In this blog I will document America's decent into Fascism as it happens.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
America the Tarnished
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Barney Frank Writes A Bill to let Government Set Your Salary
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Legislation Would Curtail Warrantless Information Demands
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Fannie & Freddie to steal banks crutches?
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Russia, China cooperate on new currency proposals
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Gov't OCC Data: Gov't Aided Massive Fraud ala Bernie Madoff?
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AIG's "Powerful" Financial Products Group
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Auto Fears Grip Wall Street; Dow Falls 300
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Jerk Store, Texas Gov. Perry Screws Unemployed, Small Biz.
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Obama's bluffing on GM and Chrysler
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Chris Dodd REFUSES to give AIG cash back
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GM's Ousted CEO Eligible for $20Million Retirement Package.
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Kent Kresa announced as interim chairman of GM
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U.S. Lays Down Terms for Auto Bailout
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Community Banks Are Fed Up — Awakening a Sleeping Giant
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Russia backs return to Gold Standard to solve financial cris
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Auto bailout demands 'tech leadership' from GM
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Ron Paul draws students to Liberty Campaign event
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Chrysler forced into alliance with Fiat by the US Government
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Ron Paul's HR 1207 now has 46 Co-sponsers
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For Liberty: The Ron Paul Revolution Documentary Trailer
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Want to Destroy the U.S.A.? Then Let the Bailouts Continue
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GOP Says Obama Budget Threatens Future Prosperity - ABC News
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Kucinich to probe $3.6 billion in bonuses at Merrill Lynch
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More economic issues
Obama Favors Bankruptcy for autos...
'Starting today, the United States government will stand behind your warrantee'...
Video: Laid off workers brawl over lost jobs...
Russia, China cooperate on new currency proposals...
Russia backs return to Gold Standard...
It's a bird...It's a plane...No, it's Spitzer to the Rescue
By Mike Whitney
If Obama is serious about restoring confidence in the markets, he should replace current SEC chief Mary Schapiro with Eliot Spitzer. That would send a message to the world that the president is through messing around. Schapiro is another Wall Street toady who believes that the markets can regulate themselves. Continue
Noam Chomsky on the Economy and Democracy
Video & Transcript
Chomsky: Plan is recycled Bush/Paulson. We need nationalization and steps towards democratization. Continue
Obama’s Attack on the Middle Class
By Paul Craig Roberts
If the tax rate on a multi-million dollar annual income goes up by 5 percentage points, the cutbacks won’t really affect the lifestyle. Continue
The Absurdity of Spending US Tax Dollars on Israel
Paul J. Balles argues that if enough ordinary Americans “feel the pinch and connect the dots between their own financial losses and America’s continued unbridled support of Israel’s devastating war machine, Israel could be forced to make peace with the Palestinians”. Continue
Brown - Thinking Positively About Monetary Policy
GM CEO Gets $23M Estimated Pension
Peering Into The Abyss - Peter Schiff
Alarming News - Bank Losses Spreading
GM And Chrysler Failing To Recover
Farmers To Cut Back On US Planting
Russia Backs Return To Gold Standard
UK May Launch Criminal Probe Into RBS
Obama Calls On Banksters To Sacrifice On Pay
UK Bank, Finance Firms To Axe 30,000 Jobs
Greenspan - 'Equities Show Us Way To Recovery' (huh?)
Fresh Flight >From Risk Hits Global Equities
Shares Slide As Global Bull Run Fades
GM Needs More Radical Surgery Than GM Loss
Car Industry Fears Send Markets Into Reverse
GM CEO Resigns Under Obama's Pressure
The Anger Building As G20 Meets In London
Only United G20 Can Save World From Ruin
Hedge Funds Vow To Fight As G20 Gathers
Germans Wreck Global 'New Deal'
The Problem Is Not Bankers - It's Society
Tax Havens Batten Down - Hurricane Looms
Geithner - Regulation Of Hedge Funds, Derivatives
Recession Slays East European Tigers
UK Supermarket To Open Bank Branches
The Federal Reserve - Jewish Private Bankers
G20 Activists - Why We Are Protesting
Fears Cop Tactics Will Cause G20 Violence
G20 Protesters Expect Agent Provocateurs
G20 - Seven Hours To Save The World
Merkel Warns Against Further Stimulus
The Day The Dollar Falls - Vid
Liquidator Finds $2.6 Billion For Madoff Claimants
Cook - Credit As A Public Utility
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sources: GM has 2 months to restructure, Chrysler Has 1
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Auto bailout demands 'tech leadership' from GM
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Wall Street executives rationalizing their entitlements
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Obama's Fuel Economy Standards Worse Than Bush's: WTF?
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GM CEO Wagoner to step down immediately
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The decade for global banks (graph interactive)
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Obama Demands GM Execs Resign
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More economic issues
HIT THE HIGHWAY: GM CEO Wagoner to step down... Developing...
Stipulation for feds to lend billions more to GM?
...Automaker Awaits Bailout News
SABOTAGE: Blow for Gordon Brown as his spending blueprint leaks...
Stirs anxiety...
G20 marches begin week of protests...
Biden: 'Give us a chance'...
Bank bailout fund down to $135B...
Geithner Says Some Banks to Need 'Large Amounts' of Aid...
The Free Market, Financial Style
How the Scam Works
Here’s the rip-off as I see it. For an outlay of $750,000, the bank rids its books of a mortgage worth $2 million, for which it receives $4,250,000. It gets twice as much as the junk is worth. Continue
Stocks Will Drop; Banks Will Go Belly Up - Roubini
By Charting Stocks
U.S. stocks will fall and the government will nationalize more banks as the economy contracts through the end of 2009, said Nouriel Roubini, the New York University professor who predicted last year’s economic crisis. Continue
US Backing for World Currency Stuns Markets
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner shocked global markets by revealing that Washington is "quite open" to Chinese proposals for the gradual development of a global reserve currency run by the International Monetary Fund. Continue
U.S. Vows To Sustain Dollar's Dominance
By Tomoeh Murakami Tse
Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner said Wednesday that the United States would do whatever it takes to make sure the dollar would remain the world's dominant reserve currency, clarifying comments he had made earlier in the day that had caused the greenback to fall against major currencies. Continue
In Case You Missed It
Worst Case: The Day The Dollar Falls
Must Watch Video
This is a Dutch (Netherlands) documentary from 2005. It is about a 'Worst Case' scenario where speculation on the currency exchange market plus a substantial sell-off of dollars from a hedge fund cause a chain reaction in the market, the economy and the political system. Continue
Irish economy in sharp contraction: Ireland, the first eurozone country to fall into an official recession, has released more gloomy financial data, with official statistics revealing that its gross domestic product shrank by 7.5 per cent in the three months to December, compared with the fourth quarter of 2007.
UK recession: 'It's even worse than we thought,' says ONS: It is the worst performance since the second quarter of 1980 and confirms Britain is in the middle of a deep downturn following a contraction of 0.7% in the third quarter of last year and zero growth in the second.
Ford ready to get rid of Volvo at huge loss: Ford is believed to be preparing to take a knockdown price for Volvo to get the loss-making Swedish division off its hands.
SC unemployment reaches 11 percent for February: South Carolina's jobless rate surged to 11 percent in February, edging closer to the 14 percent peak a state advisory board expects as the recession throttles the state with the nation's second-highest unemployment rate.
Jobless Rate Exceeds 10% in Three More U.S. States: The number of U.S. states with a jobless rate exceeding 10 percent almost doubled in February as the worst employment slump in the postwar era spread.
US tent cities highlight new realities as recession wears on: Tent cities reminiscent of the "Hoovervilles" of the Great Depression have been springing up in cities across the United States - from Reno in Nevada to Tampa in Florida - as foreclosures and redundancies force middle-class families from their homes.
One Small Problem With Geithner's Plan:
It Will Bankrupt The Banks
By Henry Blodget
When a bank says an asset is worth 60 cents and the market says it's worth 30 cents, someone has to cover that spread. The genius of Geithner's plan is that it pawns most of the cost (and most of the risk) off on the taxpayer without the taxpayer noticing. Continue
Is the Bailout Plan Breeding a Greater Crisis?
By Paul Craig Roberts
The US finances its trade deficit by turning over to foreigners ownership of existing US assets and their future income streams, which, of course, increases the flow of income away from Americans. Continue
"We're All In This Together"
No we are not, that's the point.
By Cindy Sheehan
President Obama basically said that we can't demonize every investor who earns a profit, because "we are all in this together." Sorry, but I am going to have to call a big fat "bull-shit" on this one. Continue
Is the U.S.A. the World's Greatest Nation Now?
By Bob Kendall
According to the Los Angeles Homelessness Services Coalition, 3.5 million people in a given year will experience homelessness with 1.5 million of them children. The current national jobless figure stands at over 8 percent and is rising while there are 37 million Americans on food stamps. Continue
Harvard economist: Prohibition creates violence, legalize all drugs: Miron's proposed solution to ending the cartel war along the US-Mexico border is both simple and enormously complex.
E.U. President Calls U.S. Stimulus the ‘Way to Hell’: Transatlantic tension over the handling of the global economic crisis intensified Wednesday when the prime minister of the Czech Republic, which holds the European Union presidency, described the President Obama’s stimulus measures as the “way to hell.”
Should USA still be AAA?: Despite soaring budget deficits, investors are still buying U.S. Treasurys. Still, some critics say the government debt isn't nearly as safe as widely assumed.
GM CEO Resigns Under Obama's Pressure
The Anger Building As G20 Meets In London
Only United G20 Can Save World From Ruin
Hedge Funds Vow To Fight As G20 Gathers
Germans Wreck Global 'New Deal'
The Problem Is Not Bankers - It's Society
Tax Havens Batten Down - Hurricane Looms
Geithner - Regulation Of Hedge Funds, Derivatives
Recession Slays East European Tigers
UK Supermarket To Open Bank Branches
The Federal Reserve - Jewish Private Bankers
G20 Activists - Why We Are Protesting
Fears Cop Tactics Will Cause G20 Violence
G20 Protesters Expect Agent Provocateurs
G20 - Seven Hours To Save The World
Merkel Warns Against Further Stimulus
The Day The Dollar Falls - Vid
Liquidator Finds $2.6 Billion For Madoff Claimants
Cook - Credit As A Public Utility
Saturday, March 28, 2009
The Real Crime in the Bailout
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Friday, March 27, 2009
More economic troubles.
PELOSI: Health-Care Bill in House Will Include Government-Run Option...
Brazil president blames white people for economic crisis...
Rep. to Geithner: Your Plan Is 'Radical'...
Congresswoman introduces bill to ban...
Roubini Says Stocks Will Drop, Government Will Nationalize More Banks...
Gregg: U.S. couldn't even join EU due to debt levels...
Says 30% Drop in Commercial Real Estate Values 'Inevitable'...
One Small Problem With Geithner's Plan:
It Will Bankrupt The Banks
By Henry Blodget
When a bank says an asset is worth 60 cents and the market says it's worth 30 cents, someone has to cover that spread. The genius of Geithner's plan is that it pawns most of the cost (and most of the risk) off on the taxpayer without the taxpayer noticing. Continue
Is the Bailout Plan Breeding a Greater Crisis?
By Paul Craig Roberts
The US finances its trade deficit by turning over to foreigners ownership of existing US assets and their future income streams, which, of course, increases the flow of income away from Americans. Continue
"We're All In This Together"
No we are not, that's the point.
By Cindy Sheehan
President Obama basically said that we can't demonize every investor who earns a profit, because "we are all in this together." Sorry, but I am going to have to call a big fat "bull-shit" on this one. Continue
Is the U.S.A. the World's Greatest Nation Now?
By Bob Kendall
According to the Los Angeles Homelessness Services Coalition, 3.5 million people in a given year will experience homelessness with 1.5 million of them children. The current national jobless figure stands at over 8 percent and is rising while there are 37 million Americans on food stamps. Continue
Russia seeks to weaken US, West: NATO general: - Russia seems intent on weakening Western institutions and its relations with NATO will likely be more strained in the coming years than at any time since the Cold War ended, NATO's top commander said on Tuesday.
UK: 60,000 civilian spies to get three-hour lesson in how to spot terrorists: The Home Office plans are likely to raise questions over the effectiveness of an army of amateur 'terrorist-watchers'.
Guantánamo: The Definitive Prisoner List : The following list is the culmination of a three-year project to record the stories of all the prisoners held at the US prison in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.
Harvard economist: Prohibition creates violence, legalize all drugs: Miron's proposed solution to ending the cartel war along the US-Mexico border is both simple and enormously complex.
E.U. President Calls U.S. Stimulus the ‘Way to Hell’: Transatlantic tension over the handling of the global economic crisis intensified Wednesday when the prime minister of the Czech Republic, which holds the European Union presidency, described the President Obama’s stimulus measures as the “way to hell.”
Should USA still be AAA?: Despite soaring budget deficits, investors are still buying U.S. Treasurys. Still, some critics say the government debt isn't nearly as safe as widely assumed.
Roubini - Stocks Will Drop, Banks Go Belly Up
BoE Chief's First Shot In Wider War
Relief as new UK debt sale succeeds
Geithner Wants Power Over Hedge Funds, Derivatives
Geithner Power Grab Worries Editors
Dollar Dips On Geithner's Loose Talk
Ford To Dump Volvo At Huge Loss
New US Home Sales Spike In February
Daddy, What Exactly Is A Derivative?
US Backing For World Currency Stuns Markets
Russia Calls For Currency Reform
IMF Rescues Romania And Serbia
Chavez To Spearhead Regional Bank Launch
UN Urges $1 Trillion For Developing World
Chase Bank Turned Blind Eye To Madoff
Bjerknes - Obama And The Bankers - Vid
CDS 'Godfather' Says Blow 'Em All Up'
AIG Bonus Issue Deflates As Execs Return Pay
Brown Pushing Rothschild Vision Of Global Economy
US/UK Recovery Plans Are A 'Way To Hell'
Brown Put 'Millions Of Jobs At Risk'
Treasury Wants New Powers To Intervene
Barky Declares 'Progress' For US Economy
Goldman Sachs To Return $10B Bailout
Deflation? Not If You're Buying Food
Vandals Target Goodwin's House And Car
First UK Bond Auction Fails Since 1995
Japanese Exports Down 50% From 2008
Freeze $1.5 Quadrillion Derivs As First Step To Recovery
National Service Bill Clears Senate Hurdle
IMF - Economic Crisis Will Engulf The World
China Calls For New Reserve Currency
China Considers Paper Gold Instead Of Dollar
Fears Of Record Hedge Fund Withdrawals
Thursday, March 26, 2009
More economic issues
White House economic adviser Goolsbee won't rule out...
Dollar drops on Geithner's 'loose talk'...
Obama Plans to Name Task Force to Overhaul Tax Code; 'Rebalance'...
EU leader condemns US 'road to hell'; Attack highlights growing rift...
EU hustles to control damage after outburst...
Anti-capitalist group attacks home of British banking chief...
Banks told to step up security after attack...
AIG employees detail numerous, vile, outrageous death threats...
Mortgage fraud sting nets indictments...
Bond Auction Falls Short...
Postal chief says post office running out of money...
NYC transit agency adopts fare hikes, service cuts...
We've run out of money, no more stimulus...
One Small Problem With Geithner's Plan:
It Will Bankrupt The Banks
By Henry Blodget
When a bank says an asset is worth 60 cents and the market says it's worth 30 cents, someone has to cover that spread. The genius of Geithner's plan is that it pawns most of the cost (and most of the risk) off on the taxpayer without the taxpayer noticing. Continue
Is the Bailout Plan Breeding a Greater Crisis?
By Paul Craig Roberts
The US finances its trade deficit by turning over to foreigners ownership of existing US assets and their future income streams, which, of course, increases the flow of income away from Americans. Continue
"We're All In This Together"
No we are not, that's the point.
By Cindy Sheehan
President Obama basically said that we can't demonize every investor who earns a profit, because "we are all in this together." Sorry, but I am going to have to call a big fat "bull-shit" on this one. Continue
Is the U.S.A. the World's Greatest Nation Now?
By Bob Kendall
According to the Los Angeles Homelessness Services Coalition, 3.5 million people in a given year will experience homelessness with 1.5 million of them children. The current national jobless figure stands at over 8 percent and is rising while there are 37 million Americans on food stamps. Continue
Harvard economist: Prohibition creates violence, legalize all drugs: Miron's proposed solution to ending the cartel war along the US-Mexico border is both simple and enormously complex.
E.U. President Calls U.S. Stimulus the ‘Way to Hell’: Transatlantic tension over the handling of the global economic crisis intensified Wednesday when the prime minister of the Czech Republic, which holds the European Union presidency, described the President Obama’s stimulus measures as the “way to hell.”
Should USA still be AAA?: Despite soaring budget deficits, investors are still buying U.S. Treasurys. Still, some critics say the government debt isn't nearly as safe as widely assumed.
Bjerknes - Obama And The Bankers - Vid
CDS 'Godfather' Says Blow 'Em All Up'
AIG Bonus Issue Deflates As Execs Return Pay
Brown Pushing Rothschild Vision Of Global Economy
US/UK Recovery Plans Are A 'Way To Hell'
Brown Put 'Millions Of Jobs At Risk'
Treasury Wants New Powers To Intervene
Barky Declares 'Progress' For US Economy
Goldman Sachs To Return $10B Bailout
Deflation? Not If You're Buying Food
Vandals Target Goodwin's House And Car
First UK Bond Auction Fails Since 1995
Japanese Exports Down 50% From 2008
Freeze $1.5 Quadrillion Derivs As First Step To Recovery
National Service Bill Clears Senate Hurdle
IMF - Economic Crisis Will Engulf The World
China Calls For New Reserve Currency
China Considers Paper Gold Instead Of Dollar
Fears Of Record Hedge Fund Withdrawals
Savers Pull Money As Returns Deteriorate
Ellen Brown - Captured By The Debt Spider
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Ron Paul’s Bill To Audit The Fed Now Has 44 Co-Sponsors!
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More economic issues
White House economic adviser Goolsbee won't rule out...
Dollar drops on Geithner comment... Foreign Exchange Markets Roiled...
Obama Plans to Name Task Force to Overhaul Tax Code; 'Rebalance'...
White House to Hunt for New Revenues...
Dems in senate scrap...
EU presidency: US economic plans 'a way to hell'...
Geithner's Bank Plan: Only a Partial Solution - TIME
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UN Panel Says World Should Ditch Dollar
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House members grill Geithner, Bernanke on AIG bonuses
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U.S. bill seeks to rescue faltering newspapers
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U.S. bill seeks to rescue faltering newspapers
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More economic issues
Dems in senate scrap...
Obama defends delay in response to AIG bonuses...
Defends tax plan on charitable giving...
'Heartbroken' over homeless...
Rejects China's call for new global currency...
'Super Currency' Call Shows Dollar Concern...
Fed to Start Buying Treasuries in $300 Billion Plan to Cut Borrowing Costs...
European Central Bank resists rush to print more money...
We've run out of money, no more stimulus...
Officials seek new power over financial companies...
Geithner Plan Will Rob US Taxpayers
By Reuters
The U.S. government plan to rid banks of toxic assets will rob American taxpayers by exposing them to too much risk and is unlikely to work as long as the economy remains weak, Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz said on Tuesday. Continue
Geithner Update
Bend Over and Say, "Uncle Sam"
By Mike Whitney
Here's what everyone needs to know: The US government (you) will provide up to 94 percent of the financing (low interest, of course) for dodgy mortgage-backed assets that no one in their right mind would ever buy so that wealthy and politically-connected banksters can scrub up to $1 trillion of red ink from their balance sheets. Ugh! Continue
China to Keep Buying Treasuries, Top Official Says : China’s top foreign-exchange official said the nation will keep buying Treasuries and endorsed the dollar’s global role, supporting the U.S. as the Obama administration increases spending to revive growth
Geithner Asks Congress for Broad Power to Seize Firms: Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner today told Congress the administration will seek unprecedented power to seize non-bank financial companies whose collapse could jeopardize the economy, a move Geithner said would have allowed the government to bail out insurance giant American International Group at a far lower cost to taxpayers.
Freeze $1.5 Qaudrillion Derivs As First Step To Recovery
National Service Bill Clears Senate Hurdle
IMF - Economic Crisis Will Engulf The World
China Calls For New Reserve Currency
China Considers Paper Gold Instead Of Dollar
Fears Of Record Hedge Fund Withdrawals
Savers Pull Money As Returns Deteriorate
Markets Buoyed By Fed $1T Bank Bailout
Barky Bribes Investors To Buy $1T Toxic Debt
Obama, Geithner Gambling With US Reputation
9 AIG Top Bonus Earners To Repay In Full
Millions Face Pay Freeze - UK Into Deflation
Bailout Rewards Bank Corruption - Economist
China To Keep Buying US Treasuries
Geithner, Obama Bowing To 'Massively Corrupted' Banks
Geithner's Plan 'Extremely Dangerous' - Galbraith
Ellen Brown - Captured By The Debt Spider
Obamanomics - This Country Will Go Bankrupt
MT Ponders Return To Gold, Silver Dollars
60 Minutes To Obama 'Are You Punch Drunk?'
China Proposes Global Monetary Overhaul
Chinese Stockpiling Spurs Copper Price Rally
Global Drought Won't End Until Banks Are Fixed
Daimler Saved By Middle Eastern Wealth Fund
Daily Mail Cuts 1,000 Jobs As Sales Dive
Barky Appeals To 'Good Guys' Of Wall St (huh?)
Zombie Tim's $1T Toxic Derivative State Bailout
Down The Memory Hole - Alan Greenspan Style
Cook - Barky's Program Increases Bondage To Wall St
Americans Enraged By New AIG Bonus Revelations
Obama Should Note Growing Anger In America
Geithner's Bank 'Rescue' Not Enough
London Braces For Mass G20 Protests
Hopes Fading For Salvation At G20
G20 Warned Rage Will Sweep Globe
RBS Traders (Traitors) Hid Toxic Debt
UK To Stay In Deflation At Least Until 2012
WTC Silverstein Wants MORE - 4.55B Is Not Enough!
WTC's Silverstein Wants Taxpayer Bailout!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Rep. Waters presses Geithner on connections to Goldman Sachs
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Obama Seeks Expanded Power to Seize Firms
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Obama Seeks Expanded Power to Seize Firms
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Plenty of Rahm at the AIG Table
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Plenty of Rahm at the AIG Table
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Plenty of Rahm at the AIG Table
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More economic issues
FLASHBACK: Kremlin to Pitch New Currency...
S&P 500 Caps Biggest 10-Day Advance Since 1938...
A lasting rescue rally?
Oil climbs above $54 on stock market rally...
IMF: Economic crisis dire, risk of unrest and war...
UPDATE: 15 of top 20 AIG execs have given back all bonus money...
China Urges New Money Reserve to Replace Dollar
In another indication that China is growing increasingly concerned about holding huge dollar reserves, the head of its central bank has called for the eventual creation of a new international currency reserve to replace the dollar. Continue
Judgment Day for Geithner
By Mike Whitney
Insolvent financial institutions have to be taken into receivership and liquidated. Shareholders and bondholders will have to take a haircut. And Geithner, Summers and the rest of the White House banking fraternity will have to resign or be fired. Obama should mull over Albert Einstein's sage advice when he said, "The problems we face today cannot be solved by the minds that created them." Continue
America Is in Need of a Moral Bailout
By Chris Hedges
In decaying societies, politics become theater. The elite, who have hollowed out the democratic system to serve the corporate state, rule through image and presentation. They express indignation at AIG bonuses and empathy with a working class they have spent the last few decades disenfranchising, and make promises to desperate families that they know will never be fulfilled. Continue
Five Reasons Why Americans Won't Resist
By Mickey Z.
With the stakes never higher than they are now, why aren't activists ramping up the pressure and looking beyond tactics that are allowed by those in power? Here are my five guesses: Continue
Obama Envoy Richard Holbrooke Served On AIG's Board: Obama administration special envoy Richard Holbooke was on the American International Group Inc. board of directors in early 2008 when the insurance company locked in the bonuses now stoking national outrage.
Gregg: 'This country will go bankrupt': Even though he was almost a member of the new Obama administration, New Hampshire Republican Judd Gregg Sunday slammed President Obama’s approach to handling the country’s fiscal outlook.
China backs talks on dollar as reserve -Russian source: China and other emerging nations back Russia's call for a discussion on how to replace the dollar as the world's primary reserve currency, a senior Russian government source said on Thursday. Russia has proposed the creation of a new reserve currency, to be issued by international financial institutions, among other measures in the text of its proposals to the April G20 summit
How big a deal is the loss of the dollar's reserve status?: To answer this question, lets first calculate just how large are the dollar holdings of foreign governments. From the CIA’s world Factbook, below is a ranking of countries by reserves of foreign exchange.
Rescue Plan, With Some Fine Print, Dazzles Wall Street: This time President Obama directed some of the stagecraft. This time Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner fleshed out the substance of their long-anticipated program to remove banks’ toxic assets and revive the financial system. And this time the reaction was widely positive, giving the embattled Mr. Geithner a critically needed boost.
Geithner, Obama Kowtowing to "Massively Corrupted" Banks, Galbraith Says: Like it or not, many people seem to be resigned to the idea there's no alternative to the public-private investment fund scheme Treasury Secretary Geithner detailed this morning. That's hogwash, says University of Texas professor James Galbraith, author of The Predator State. Of course there's an alternative: FDIC receivership of insolvent banks.
Existing Home Sales Fall 4.6%: Home prices dropped 15% from the same period one year ago; Despite the price drop, sales fell 4.6%. How anyone can try to spin this as a positive is beyond my mathematical comprehension.
Real estate investors: ‘Tsunami’ still ahead: Unemployment will peak between 10 percent and 12 percent, according to professional real estate investors informally polled this week.
China To Keep Buying US Treasuries
Geithner, Obama Bowing To 'Massively Corrupted' Banks
Geithner's Plan 'Extremely Dangerous' - Galbraith
Ellen Brown - Captured By The Debt Spider
Obamanomics - This Country Will Go Bankrupt
MT Ponders Return To Gold, Silver Dollars
60 Minutes To Obama 'Are You Punch Drunk?'
China Proposes Global Monetary Overhaul
Chinese Stockpiling Spurs Copper Price Rally
Global Drought Won't End Until Banks Are Fixed
Daimler Saved By Middle Eastern Wealth Fund
Daily Mail Cuts 1,000 Jobs As Sales Dive
Barky Appeals To 'Good Guys' Of Wall St (huh?)
Zombie Tim's $1T Toxic Derivative State Bailout
Down The Memory Hole - Alan Greenspan Style
Cook - Barky's Program Increases Bondage To Wall St
Americans Enraged By New AIG Bonus Revelations
Obama Should Note Growing Anger In America
Geithner's Bank 'Rescue' Not Enough
London Braces For Mass G20 Protests
Hopes Fading For Salvation At G20
G20 Warned Rage Will Sweep Globe
RBS Traders (Traitors) Hid Toxic Debt
UK To Stay In Deflation At Least Until 2012
WTC Silverstein Wants MORE - 4.55B Is Not Enough!
WTC's Silverstein Wants Taxpayer Bailout!
Trump wants green card applicants legally in US to hand over social media profiles Trump administration’s blockchain plan for USAID is a r...

"Multiple indications of vote fraud are beginning to pop up regarding the New Hampshire primary elections. Roughly 80% of New Hampshire...
Here Are 4 Facts From Democratic Memo That Destroy Trump’s FBI Conspiracy Democratic Memo Missouri governor to be investigated by a spec...