Dems in senate scrap...
Obama defends delay in response to AIG bonuses...
Defends tax plan on charitable giving...
'Heartbroken' over homeless...
Rejects China's call for new global currency...
'Super Currency' Call Shows Dollar Concern...
Fed to Start Buying Treasuries in $300 Billion Plan to Cut Borrowing Costs...
European Central Bank resists rush to print more money...
We've run out of money, no more stimulus...
Officials seek new power over financial companies...
Geithner Plan Will Rob US Taxpayers
By Reuters
The U.S. government plan to rid banks of toxic assets will rob American taxpayers by exposing them to too much risk and is unlikely to work as long as the economy remains weak, Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz said on Tuesday. Continue
Geithner Update
Bend Over and Say, "Uncle Sam"
By Mike Whitney
Here's what everyone needs to know: The US government (you) will provide up to 94 percent of the financing (low interest, of course) for dodgy mortgage-backed assets that no one in their right mind would ever buy so that wealthy and politically-connected banksters can scrub up to $1 trillion of red ink from their balance sheets. Ugh! Continue
China to Keep Buying Treasuries, Top Official Says : China’s top foreign-exchange official said the nation will keep buying Treasuries and endorsed the dollar’s global role, supporting the U.S. as the Obama administration increases spending to revive growth
Geithner Asks Congress for Broad Power to Seize Firms: Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner today told Congress the administration will seek unprecedented power to seize non-bank financial companies whose collapse could jeopardize the economy, a move Geithner said would have allowed the government to bail out insurance giant American International Group at a far lower cost to taxpayers.
Freeze $1.5 Qaudrillion Derivs As First Step To Recovery
National Service Bill Clears Senate Hurdle
IMF - Economic Crisis Will Engulf The World
China Calls For New Reserve Currency
China Considers Paper Gold Instead Of Dollar
Fears Of Record Hedge Fund Withdrawals
Savers Pull Money As Returns Deteriorate
Markets Buoyed By Fed $1T Bank Bailout
Barky Bribes Investors To Buy $1T Toxic Debt
Obama, Geithner Gambling With US Reputation
9 AIG Top Bonus Earners To Repay In Full
Millions Face Pay Freeze - UK Into Deflation
Bailout Rewards Bank Corruption - Economist
China To Keep Buying US Treasuries
Geithner, Obama Bowing To 'Massively Corrupted' Banks
Geithner's Plan 'Extremely Dangerous' - Galbraith
Ellen Brown - Captured By The Debt Spider
Obamanomics - This Country Will Go Bankrupt
MT Ponders Return To Gold, Silver Dollars
60 Minutes To Obama 'Are You Punch Drunk?'
China Proposes Global Monetary Overhaul
Chinese Stockpiling Spurs Copper Price Rally
Global Drought Won't End Until Banks Are Fixed
Daimler Saved By Middle Eastern Wealth Fund
Daily Mail Cuts 1,000 Jobs As Sales Dive
Barky Appeals To 'Good Guys' Of Wall St (huh?)
Zombie Tim's $1T Toxic Derivative State Bailout
Down The Memory Hole - Alan Greenspan Style
Cook - Barky's Program Increases Bondage To Wall St
Americans Enraged By New AIG Bonus Revelations
Obama Should Note Growing Anger In America
Geithner's Bank 'Rescue' Not Enough
London Braces For Mass G20 Protests
Hopes Fading For Salvation At G20
G20 Warned Rage Will Sweep Globe
RBS Traders (Traitors) Hid Toxic Debt
UK To Stay In Deflation At Least Until 2012
WTC Silverstein Wants MORE - 4.55B Is Not Enough!
WTC's Silverstein Wants Taxpayer Bailout!
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