Tuesday, February 24, 2009

More economic issues

BACK TO 1997...
State sends $1 food stamp checks to 250,000...
Obama pledges to slash deficit - after increase...
Rosy assumptions...


AIG Seeks More US Funds As Record Loss Looms...

AMERICAN EXPRESS paying card holders to close their accounts...


Philadelphia newspapers' owner files for bankruptcy...

Advisers readying bankruptcy financing for automakers...

The Economic Outlook: 2012 and Beyond

By Dr. Abbas Bakhtiar

The US government under Bush spent close to one trillion dollars, and now the Obama administration is promising to spend trillions in the years to come to stimulate the economy. With official US debt now close to 11 trillion dollars and climbing fast, the situation is becoming untenable. According to treasurydirect.gov, last year (2008) US government paid $451 billion dollars interest on its debt. Add to this the Medicare and social security obligations and suddenly things look a lot worse than they appear. Continue

Economic Freefall

A Blessing in Disguise

By Jon Ronnquist

One thing we should not overlook when taking in the impact of the current economic situation is that it is both inevitable and invaluable in equal measure. That there was no escaping the consequences we are now facing has been a well known fact among those in the know for many years. If anything, it is amazing that we have staved it off for so long. For this we have the hard working men and women of the real world to thank, who toiled on in the name of pride, dignity and responsibility until the burden of debt simply became to great to bear. Continue

Herbert Hoover Copycat

By Ismael Hossein-zadeh

How the Current Financial Rescue Schemes are Following the Failed Model of the Hoover Administration. Continue

As New Scammers Emerge, Is It Jailout Time Yet?

By Danny Schechter

The Right Mobilizes Against The Stimulus While We Sign Petitions: Continue

Obama pledges to halve US deficit: The Obama administration, which has just pushed through a $787 billion economic stimulus package, also announced more funding for ailing US banks on Monday amid a continuing economic crisis.

In Latest Plan for Banks, U.S. Could Demand Voting Stake: The Obama administration put the nation’s biggest banks on notice Monday that the government could become their biggest shareholder if regulators decide they are not strong enough to weather a deeper-than-expected downturn in the economy.

Get ready for a wave of bank failures: In less than two months, regulators have seized 14 banks. Experts think many more banks will collapse before the financial crisis is over.

Global Systemic Geopolitical Dislocation

Dow And SP At 1997 Lows

Orwellian Doublethink - 'Nationalize Banks'...'Free Markets'

Soros - No Bottom To World Financial Collapse

Is Madoff A Symbol Of Jewish Greed?

Lendman - The More They Do The Worse It Gets

China Losing Interest In Buying US Debt

World Financial System Is Insolvent

IMF Emergency Fund Doubled To $500 Billion

Slim Pickings If China Won't Buy Western Debt

China To Buy Up Foreign Oil Companies

Desperate Brown's Trillion Dollar Bank Gamble

Jail Men Who Stole Our Economy - Ex Legal Chief

HSBC Considers $20B Cash From Investors

1000s Foreign Workers Exploit UK Job Market

RBS To Chop Up To 20,000 Jobs

Economic Crisis 'Is As Bad As They Come'

US To Resume Filling Strategic Oil Reserves

Citi Fails - Nationalization Next - US To Own 40%

Citibank Duped By Nigerian Scam

Clinton Begs China To Buy US Debt

SoCal Home Median $250,000, Down 50% From 2007

Bankers Must Serve Not Rule Says Brown

We Will Put People First, Not Bankers

RBS Signals $600B Asset Sale

RBS And Lloyds Close In On $1T Treasury Deal

Gold Rises Above $1,000

Soros Says World Financial System Has Disintegrated

Monetize This! - Resolving Spiraling Public Debt

Stock Decline Hits Depression Levels

Soros - 'We Haven't Hit Bottom Yet'

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