Thursday, November 02, 2017

Everything bad about the Trump Administration

Everything bad about the Trump Administration:
Nepotism, cronyism, conflicts of interest, corruption, fraud,money laundering, incompetence, stealing, hipocracy, lying, personally profiting off of the America people in violation of the Constitution, perjury

 from the American people

Does Trump Profit from things he sets policy on:
Oil , pharmaceuticals, Agriculture, Sending diplomats to Trump Hotels,
We will never know until he releases his Tax returns.

Bad mouthing, calling people names, bullying, lying is not the way to make a deal with people.

First he came for the EPA
Then he came for Education
Then he came for Health Care
Then he came for Trans in Military
Then he came for DACA Recipients
And now he has come for Elephants

One of the things Trump does is act as if nothing he has said or done in the past is at all relevant to his words and actions in the present. It’s beyond hypocrisy, it’s like malicious amnesia.

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