Sunday, January 07, 2024


Finally get to see it in print what I knew all along. Jeffery Epstein was a Mossad agent 

Today is the day!

Will you look at that, Big Pharma knows masks work so they don’t want you using them

X user claims he was at Bayside Marketplace in Miami and saw the creatures, cell phone cameras would not work

Trump posts 'God Made Trump' video on his Truth Social account

Epstein documents - with names uncensored - are continually being dropped, worth keeping an eye on

Trump Campaign Guided Michigan False Electors' Certificate Filing, Emails Reveal

Epstein's list, then suddenly a judge get attacked and aliens were seen?


He was an asset for Israeli Mossad and Maxwell in a blackmail ring on politicians and all those important. The fact Prince Andrew, trump bill Clinton etc still walk free despite the fbi seizing all the evidence and doing nothing proves how broken this system is. The system is so broken that banks were even involved. Such as jp Morgan chase bank. Chase bank was also aiding the Nazis during world war 2 and made Thomas mcKittrick their president after he worked for the international bank of settlements and was moving Nazi gold for Germany as was Prescott bush with Herbert Walker and Union banking corporation in new york(they were a Nazi front bank). Banks are to blame for so many crimes. There was also a judge investigating Deutsche bank connections with Epstein and a “fed ex driver” showed up to her door step and shot her son and husband then ran off and killer himself, movie esque style hit job. This case should be a huge wake up call to Americans but they by in large do not care. As long as we have our bread and circuses we stand by while governments and intelligence agencies traffick kids to politicians etc.

There was a similar but different fucked up case in Belgium during the 80s with a man named Marc Dutroux involving judges, cops, politicians etc and 20+ witnesses died mysteriously. The people of Belgium by in large took to the streets in tens of thousands and more. Now a days with Epstein we sit on our hands and point fingers and say “democrat” or “republican “ while they are both guilty of the unthinkable. Americans brag about democracy and being a free country yet don’t have the power to hold war criminals, mass murderers, terrorists in government, drug traffickers and sex traffickers accountable for their crimes. Disgraceful

House GOPer: I Won't Support Border Security Deal If It Helps Biden

It’s going to be interesting to see how many “Suicides” were tied to Epstein in the coming days.

Alina Habba Tells Justice Kavanaugh That It's Time To 'Step Up' For Trump

Pentagon assures dropping Depleted Uranium on enemies ain't carcinogenic

Assange Expresses Regret That WikiLeaks Can No Longer Expose War Crimes

Joe Biden just delivered the speech Democrats have been desperate for him to give

Defense secretary hospitalized for week -- without telling public!


Trump Shares Messianic Video About 'God' Sending Him To Save World...

Evangelical voters remain loyal as he violates Ten Commandments...

LABASH: Celebrating January 6?

Supremes to hear Colorado disqualification...

Attorney general denounces surge in threats to public officials...


How Epstein made his money; Big mystery at center of it all...

Befriended slew of scientists. New records contain allegation against one...

Fixer's Office Burglarized Hours Before Document Dump...

3rd round of docs released... Developing...

Wayne LaPierre resigns as NRA leader...

Supreme Court to decide if law requires some emergency room abortions...

N.Y. AG calls for $370 million fine against ex-President, lifetime real estate ban...

Hundreds of convictions, but major mystery still unsolved 3 years after Jan. 6...

Roger Stone Recorded Telling Associate to 'Abduct', 'Punish' Mueller Investigator...

Arrest footage of MAGA co-defendant provides glimpse into Jack Smith probe...

In his latest video clip, Trump claims he is the messiah. Mike johnson claims to be Moses. I am waiting to see who is gonna claim to be Virgin Mary!🤣
Trump just inadvertently made pretty much the strongest case ever for the 3 Justices he appointed to recuse themselves from this case.

‘Greedflation’ study finds many companies were lying to you about inflation

215 bodies found buried behind Jackson, Mississippi jail



Cheney urges NH primary voters to take stand against Republican 'cowardice'...

'Could Be Last Vote You'll Ever Cast'...

Trump posted the mother of all conspiracy videos, implicating the Clinton’s, WEF, Bush’s, Obama in conspiring against him. Even implies the Bush’s killed JFK. Wild!

Trump used four properties to accept $7.8 million from foreign governments, during his presidency — without congressional approval per Article I of the U.S. Constitution

Trump Calls On Supporters To Stop 'Bags Of Crap' Who Enter Polling Places

How death threats get Republicans to fall in line behind Trump

Voters Are the Last Line of Defense Against a Trump Dictatorship

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