Thursday, December 07, 2017

Imigration Thoughts!

If our legal immigration system worked correctly, allowing people in who wanted to work and not got through mountains of red tape, the illegal immigration problem would be significantly reduced or nonexistent. Immigrants aren't taking jobs from Americans, immigrants are taking the jobs Americans don't want to do. Legal immigration now has so much red tape that it can take years to just get the ball rolling, let alone get a green card. I have several friends from Canada and Russia that have been trying  get green cards for more than 10 years, so long that they said fuck it and went home, taking their established companies and jobs home because of the red tape.

Identity fraud is the biggest enabler of illegal immigration, because if immigrants could not work "legally" they would not come or stay. If there was an Identity system based on several things including Social Security number and Bio-metrics like fingerprints or Iris scans that could not be duplicated was in place and workers could be completely verified  it would cut the incentive for Identity fraud. Immigrants who want to work under the table could still do so, but Illegal immigrants trying to use Identity fraud would be weeded out and returned home.

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