Tuesday, January 11, 2022


 Jeffrey Epstein, was/is a deep-state intelligence operative, tasked with gathering vital intel on anyone, or any entity, that could later be used as leverage, or blackmail, against corporations & high profile/powerful individuals.

Anthony S. Fauci, MD, NIAID Director, has been destroying the lives of North Americans for over 40 years, by granting big-pharmaceutical corporations the ability to enslave human beings with harmful, synthetic drugs that keep people sick, & dependant on the system. Remember this.

Congress Must Pass Federal Data Privacy Law to Protect Democracy

Trump's potential liability for Capitol riot faces major test in court

Alan Dershowitz Asked Trump to Preemptively Pardon Maxwell

Everything is backwards. Doctors destroy health. Lawyers destroy justice. Psychiatrists destroy minds. Scientists destroy truth. The media destroys information. Religions destroy spirituality. Governments destroy freedom.

Slavery was never abolished... think you are free?

The absolute real conspiracy:
anyone that is not a part of the "club" is basically a club-owned slave, and he doesn't even realize it.

Imagine this, if any entity other than your self can mandate anything on you, especially something that you are not willing to do, and actually also have the means to coerce you by threatening your livelihood or access to things that meant to be basic human rights (some of them are even paid by your tax money!) etc.. it basically means, that somebody OWNS you (or at least that is how "they" see it), you do not have control over subjects that should be above all your personal choice (e.g. bodily autonomy) - somebody owns your body, you are a slave, a disposable robot that is being used and abused as your owners see fit - and the BIGGEST thing is that most are not even aware of this.

The best slaves are those who think they are free, slavery was never abolished - it was just extended to include everybody, and profits extended to not only the labor of said slaves, but even making them finance their own shacks, pay taxes and duties to the same slave masters who enslaved them to begin with, and making sure generational wealth is something that will be out of those people reach by taxing the crap out of every possession they have and infest their lives with various of "crisis" that will make them lose everything or at least some of what they have earned and worked towards.

I never thought of it deeply, until those illegal jab mandates came about, then I was like "wtf! why would ANYBODY other than my self, should have any decision or upper hand on what I get into my body... unless those people believe that they are the owners of my body, and they are and always did thought of me as their slave - do as you are told!! or else.."

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