Budget Proposes Up to $750B More Bank-Rescue...
$75.5B More Iraq, Afghanistan Combat Operations...
Tax Hike 2011...
'It's more Obama Robin Hood'...
$634B 'Health-Care Fund'...
FIDELITY exec slams 'New Deal II'; Blames feds for crisis...
Outlook grim for costly initiatives...
Bernanke again spurns talk of nationalization...
NEW: Assault Weapons Ban...
GM posts $9.6B 4Q loss, burns through $6.2B cash...
Recession, bailout, stimulus: US security threats?
Cut the Military Budget
By Barney Frank
Those organizations, editorial boards and individuals who talk about the need for fiscal responsibility should be challenged to begin with the area where our spending has been the most irresponsible and has produced the least good for the dollars expended--our military budget. Continue
Wake up, America!
Burdened with an ever-expanding government and military, increased international competition, overextended entitlement programs, and debts to foreign countries that are becoming impossible to honor, America must mend its spendthrift ways or face an economic disaster of epic proportions. Continue
It's Time to Break up the Big Banks
By Mike Whitney
Timothy Geithner is putting the finishing touches on a plan that will dump $1 trillion of toxic assets onto the US taxpayer. Continue
Nationalization: It's Not Scary, It's All Around You
By David Sirota
Amidst the punditocracy's handwringing about the supposedly unprecedented possibility of nationalization in America, Paul Krugman this week reminded his New York Times readers that nationalization is "as American as apple pie." Continue
A Planet at the Brink
Will Economic Brushfires Prove Too Virulent to Contain?
By Michael T. Klare
The global economic meltdown has already caused bank failures, bankruptcies, plant closings, and foreclosures and will, in the coming year, leave many tens of millions unemployed across the planet. But another perilous consequence of the crash of 2008 has only recently made its appearance: increased civil unrest and ethnic strife. Someday, perhaps, war may follow. Continue
How Can U.S. Recover Without Manufacturing Capacity?
By Glen Ford
"You can't put people to work in American factories that don't exist." Continue
Japan exports drop 46% in January: Trade in electronics and other goods has also slumped as global economies and consumer spending contract, pushing Japan deeper into recession.
The Credit Card Debt Crisis: The Next Economic Domino: Credit card defaults are on the rise and are expected to hit 10 percent this year. This will obviously drive many banks closer to failing their stress tests -- but it will have an even greater impact on the lives of people who find themselves sinking deeper and deeper into debt.
Get Ready for Mass Retail Closings: About 220,000 stores may close this year in America, says our guest, retail consultant Howard Davidowitz of Davidowitz & Associates. As more Americans save and spend less, it's clear there's too much retail space
Jefferson County, AL Can’t Make $636 million Debt Payment: The county was recently downgraded by the ratings agencies which resulted in accelerated principal and interest payments due to banks.
The Bankers Manifesto - A Real Document
Worried Investors Want Gold On Hand
Wall St Falls Again On Grim Data
Who Wrecked Your World Economy
Roberts - How The Economy Was Lost
Bernanke Calms Nationalization Fears (?)
BoA Fights To Hide Bonus Payouts
Savers Pull Record Amount From Banks
Best Hope Is Recovery In 2010 - Bernanke
US House Prices Fall To 2003 Levels
Debtor-In-Possession Loans Vultures' New Tool
Recession Deepens - UK Economy Down More
Banks In New Wave Of CDS Losses
German CDS Debt Spreads Hits Record
Euro Banks Bailout Threatens Common Market
Fiddling While Eastern Europe Burns
Japan's Exports Down By Half In One Year
Japanese Carmakers Slash Production By 50%
Russian Economy Hit By 8.8% Decline
Latvian Debt Is Rated Junk Status
Pakistan Needs $5B Immed To Avoid Collapse
BoA Heiress Blasts Bank Leaders As Idiots
Wall St & Bernanke - The Blind Leading The Blind
AIG Asks Fed For More Bailout Money
Asia Stocks Dive On Growing US Fears
UK Bankers Demand A Pay Raise!
Retail Jobs Losses Hit Record In UK
Central Europe Tries To Bolster Currencies
ECB Faces Mutiny From Bank Governors
ECB Warns Germany Against EU Bailout
Alarm Over Europe's Credit Contraction
Burien - The Psychology Behind The Shell Game
Global Systemic Geopolitical Dislocation
Orwellian Doublethink - 'Nationalize Banks'...'Free Markets'
Soros - No Bottom To World Financial Collapse
Is Madoff A Symbol Of Jewish Greed?
Lendman - The More They Do The Worse It Gets
China Losing Interest In Buying US Debt
World Financial System Is Insolvent
IMF Emergency Fund Doubled To $500 Billion
Slim Pickings If China Won't Buy Western Debt
China To Buy Up Foreign Oil Companies
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
How the 2003 Bush Tax Cuts were paid for.
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Why Asia’s businessmen are banking on Obama
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A solid majority of Americans oppose ALL the bailouts
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Wall Street Falls as Obama Speaks
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Ron Paul CNBC 25 Feb 2009
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Nationalization of U.S. Banks Not Necessary, Says Bernanke
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Ron Paul and Glenn Beck Talk About the 'New World Order'
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Banks charging for unemployment benefits
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What Part of ‘Stimulus’ Don’t They Get?
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More economic issues
CITI customers angry about gov't plans...
How the US Economy Was Lost
By Paul Craig Roberts
If incompetence in Washington, the type of incompetence that produced the current economic crisis, destroys the dollar as reserve currency, the “unipower” will overnight become a third world country, unable to pay for its imports or to sustain its standard of living. Continue
A Struggle For The "Soul" of Capitalism
A Revolution in Spirit
By Benjamin R. Barber
A silent but fateful struggle for the "soul" of capitalism is being waged. Can the market system finally be made to serve us? Or will we continue to serve it? Continue
In Case You Missed It
Did Vladimir Lenin Predict The Banking Disaster Of 2008?
"Imperialism the Highest Stage of Capitalism"
By V. I. Lenin
The epoch of imperialism opens when the expansion of colonialism has covered the globe and no new colonies can be acquired by the great powers except by taking them from each other, and the concentration of capital has grown to a point where finance capital becomes dominant over industrial capital. Lenin enumerated the following five features characteristic of the epoch of imperialism. Continue
CNBC Editor: The People Are Revolting!
By Ryan Chittum
This is an example of what’s wrong with a certain kind of financial journalism, the kind where people of like backgrounds spend all day staring at tickers and interviewing each other. Continue
Beyond Scarcity: Re-Inventing Wealth in a Progressive World
By Joe Brewer
The current economic crisis is causing a massive redistribution of wealth across society. With a newfound capacity to shape our nation’s destiny, progressives can take this opportunity to redefine ourselves - especially our ideas about wealth and prosperity - as we seek to build a flourishing society. Continue
Worse Than My Darkest Nightmare
By Binyam Mohamed
As I gain my freedom, I am determined that neither those who remain in detention, nor their abusers, are forgotten. Continue
UK: Yes we are raging - against a Government that spies on its citizens while ignoring the crimes of greedy bankers: Today one of Britain's most senior police officers with responsibility for public order raises the spectre of a 'summer of rage', with victims of the increasingly bitter recession taking to the streets in possibly violent protest.
Huge protest over Irish economy: Trade union organisers of the march said workers did not cause the economic crisis but were having to pay for it.
Eastern European bailout proposed: EUROPEAN leaders called for doubling the International Monetary Fund's war chest for bailing out financially stricken nations, amid new signs that Europe's former Communist East is sliding into a full-blown economic crisis with worrying implications for the continent as a whole.
Home Prices Plunge 18.5%; Another New Low: The Standard & Poor’s/Case-Shiller home price index reports that the price of single family homes dropped 18.5% in December versus the same time the previous year.
Home Depot swings to $54 million loss: Home Depot Inc. said Tuesday that it swung to a loss in the fourth-quarter, hurt by restructuring costs and lower demand amid the malaise in the housing market and the onslaught of rising job losses.
Angry citizen(s) spray paint Congressman’s car and home: After the first round of bankster bailouts was passed by Congress against the will of the American people several representatives in Minnesota found their cars and homes spray painted by angry constituents.
BoA Heiress Blasts Bank Leaders As Idiots
Wall St & Bernanke - The Blind Leading The Blind
AIG Asks Fed For More Bailout Money
Asia Stocks Dive On Growing US Fears
UK Bankers Demand A Pay Raise!
Retail Jobs Losses Hit Record In UK
Central Europe Tries To Bolster Currencies
ECB Faces Mutiny From Bank Governors
ECB Warns Germany Against EU Bailout
Alarm Over Europe's Credit Contraction
Burien - The Psychology Behind The Shell Game
Global Systemic Geopolitical Dislocation
Orwellian Doublethink - 'Nationalize Banks'...'Free Markets'
Soros - No Bottom To World Financial Collapse
Is Madoff A Symbol Of Jewish Greed?
Lendman - The More They Do The Worse It Gets
China Losing Interest In Buying US Debt
World Financial System Is Insolvent
IMF Emergency Fund Doubled To $500 Billion
Slim Pickings If China Won't Buy Western Debt
China To Buy Up Foreign Oil Companies
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
More economic issues
Home prices post record decline...
Consumer Confidence Collapsed to Record Low in February...
BANK OF AMERICA Says Stronger Than Rivals...
Treasury provides $365M to 23 banks from bailout...
NYSE May Relax $1 Share-Price Rule to Prevent Delistings...
Road Map for Financial Recovery: Radical Transparency Now!
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House Democrats propose an additional $410B spending bill
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Fiscal Responsibility Summit presents another stage for fear
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How Many Right-Wing Whack Jobs Does it Take to Ruin Your...
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Wall Street Vetoing Obama, Dems
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America The Wealthy? Hillary Begs China To Buy More US Debt
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More economic issues
TARGET profit falls 41%...
OFFICE DEPOT shows $1.5B loss...
House Dems propose new $410B spending bill...
State sends $1 food stamp checks to 250,000...
AIG Seeks More US Funds As Record Loss Looms...
Overpaid laid-off MICROSOFT workers to keep money...
U.S. may boost stake in Citigroup: source
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He Won; America Lost: Obama's Budget Would Euthanize Economy
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Can We Avoid Hyperinflation? ...and whose fault will it be?
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Dear Federal Government: Drop dead.
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Congressman Ron Paul - On Transparency of the Fed
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Cerberus Gambles on Chrysler’s Future With Taxpayers Money
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More economic issues
BACK TO 1997...
State sends $1 food stamp checks to 250,000...
Obama pledges to slash deficit - after increase...
Rosy assumptions...
AIG Seeks More US Funds As Record Loss Looms...
AMERICAN EXPRESS paying card holders to close their accounts...
Philadelphia newspapers' owner files for bankruptcy...
Advisers readying bankruptcy financing for automakers...
The Economic Outlook: 2012 and Beyond
By Dr. Abbas Bakhtiar
The US government under Bush spent close to one trillion dollars, and now the Obama administration is promising to spend trillions in the years to come to stimulate the economy. With official US debt now close to 11 trillion dollars and climbing fast, the situation is becoming untenable. According to, last year (2008) US government paid $451 billion dollars interest on its debt. Add to this the Medicare and social security obligations and suddenly things look a lot worse than they appear. Continue
Economic Freefall
A Blessing in Disguise
By Jon Ronnquist
One thing we should not overlook when taking in the impact of the current economic situation is that it is both inevitable and invaluable in equal measure. That there was no escaping the consequences we are now facing has been a well known fact among those in the know for many years. If anything, it is amazing that we have staved it off for so long. For this we have the hard working men and women of the real world to thank, who toiled on in the name of pride, dignity and responsibility until the burden of debt simply became to great to bear. Continue
Herbert Hoover Copycat
By Ismael Hossein-zadeh
How the Current Financial Rescue Schemes are Following the Failed Model of the Hoover Administration. Continue
As New Scammers Emerge, Is It Jailout Time Yet?
By Danny Schechter
The Right Mobilizes Against The Stimulus While We Sign Petitions: Continue
Obama pledges to halve US deficit: The Obama administration, which has just pushed through a $787 billion economic stimulus package, also announced more funding for ailing US banks on Monday amid a continuing economic crisis.
In Latest Plan for Banks, U.S. Could Demand Voting Stake: The Obama administration put the nation’s biggest banks on notice Monday that the government could become their biggest shareholder if regulators decide they are not strong enough to weather a deeper-than-expected downturn in the economy.
Get ready for a wave of bank failures: In less than two months, regulators have seized 14 banks. Experts think many more banks will collapse before the financial crisis is over.
Global Systemic Geopolitical Dislocation
Orwellian Doublethink - 'Nationalize Banks'...'Free Markets'
Soros - No Bottom To World Financial Collapse
Is Madoff A Symbol Of Jewish Greed?
Lendman - The More They Do The Worse It Gets
China Losing Interest In Buying US Debt
World Financial System Is Insolvent
IMF Emergency Fund Doubled To $500 Billion
Slim Pickings If China Won't Buy Western Debt
China To Buy Up Foreign Oil Companies
Desperate Brown's Trillion Dollar Bank Gamble
Jail Men Who Stole Our Economy - Ex Legal Chief
HSBC Considers $20B Cash From Investors
1000s Foreign Workers Exploit UK Job Market
Economic Crisis 'Is As Bad As They Come'
US To Resume Filling Strategic Oil Reserves
Citi Fails - Nationalization Next - US To Own 40%
Citibank Duped By Nigerian Scam
Clinton Begs China To Buy US Debt
SoCal Home Median $250,000, Down 50% From 2007
Bankers Must Serve Not Rule Says Brown
We Will Put People First, Not Bankers
RBS And Lloyds Close In On $1T Treasury Deal
Soros Says World Financial System Has Disintegrated
Monetize This! - Resolving Spiraling Public Debt
Stock Decline Hits Depression Levels
Soros - 'We Haven't Hit Bottom Yet'
Monday, February 23, 2009
Stock Market Lowest Point Since Bill Clinton Was President
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More economic issues
Major stock market indexes fall to 1997 levels...
State sends $1 food stamp checks to 250,000...
PAPER: Obama auto team drives imports; Task force has few new American cars...
British jobs to be supported by American taxpayer in CITI buy...
MORE PUMPING: Regulators stand behind banking system; will start revamped capital injection...
Obama Nationalization Becomes Focus of Growing Market Speculation...
Roubini: 'Nationalize'...
FINANCIAL TIMES says staff offered three-day working week...
The States Are Not Branches Of The Federal Government!
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Want to understand the stimulus bill?
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How Iraqi Swindlers are Stealing Millions of US Tax Dollars
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Record: 881 U.S. Auto Dealerships Closed In 2008
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GOLD HITS HISTORIC HIGH:$1,000oz: How much higher can it go?
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U.S. Bubble Collapse Could Be Worse Than Japan’s
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Money - A Brief History Of The American Dollar - Part 1 of 2
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Banking on the Brink
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Bank Nationalization: As American as Apple Pie
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Housing secretary defends Obama foreclosure plan
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Bernanke Taking Case to Congress | money
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The REAL reason why the Great Depression ended
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U.S. Eyes Large Stake in Citi
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McConnell Peddles Old GOP Lie About Small Business Taxes
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GOP Governors Take the (Stimulus) Money and Run
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More economic issues
Roubini: 'Nationalize'...
Philadelphia newspapers' owner files for bankruptcy...
Swiss party wants to punish USA for UBS bank probe...
Swiss to stay away from Senate hearing...
'We are truly going to rise or fall together'...
FLASHBACK: China may balk at buying more US debt...
Fears for BofA and CITI rattle markets...
President tries to halt talk of bank nationalization...
Choice between full or part takeover...
Senator Says May Be Needed in Short-Term...
Soros Sees No Bottom For World Financial "Collapse"
By Reuters
Renowned investor George Soros said on Friday the world financial system has effectively disintegrated, adding that there is yet no prospect of a near-term resolution to the crisis. Continue
Brzezinski Warns Of Riots in US
By Press TV
Zbigniew Brzezinski, a former national security advisor, has warned that the US could witness riots if economy continues its downward spiral. Continue
Up to 120,000 protest in recession-hit Ireland: Up to 120,000 protesters brought Dublin city centre to a standstill on Saturday over government austerity measures aimed at stabilising the once high-flying economy now wracked by recession.
Obama wants to cut U.S. deficit in half by 2013: President Barack Obama will use his first budget, due to be unveiled next week, to put the United States on track towards cutting its ballooning deficit in half by 2013, an administration official said on Saturday.
Regulators Shut Silver Falls Bank, 14th Seized in 2009: Oregon regulators seized Silver Falls Bank, the 14th U.S. bank shuttered this year, as the worst financial crisis in a more than half a century further tightens access to credit and pushes foreclosures higher.
Bank Shares Topple on Talk Of Possible U.S. Takeover: White House Has Shunned Nationalization, but Falling Prices Could Force Issue
Big Pharma Quietly Hikes Drug Prices 100 Percent or More: "There's no simple explanation," said Stephen Schondelmeyer of the University of Minnesota. "Some companies seem to figure no one is watching so they can get away with it."
Economic Crisis 'Is As Bad As They Come'
US To Resume Filling Strategic Oil Reserves
Citi Fails - Nationalization Next - US To Own 40%
Citibank Duped By Nigerian Scam
Clinton Begs China To Buy US Debt
SoCal Home Median $250,000, Down 50% From 2007
Bankers Must Serve Not Rule Says Brown
We Will Put People First, Not Bankers
RBS And Lloyds Close In On $1T Treasury Deal
Soros Says World Financial System Has Disintegrated
Monetize This! - Resolving Spiraling Public Debt
Stock Decline Hits Depression Levels
Soros - 'We Haven't Hit Bottom Yet'
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Gordon Brown Wants "Old-Fashioned" Banks
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Ron Paul's Weekly Report
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Are We to be Forced onto a Reservation?
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Montana H B. 479 Home Guard/Militia
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More economic troubles.
Drought to cut off federal water to California farms...
Fears for BofA and CITI rattle markets...
President tries to halt talk of bank nationalization...
Choice between full or part takeover...
Senator Says May Be Needed in Short-Term...
Soros Sees No Bottom For World Financial "Collapse"
By Reuters
Renowned investor George Soros said on Friday the world financial system has effectively disintegrated, adding that there is yet no prospect of a near-term resolution to the crisis. Continue
Brzezinski Warns Of Riots in US
By Press TV
Zbigniew Brzezinski, a former national security advisor, has warned that the US could witness riots if economy continues its downward spiral. Continue
Up to 120,000 protest in recession-hit Ireland: Up to 120,000 protesters brought Dublin city centre to a standstill on Saturday over government austerity measures aimed at stabilising the once high-flying economy now wracked by recession.
Obama wants to cut U.S. deficit in half by 2013: President Barack Obama will use his first budget, due to be unveiled next week, to put the United States on track towards cutting its ballooning deficit in half by 2013, an administration official said on Saturday.
Regulators Shut Silver Falls Bank, 14th Seized in 2009: Oregon regulators seized Silver Falls Bank, the 14th U.S. bank shuttered this year, as the worst financial crisis in a more than half a century further tightens access to credit and pushes foreclosures higher.
Bank Shares Topple on Talk Of Possible U.S. Takeover: White House Has Shunned Nationalization, but Falling Prices Could Force Issue
Big Pharma Quietly Hikes Drug Prices 100 Percent or More: "There's no simple explanation," said Stephen Schondelmeyer of the University of Minnesota. "Some companies seem to figure no one is watching so they can get away with it."
Monetize This! - Resolving Spiraling Public Debt
Stock Decline Hits Depression Levels
Soros - 'We Haven't Hit Bottom Yet'
Time For Billionaires To Pay Their Taxes
Post Communist States Pull EU Into Red
BoA Chief Denies Bank Faces Nationalisation
Clinton - China Human Rights Second To Economy
Financial Crisis - From Wall St To All Streets
Saab Wants To Break Free Of GM
Fears For BofA And Citi Rattle Markets
No Evidence Madoff Bought Any Securities!
Trump wants green card applicants legally in US to hand over social media profiles Trump administration’s blockchain plan for USAID is a r...

"Multiple indications of vote fraud are beginning to pop up regarding the New Hampshire primary elections. Roughly 80% of New Hampshire...
Here Are 4 Facts From Democratic Memo That Destroy Trump’s FBI Conspiracy Democratic Memo Missouri governor to be investigated by a spec...