Friday, October 28, 2022



Paypal quietly slipped the $2500 back into its user agreement.

Republican Party lost core supporters after the attack on Capitol

Scientists discover exotic quantum state at room temperature

Russian Foreign Ministry: U.S. satellites could become targets of attack if used in the conflict in Ukraine

Tesla faces U.S. criminal probe over self-driving claims, sources say

Kanye didn't know what he was getting himself into. Here's Woodrow Wilson laying it down 110 years ago.

"Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.

They know that America is not a place of which it can be said, as it used to be, that a man may choose his own calling and pursue it just as far as his abilities enable him to pursue it; because to-day, if he enters certain fields, there are organizations which will use means against him that will prevent his building up a business which they do not want to have built up; organizations that will see to it that the ground is cut from under him and the markets shut against him. For if he begins to sell to certain retail dealers, to any retail dealers, the monopoly will refuse to sell to those dealers, and those dealers, afraid, will not buy the new man's wares. —Woodrow WilsonThe New Freedom, 1913

Sometimes I feel like I could just smack most people in the face and when they ask why I did that, I'd just say, 'Did what?' then deny that I ever hit them. I have a suspicion that after the sting went away, I could convince most that it didn't happen.

How Google Alerted Californians to an Earthquake Before It Hit

Paypal’s Objectionable Terms Are Back, $2500 Fines For Content They Don’t Like

The days of cheap music streaming may be numbered

Texas Goes Permitless on Guns, and Police Face an Armed Public

Election Day Nov. 8 -- but legal challenges begin...

GDP accelerates at 2.6% pace; Better than expected...

Once-in-Generation Wealth Boom Ends for Middle Class...

Mortgage Rates Hit 7.08%, Highest in More Than 20 Years...

Russia Warns of Attacks on American Satellites...

Moscow Has Second Frontline Just to Kill Deserters...

USA plan to update nukes in Europe...

Musk Will Face Early TWITTER Challenge: Preventing Advertiser Flight...

'Cannot become free-for-all hellscape'...

FACEBOOK Rout Boots It Out of World's Top 20 Stocks...


Zuckerberg Wealth Wipeout Hits $100 Billion!

Urged to Slash 17,000 Jobs...

Tech's Biggest Companies Send Worrying Signals About Economy...

Katzenberg Predicts Biden vs Trump 2024 Rematch...

The Don's Sweet Revenge in Second Term...

How Lindell's Pillow Business Propels Election Denial Movement...

Florida takes $51,000,000,000 more dollars from the federal government than it produces in taxes. That’s called a welfare state. New York gives $22 billion more than it receives back. That’s called solvency. Republican economic policy is flawed
Mike Pence declares that Americans have no right to 'freedom from religion' That sounds exactly like something a Talibangelical Terrorist leader would say
BREAKING: The GDP in the United States grew 2.6 percent last quarter, better than expected. No recession!! What are MAGA Republicans going to talk about now?
If given power - Congressional Republicans will drive inflation UP and add to the deficit by cutting taxes for the rich & large corporations. They’ll increase the cost of prescription drugs, health insurance & energy bills. They say they want to HELP American families? Bullshit.

Trump's 'Big Lie' Allies Like to Talk about It Everywhere but on the Stand in Georgia

Shell reports $9.5 bln profit, plans to boost dividend

Christians rush to defend Christianity (tribalism)without really reading the Bible in its entirety!They choose the parts they want to believe and the rules they want to follow! Making up shit to believe the way they want it to be is more the truth!

Energy costs are skyrocketing but in better news Shell is on track to have its most profitable year since 2008.

Hillary Clinton claims Republicans are planning to "Literally Steal the next Presidential election"

Georgia Mail Truck Reportedly Carrying Dozens of Absentee Ballots Goes Up in Flames – Close-Up Photos Of The Vehicle Reveal Something Really Important (Photos)

Hunters laptop exposed the Biden Crime Family

Astrophysicists make observations consistent with the predictions of an alternative theory of gravity

EMP attack or something less sinister??

My partner works for a large American aerospace company in the UK. They have just had what can only be described as an electro magnetic pulse go off. The whole plant went dead including mobile phones etc, the place is in real dissaray, still. Am concerned this could be something sinister, does anyone have any news of something similar or advice??? FORGOT TO ADD ITS AN AMERICAN MILITARY AIRCRAFT PLANT.

I went to a Vineyard that fed the homeless once a week. Gave them haircuts, sleeping bags, box lunches to take home. We made them a very hefty dinner each week. We would go downtown and cops would chase us. They arrested the woman 👩 driving the Van…
What kind of a Doctor makes fun of a guy who had a Stroke?
People have been criticizing me for using the word "fuck" too much in my tweets, to which I say fuck you and the fuckety fuck fucking horse you fucking rode the fuck in on, you fuck. Also, fuck.

As Elon Musk's Twitter Buyout is Expected to Close, Feds Have Him Under 'Criminal Investigation'

Putin claims West seeks global domination by using Ukraine

Marjorie Taylor Greene says a GOP-led House will investigate companies that stopped donating to Republicans after the Capitol riot

Putin says world faces most dangerous decade since World War Two

Mike Pence, "Americans have no right to freedom from religion"

Happy Anniversary Shirley!

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