Friday, October 07, 2022



What the FBI took from Trump, according to an accidentally unsealed list

Jews who oppose Israel wars and the occupation of Palestine. A interview with Rabbi Josef Antebi (born in Hebron), who was tortured by Zionists.

Aldous Huxley outlined Great Reset and emergence of world government as early as 1958

Latest FBI homicide numbers OMIT New York, LA, and other high crime cities

OPEC cutting oil production just in time for election season in the US

Michigan library could close after town votes to defund it over 5 LGBTQ-themed books

4 family members kidnapped from California business found dead, sheriff says

Supreme Court takes case on content policing: Here's how a Section 230 ruling could impact social media


Impending Doom? USA Buying $290 Milion Worth Of Anti-Radiation Drugs...

Poland asks America to host nukes amid growing Putin fears...

Treasuries Liquidity Problem Exposes Fed to Biggest Nightmare...

The Saudis cutting oil production and driving up gas prices with just 4 weeks left until the midterms makes those stolen nuclear secrets all the more interesting don’t ya think. 🤔
What is the chance that Donald Trump asked his Saudi buddies to jack up oil prices to help the GOP in the midterm elections?
Mike DeWine won't debate Nan Whaley. Rand Paul won't debate Charles Booker. Jim Jordan won't debate Tamie Wilson. Why won't Republicans debate?

Court of Appeals just sided with the DOJ over Trump again. Didn’t even wait for the Supreme Court, because it presumably doesn’t expect the Supreme Court to take up the case. DOJ keeps winning, Trump keeps losing. Now let’s go put in the work to win the midterms!

Replying to
Oil is a commodity subject to speculation and market supply. Cutting 2 million barrels a day production will affect the per barrel price and it already has. That was exactly OPECs intent with their decision.
What do you want to bet trump sold some stuff to the Saudis and the Russians to coordinate the OPEC coordinated sabotage of the midterms. Pure evil
When Russia and Saudi Arabia raise oil prices, it helps the Republican Party politically. That is not a coincidence.
JUST IN: Elon Musk’s investors have just bailed on his Twitter purchase It’s off again 😂
Republicans oppose all abortions except those paid for by Herschel Walker.

MI GOP House candidate John Gibbs has advocated for repeal the 19th Amendment, arguing that women's suffrage made America a “totalitarian state." Now that’s true originalism for you. You do know the original Constitution sanctioned slavery?

To prevent the exposure of CCP’s hidden assets due to bankruptcy restructuring or reorganization, the CCP will step in and save Credit Suisse.

Trump’s Eerie Claim About Washington And Lincoln Sets Twitter Ablaze

After OPEC Move, Sanders Says US Must 'Eliminate Military Assistance to Saudi Arabia'

Liz Cheney SLAMS MAGA Republicans and Fox News for their pro-Putin views: "You look now at a growing Putin wing of the Republican Party. And you see news outlets like Fox News, running really have to ask yourself whose side is Fox on?"

BREAKING: Biden grants pardon for all federal convictions of simple possession of marijuana

Supreme Court poised to rewrite how social media confronts disinformation

Nord Stream operators: Authorities won't allow us to inspect damaged pipelines

US Refuses to Acknowledge Israeli Responsibility for Assassination of Journalist

Disturbing Proof the WEF and UN Are Quietly Deleting the Internet

Washington Post: Federal agents see chargeable tax, gun-purchase case against Hunter Biden

Russian elite voice growing anger as losses mount in Ukraine...
Internal power struggle, distrust...
White Flags Rising!
Intense videos show soldiers surrendering...
Winter nears -- and battle of stamina...
How Far Will Xi Go to Help?
Poland asks America to host nukes amid growing Putin fears...

Majority of GOP nominees reject 2020 election results...

MAP: Denialism has spread across country...

Cheney urges voters to reject candidates...

From 1989 to 2019, typical working families saw a negligible increase in their wealth. During the same time period, the wealthiest one percent got $29 trillion richer. When I say trickle-down economics is a hoax, this is what I mean.
So Lauren Boebert can have an abortion and Herschel Walker can pay for one but it’s ok with the MAGA Christian Evangelicals?????

Rep. Ilhan Omar
CEOs have seen their pay grow a whopping 1,460% since 1978. In that same time period, worker pay has grown just 18.1%. The problem is GREED.
Joe Biden pardons weed smokers. Donald Trump pardons swindlers and war criminals. any questions

Asking Saudi Arabia to raise the price of gas so your party can win a midterm feels like the sort of thing we should have a strong response to.
From unanswered questions about 9/11 & the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, to conspiring w/ Putin to punish the US w/ higher oil prices, the royal Saudi family has never been a trustworthy ally of our nation. It’s time for our foreign policy to imagine a world without their alliance.
Reminder: If we all had listened to President Jimmy Carter back then and put up a few solar panels, we could be importing zero oil from the kleptocracies of the world today.

Lindsey Graham’s national abortion ban has one exception. Republican’s mistress who gets pregnant.
After 8 years with Greg Abbott in office, Texans are now paying higher taxes than those in California.
Here are the facts: Crude oil prices are DOWN. And yet…gas prices are up. That’s because greedy oil companies are ripping you off. They are raking in record profits at your expense. I’m calling for a new tax on these corrupt oil companies to put money back in your pocket.
BREAKING: Donald Trump just told the DOJ he's going to make his supporters boycott all elections until they drop every investigation into his bank fraud, election fraud, espionage, and coup attempt.
I have heard what the GOP has to say going into the midterm election. And beyond a shadow of a doubt, I have never heard more lies and less facts than at any other time in my life. Scary close to 100% of their message is completely false. (And that’s with no Trump running too)

CIA Explains Consciousness, The Matrix, Meditation, Holograms, And Telepathy In Declassified Files

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