Monday, March 23, 2009

More economic issues

CBSNEWS Kroft to Obama: 'Are you punch-drunk?'... Developing...



Obama will call for increased oversight of 'executive pay at all banks, Wall Street firms and possibly other companies'...

Orlando 'Tea Party' rally draws thousands...
CITI, BANK OF AMERICA, JPMORGAN Chiefs Criticize Limits on Bonuses...

Agenda on track despite worsening deficits...

$9.3 trillion in next 10 years...

Highest ratio to GDP since 1940s...

Didn’t We All See This Coming?

By Timothy V. Gatto

This isn’t the first time that capitalism has failed. Every time it fails we use a form of temporary socialism to shore up the economy. When things start to return to normal, we give everything back to the capitalists. Why is that? Continue

If We Bail Out the Banks, Why Shouldn't We Own Them?

Sliding Down in Anger

By Saul Landau

"It’s worse than you can imagine,” a Member of Congress confided to me, referring to the downward spiral of the economy. “We just gave all those hundreds of billions to the bankers so they would lend it and they didn’t lend it and they still want more. The bankers don’t know what they’re doing and Tim Geithner [Treasury Secretary] doesn’t know what he’s doing. We all know this is the worst economic slump of our lifetime.” Continue

Keith Olbermann's "Special Comment" on Bank Bailout


Olbermann calls for the firing of bank executives and more stringent bank regulation. Continue

Launching Lifeboats Before the Ship Sinks

By Paul Craig Roberts

The New York Times reported that “the dollar plunged about 3 percent against other major currencies” in response to the Fed’s announcement. Continue

U.N. Panel Ways World Should Ditch Dollar

By Jeremy Gaunt, European Investment Correspondent

A U.N. panel will next week recommend that the world ditch the dollar as its reserve currency in favor of a shared basket of currencies, a member of the panel said on Wednesday, adding to pressure on the dollar. Continue

Captured By The Debt Spider

By Ellen Brown

If governments everywhere are in debt, who are they in debt to? The answer is that they are in debt to private banks. The "cruel hoax" is that governments are in debt for money created on a computer screen, money they could have created themselves. Continue

The Big Takeover


The global economic crisis isn't about money - it's about power. How Wall Street insiders are using the bailout to stage a revolution. Continue

Myth America

By Cindy Sheehan

Since this country was founded, it has been governed, or controlled by the Robber Class. Some people call our “Lords,” the Ruling Class, the Oligarchy, the Kleptocracy, or Plutocracy. Some call our system Cronyism, a Democratic Tyranny, Soft-core Fascist State, or if you are a member of the Robber Class or Blinded Robbed Class, you call it a Democracy, or Republic. Continue

Venezuelan army 'seizes ports': The takeover, which was approved by the country's parliament, aims to bring the country's major transportation hubs under federal control this year.

AIG bonus payments higher than reported: US insurance giant AIG has paid out $218 million in bonuses-- a figure higher than previously reported -- after accepting bailout out cash.

March 19, 2009

USA Has Two Options To Save its Economy:

Declare Default or Trigger War

By Ekaterina Yevstigneyeva

According to experts’ estimates, the probability of default on US treasury bonds is very high at the moment. The rumors are not new at all. Moreover, experts say that the USA has already started to work on an opportunity to refuse from the dollar in order to avoid debt payments. Continue

We're on The Verge Of A Major Crisis : Ron Paul


Ron Paul discusses the AIG bonus controversy. Continue

Barack Obama and the Altar of Greed

By David Michael Green

Barack Obama is dumber than a bag of hammers. Continue

Obama’s Moment is Passing Quickly

By Dave Lindorff

He should promptly demand Geithner's and Summers' resignations, and should also fire the CEO of AIG, Edward Liddy (as 80% owner of AIG, the US has the power to do that anytime). It would also be a good idea at the same time to fire the CEOs of all the leading banks that are at this point surviving on government bailouts. Continue

Sarkozy under pressure as 'millions' take to streets: As many as three million people took to the streets across France today to protest against President Nicolas Sarkozy's handling of the economic crisis and demand more help for struggling workers.

Rapid Declines in Manufacturing Spread Global Anxiety: That manufacturing is in decline is hardly surprising, but the depth and speed of the plunge are striking and, most worrisome for economists, a self-reinforcing trend not unlike the cascading bust that led to the Great Depression

At Failed Firms, No Bad Deed Goes Unrewarded: "Banks get bailed out and people get sold out!" yelled janitors, hotel workers, security workers and others pounding on makeshift drums outside a Wells Fargo bank in San Francisco.

Mortgage Rates May Fall to WWII Low on Fed Purchases : U.S. mortgage rates may fall to the lowest since World War II on the Federal Reserve’s plan to buy up to $300 billion of Treasuries and increase purchases of mortgage-backed bonds.

Fed to Buy Treasurys is Not a Good Sign: Stephen Roach, chairman for Asia at Morgan Stanley does not view the Fed's plan to buy $300 billion worth of long-dated government debt as a constructive sign for prospects going forward. He explains why to CNBC's Amanda Drury.

U.S. unemployment rate likely around 9.5 percent: think tank: The U.S. unemployment rate was probably around 9.5 percent, comparable to the jobless rate in 1982 if adjustments were made to factor in demographic changes and undercounting, a think tank said on Thursday.

Consumer prices rise 0.4 percent in February: U.S. consumer prices rose in February by the largest amount in seven months as gasoline prices surged again and clothing costs jumped the most in nearly two decades

G-20 Must Freeze $1.5 Quadrillion Derivatives Bubble

Americans Enraged By New AIG Bonus Revelations

Obama Should Note Growing Anger In America

Geithner's Bank 'Rescue' Not Enough

London Braces For Mass G20 Protests

Hopes Fading For Salvation At G20

G20 Warned Rage Will Sweep Globe

RBS Traders (Traitors) Hid Toxic Debt

UK To Stay In Deflation At Least Until 2012

Thomas Jefferson's Warning

WTC Silverstein Wants MORE - 4.55B Is Not Enough!

WTC's Silverstein Wants Taxpayer Bailout!

KS, CO, GA Banks Shut As Losses Mount

More Consumers Just A Paycheck From Ruin

US Banks Lost $32 Billion In Fourth Quarter

Kremlin Refuses To Bailout Russian Oligarchs

'Heckuva Job, Timmy' - Barky On Geithner

Renault Brings Production Back To France

Collapsing Markets Expose 'Ponzimonium'

Brown's Globalist G20 Dream Fades

100% Bonus Tax Rate Could Ruin US Banks

Death Threats - AIG Warns Staff Travel In Pairs

British Bankers On Merrill Bonus List

Banker Fury Over Tax 'Witch Hunt'

Fitts - The Data Beast

US Seizes Top Credit Union Clearing House

Americans In Denial About The Wall St Psychopaths

How To Fix The Economy

The Easy Days Of Wall St Are History

China Can't Pull World Out Of Recession

China's Western Shopping Spree

G20 - Do What We Say, Not What We Do

UK Car Production Slumps 60%

Images Of Protest Of Bankster Theft In Asia

China Backs Russia On Ending Dollar As Reserve

Treasury Throws $5B To Auto Suppliers

The Mother Of All Depressions

Spitzer - AIG Counterparty Payments Is The Big Problem

Dirtbag Dodd Caught In AIG Bonus Lie

Fitts - Tax Time Covert Ops

U.S. Stocks, Dollar Down, Commodities Race Higher

Oil Prices Hit New 2009 High As Dollar Falls

Britain's Budget Deficit Hit New Record

Bank Chiefs Buy Only £1,500 Shares Since Sept

Why Tax Havens, Bank Crisis Are Linked

France Braced For Huge Street Protests

Sarkozy Warned Of Class War

Federal Reserve Plan Stuns Investors

Fed Now In High-Risk Inflation Game

Fannie Mae Chiefs In Line For HUGE Bonuses

AIG Will Not Exist In Four Years

Obama Moves To Take AIG Heat Off Geithner

Madoff's Accountant Faces Fraud Charges

China's Thumbs Down To Coke Worrying

Hang The Bastards

'Stimulus, A Debtors Lament' By FloWhite - Vid

Gold Rises 4% On Fed Announcement

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