Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Things that have changed since Trump took office

Things that have changed since Trump took office:
1. NSA warrentless wiretaps re-enabled.
2. The ability to sue Banks and credit card companies has been lost.
3. Healthcare advertising has been defunded.
4. Civil asset forfeiture laws re-enabled.
5. Net Neutrality  disabled.
6. Program placing service dogs with wounded veterans told to vacate offices at military facilities.
7. Mortgage Interest Deduction goes away.
8. Medical expense Deduction goes away.
9. Health Care Insurance deduction  goes away.
10. Draft started for women.
11. Conducting foreign policy  via Twitter.
12. Blogger with no legal experience appointed to Federal Judgeship.
13. Refuses to enforce Congressional sanctions against Russia.
14. Appointed people to positions who are clueless about what their position entails.
15. Every phone conversation in America is now recorded.
16. Removed protection for women in workplace.
17. Hate crimes are on the rise.
18. Reverse ban on Elephant Trophies.
19. Reverse Cuba policy.
20. Warrentless searches now allowed.
21. appointed radio talk show host Department of Agriculture’s chief scientist.
22. nobody at all as White House science adviser.
23. Gutting Consumer protection agency.

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