Thursday, December 07, 2017

Clean out all the perverts

$17 million paid out in 264 settlements over 20 years. 
Are we really going to let Rep. Conyers be the only one 
to take the fall for the all of Congress? These are the 
people who make our laws; They should be the first be held accountable. 
Maybe Weinstein is a distraction from them?

The average settlement is $64k but Conyers' victim only got half that, so one has to wonder if the incidents are typically more egregious. He's not even going to jail.
People keep bringing up Trump's allegations, but I wonder if we could get more promising impeachment vote totals if we cleaned out some of the rats first.

Every elected official who used taxpayer money to secretly pay off sexual assault victims should be thrown out of office, all government benefits cancelled and then sued for all illegal activities they are complicit in.

Unseal the deals! I think they will have to. Too much pressure right now with everything happening so fast. We'll know the names soon enough. I have faith in that. Anyone who votes against this will be seen as an enabler.

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