Monday, October 31, 2022


Happy Halloween


Pelosi attack shocks country on edge about democracy threats...
Follows years of GOP demonizing Nancy...
Dems lash out...
Highlights rising risks to lawmakers...
'Somebody is going to die'...
Sordid past of assailant...
Filled blog with delusional thoughts... The QANON posts...
Journalists 'should be dragged straight out into street and shot'...

Nude Activism...
NEWSMAX Host Questions If Staged...

Is Trump The Christ?


Rush to deny employees stock grants...

'Created Own Hilarious Nightmare'...

Platform Roils With Venom as Trolls Test New Limits... Increase in N-word...

Islamic hate preacher returns...

Plans Clash With EU Content Rules...

Elon and Zuck show just how expensive power can be...

Russia army could soon lose will to fight... More signs invasion unraveling...


Vlad laughs like movie villain after apocalypse threat...

Kremlin accused of 'weaponizing food' in halt of Ukraine grain deal...

'Media literacy' advocates push to create savvier consumers of news...

The sleeper county that could decide Senate...

Obama offers closing message as political tensions rise...

FL Republicans register 9 new voters for every 1 new Dem!

Oz-Mastriano: Awkward pair atop PA ticket...

DeSantis-Trump feud set to explode after rally snub?

Scandal-Plagued MAGA Candidate Has Even More Wild Secrets...

Cruz barnstorms to boost conservatives and self...

Election deniers already disrupting the midterms...

TV Prepares for Chaotic Night...

BREAKING: AOC calls on Justice Clarence Thomas to RESIGN or face impeachment. Reply with a ‘Yes’ if you agree with her!
Lauren Boebert: “There will never be another President Trump.”

U.S. facing diesel shortage, prices likely to spike

5,113+ Nukes across America in addition to 12,000 stored in at least 23 countries & 5 US territories?!

Translation of Dimitrov’s “Masonic lodges are a national danger”

Do you think Vladimir Putin will open a bottle of champagne if MAGA Republicans take back control of Congress?
It seems amazingly difficult for the MAGA Right simply to say the following five words: We are against political violence.

Churches Are Breaking the Law by Endorsing in Elections, Experts Say. The IRS Looks the Other Way.

Reminder: left vs right is an illusion

Noticing almost every top post today is “the left” this or “the right” that

Any time you hear someone start a sentence with “the left” or “the right” it is a shill who is designing their words to dehumanize half of the population and push an agenda

These “wings” are illusions. People’s belief structures exist on a spectrum and the only ones who can be categorized in these tiny little boxes are either paid to do so or are entirely brainwashed

We are all humans. Finding the closest thing to the truth of our reality is all that matters regardless of what “side” discovers it first.

The next time you hear Elon Musk talk about “freedom,” beware. When billionaires justify their motives by using freedom, what they actually seek is freedom from accountability.
Hey Qrackheads - if you’re upset that Elon “caved to the leftist mob” by deleting his conspiracy theory tweet, you should know - he’s playing you for fools. He’s not on “your side”. He’s not one of you. He’s a self-obsessed bored rich man with serious inadequacy issues. Idiots.
Antisemitism is hate – it’s not ‘free speech’. Racism is hate - it’s not ‘free speech’. Misogyny is hate - it’s not ‘free speech’.
Debunking 4 myths about inflation: 1) Inflation is not being driven by wage increases. 2) Corporate profits are one of the main drivers. 3) Aid to people during the pandemic did not overheat the economy. 4) Inflation is not the result of President Biden’s policies.

Apparently it's legal to threaten voters with an assault rifle as long as you don't give them a bottle of water

Dinesh D'Souza is a convicted felon who plead guilty to violating FEC laws after he donated to a GOP candidate under multiple aliases. Then, Trump pardoned D'Souza -- so to return the favor -- D'Souza made a conspiracy film "2000 Mules" which falsely claimed Trump won in 2020:

Let's be clear. There are two enemies of democracy in the upcoming midterms: Election deniers, undermining our faith in democracy. And big money from corporations and the ultra-wealthy, undermining Americans' faith that our system is fair. We must fight both.

The timing of Elon’s takeover was planned. Midterms people — stay focused !

Chief Twit “Rocketman” is retweeting conspiracy theories again. He’s not going to stop until he turns Twitter into 4-Chan.

That story about Pelosi's husband having a secret gay lover would have been more believable if he was a Republican lawmaker.

Elon Musk is apparently having his own tweets removed by his own platform for pushing conspiracy theories? Idk where The Onion ends and reality begins anymore.


  DHS Scraps Ban on Surveillance Based on Sexual Orientation the_news_america 2h Most educated states in America: 1. Massachusetts: 🔵 2. Ve...